How’s the World Cup doing for ya today? Well, surprise upon surprise the Swiss and Brazil tied: 1-1. Germany lost to Mexico 0-1, and Costa Rica lost to the Serbs. Yes again a titilizing score of 0-1. Wow, after 94 minutes of play. How can you not score on this:
In the 35th minute, Mexico scores which means nothing for over 93 minutes of play. Exciting stuff!
Iceland ties with Argentina 1-1. Whoa, another upset. Must have been all of that hot gas in Iceland. High pressure gas erupts during World Cup match with Argentina. Sweden over Peru in…you guessed it…another thrilling 1-0 score. Good gawd, it’s like watching paint dry.
Other stuff going on: The Weinstein legacy.
Having Learned Nothing, Democrats Turn to Hollywood for help in 2018 and 2020:

Yeah, like that’s real profound Hollywood. I’m going to listen to you and vote Trump for sure.”
From the School of “Head in the Sand” comes this:
“Of course Venezuelan socialism hasn’t failed because it has never been in place. This is just a fantasy of capitalism at work here.”
Capitalist Pigs!
Capitalist urban renewal shown as a new Disney attraction:
How to live like a socialist!
I hear Vancouver wants to adopt this model.
Bite the “Karma” hand that feeds ya
Love this headline from Entertainment News:
Something not heard or read very often, especially from the Guardian:
Love this:
Seeking racial balance, liberal advocates want to water down admissions standards at New York’s elite high schools.
“Yeah, diversity is our strength. Inclusiveness is a god given right. If one of us is stupid then all of us have to be stupid too. No question.” That is “Liberal” logic.
Ahhh, I don’t think so.
That’s all I wrote.
Song of the day: Gabriel won an award for this video