Polar Bears

Green police in Canada want to shut down any dissention dealing with climate change denial and deniers. They have gone to a government agency to force legitimate private individuals who question the reality of climate change from stating or saying anything that would go against the environmental narrative – misleading information about the real climate change dangers.

Image result for pics of polar bears in garbage dumps

Meanwhile the Greenies have just come out with a report that says that the Aurora Borealis is caused by climate change and is having a very serious impact on the health of Polar Bears. They can’t sleep. It seems that the northern lights keep the bears up all night. The situation is getting so bad that the bears are looking for relief in various garbage dumps strewn across the north. They are looking to the south for solutions.

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It appears that the same problem exists for the South Pole’s Aurora Australius. Seems that the Southern Lights are preventing both the Adele and the Emperor Penguins from having a good nights sleep. Never mind that it is dark in both regions 8 months of the year. Climate Change proponents want to pipe in Adele’s music to rock these babies to sleep. No, says one environmentalist group, Friends of Adele Penguins, that would only exacerbate the problem. They would go nuts, maybe turn gay, just like the two above.


From the it’s so obvious file: Could the Ontario government actually lose money selling pot once Trudope legalizes it? Huh?, Huh,? Huh?, Eh? Eh?


Here’s something the Greenies don’t want you to see. Windmills in Evanston Saskatchewan burst into flames and start massive wildfire. Bats and brush be damned. The Greenies came back with the fact that everyone knows that we can all expect more of the same due to climate change. You got that right.

See the source image

San Diego has begun a program to wash down city streets of the downtown core due to a homeless outbreak of Hep A caused by public pooping. It seems that city officials are raising a stink about the whole matter. That in addition to the high levels of Flatulence that exists in the Moonbat State, as a result of the State’s new legislation that calls for people to hold their breaths for a minute of every 5 minutes to reduce CO2 levels. “Nothing is working” one legislator was heard to say.  While holding their breaths it would appear that they cannot hold their end trails. Shit happens. Yes it does. A major San Andreas fault event cannot come soon enough.

What goes around comes……Germany prepared to force Poland to pay huge fines if they do not take in more refugees. Poland refuses to do so and has initiated legal action to force Germany to pay over $1 Trillion for compensation for WW2 atrocities and destruction of the Polish nation. Mutti retreats to Munich and to her favourite haunt to think about her next move:

Image result for pics of Merkel and octoberfest

No, not her!

Image result for pics of Merkel and octoberfestImage result for Pics of Merkel at octoberfest

“That’s better. Now if only I could think like these guys to solve this problem. Love their hats. How I love a man in uniform!”

See the source image

Opening ceremony of the North Korean Oktoberfest… 14 September 2018! It will be a very long ceremony.

Has the NYT gone completely mad?…………………YES.

Libs sick of the alt Left are taking the so-called “Red Pill.” We want to feel Alt right in the morning, about things in general!

Latest Darwin Award candidate.

Oh for those simple, innocent days.


That’s all I wrote. See ya.



2 thoughts on “Polar Bears”

  1. A magnet with sufficient attraction would perhaps lessen the danger of future military action. The Hermit kingdom would be left with only the Great Dictator to steady the ship of state.

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