At A Crossroad

The mask brigade:

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After all, we are just:

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Walk alone and carry a walking stick.

Our government is at a cross-road. A liberal conundrum.

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Let’s see. Corruption, or corruption, perhaps corruption. Which way should we go?

Image                                      Oh Lord, please give me direction.

Don’t matter. Canadians will buy into anything we do.

Masks do not work, or curtail Covid, so says a new study.

Masks work, curtails Covid, so says a new study.

WHO (Who?) visits China for 3 weeks but avoids Wuhan…like the plague. Remain in Beijing.

Curve was flattened months ago. Hospitals have not been overrun so why are we implementing draconian restrictions on our way of life and individual rights? What’s going on here folks?

100 new cases reported in BC. What isn’t answered or asked is “at what age, how many deaths?”

More people die of fentanyl laced drugs in BC in one month than total deaths from Covid 19. Over 500 deaths in the past 3 months alone.  What’s going on here folks? This is a major failure on the part of our health authorities. Yet no response.

Meanwhile day 80 of the continuous BLM riots in Portland. But the Blue Jays won over Baltimore!

Yes but I parred the 8th hole at Cowichan last week so life is good.

Happy mask day.


Give Me Some Lovin

The Los Angeles Clippers and the Los Angeles Lakers, led by superstar LeBron James, reportedly voted to boycott the rest of the NBA playoffs.

What a sham….according to Shams Charania, lead NBA writer for The Athletic, James walked out of a hastily-called players meeting when other team representatives said they would not join…who names their kid sham anyway…

Miami’s Udonis Haslem spoke and essentially told everyone in room that — without Lakers and Clippers, how will season continue? LeBron James walked out. Rest of Lakers and Clippers exited behind him,” Mr. Charania wrote.

Who on earth would name their kid...Udonis?

Of course:

But they can be broke enough. Let them eat cake…or MacDonalds…!

If this carries on then the only job these selfish, self centred dudes in weird shorts will be able to do will be at MacDonald’s.

And this is why I will not be coming back to watching or supporting sports for a very long time.

From the… Are you kidding me…? file comes this headline:

The Crap News Network. This is…….C.N.N

Another from the…You must be kidding file?…comes this:

A collaboration between a Chinese company and a Halifax research team aiming to carry out Canada’s first clinical trials of a potential COVID-19 vaccine has been abandoned amid rising tensions between the two countries.

The partnership between the National Research Council of Canada and CanSino Biologics was announced by the federal government in May.

A team at the Canadian Centre for Vaccinology at Dalhousie University was supposed to work with CanSino to run the first Canadian clinical trials for a possible COVID-19 vaccine. CanSino’s vaccine, called Ad5-nCoV, was already being run through human trials in China and has shown promising results.

Say that word…CanSino… really fast and you come up with:

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They are certain to make big bucks from this venture. It is a secret though.

Would you trust a vaccine that has been partially developed by a country that produces this:

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Those sweet and sour chicken balls look yummy.

Is the irony lost on anyone here:

Rioters attacking the police, assaulting residents and burning down stores are now crying for the police to stop the shooters in Kenosha.


One of the biggest diplomatic coups achieved by Trump and the US in recent years has been all but ignored by the liberal press. What you may ask? The Israeli – UAE accord, known now as the Abraham Accord. Yet hardly anyone knows of this because of the bring down Trump at all cost liberal media bias.

Have a great weekend. Read ya Monday.



Say No More

Made in 1965……..Scary!

The Tories blew it again. Electing Leslyn Lewis as the first black woman leader of the Conservative Party would have been a stroke of genius. But nope, they elect a Harper crony, an ex military Officer and a corporate lawyer. The Liberals are going to have a field day with this guy. Wait a minute, Erin O’Toole? I thought Erin was a girl’s name. If so then perhaps the voting delegates  were a tad confused.

We gotta get out of this place.




From the files of:


In a lengthy speech Thursday, Arreaza, Venezuela’s foreign minister, said the Canadian government was attempting to undermine Venezuela to take the nation’s wealth.

“Canada has been in the centre of these events and this means that they want to create the conditions in order to attack Venezuela, to invade Venezuela, because they want to take control of our country and its wealth.”

Attack? With what?

Our Canadian Air Force:

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Our Army:

And our Navy:

Venezuela? You should be very afraid, very, very afraid of the planned Canadian invasion:

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Canada’s strategic planning staff in 1955!

Canadian training video for the invasion of Venezuela:

Venezuela? You have nothing to worry about.


A Pirogue By Any Other Name

Check out the menu at the top of this page

Warning! Liberal Speak inbound

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told reporters on Tuesday that his government’s prorogation of parliament was opposite of what Stephen Harper and the Conservatives did in 2008. “Stephen Harper and the Conservatives prorogued parliament in order to shut it down and avoid a confidence vote. We are proroguing to bring it back on the same week it was supposed to come back anyway and to force a confidence vote,” said Trudeau shortly after announcing a new cabinet.


Because, we have had parliament closed now since March so our prorogue is much different than Harper’s prorogue because we want a confidence vote whereas Harper did not, hence his proroguement

Get it? Detect the liberal nuances here?

A prorogue is a prorogue is a prorogue. If my mother had four cheeze sticks for wheels she would be a cheeze pirogue.

Trudeau’s autocratic proclivities a clear and present danger to Canadian democracy – so says Diane Francis from the National Post. More…

Their initiatives include: $27.5 billion to build energy-efficient buildings; $49.9 billion to retrofit existing buildings; and a pledge to “jump-start production and adoption of electric vehicles,” which does not include a price tag, but is sure to be a hefty one.

When mixed with Trudeau’s continuing assault on Canada’s only engine of economic growth — the oil and resource sectors — the outcome is a foregone conclusion: Canadian taxpayers, who already pay some of the highest taxes in the world, will crumble or flee, along with their investors and employers.

On top of that, Trudeau also wants a guaranteed annual income, which will turn us into a nation of trust fund kids and tank the economy.

Of course Hazmat Singh and all of his NDP cronies are all in a tizzy over this one.

I say bring it on……………. Enjoy the decline Canadians. Me? I’ll be dead.

Imagine if this had been Trump or any other Conservative:


Inbound! Russian dictator speak

Doctors say condition of Moscow protest leader Navalny has stabilized, as Kremlin promises probe if traces of poison are found….so says Putin as he chows down on his Putine. “Man, this stuff will really kill ya.” he was heard to remark.


And here is a little gem I found.
