Lest we forget. That religion of Peace……..NOT!

VIMY Ridge Memorial: Commemorates battle for Vimy Ridge 09 April 1917. Canada’s baptism in fire and blood.

My Little ditty:
The Ridge
Reflection’s wise. Its true insight flies
Throughout our minds and forever binds us
To eternal life that is devoid of strife
Just peaceful thoughts, not restless, nor caught
Into that web of war to tread
Not normalcy! Pure madness bred our way to be
Yet as one we brand an ancestral land
As our spirits rise to embrace God’s sky
And shed away our fears.
Our thoughts of home as our mothers roam
Among our graves, their faces brave
To the sadness here of men with fear
Yet for our nation’s prayers we died out there
For a home sweet home, dear Canada
That knowledge bears a passion… flares
Within our hearts, to love; to shove
Our fears aside and run in stride
To get away from there
Over top we’d go in whistled throes
Then plunder us within gun sight foes
Such madness…crushed, our brothers flush
With abject fear with those guns so near
We’d pray in silence for our leader’s guidance
For in them we trust and as Canucks we thrust
So far ahead though we walked with dread
With the barrage we shudder, our blanket cover
Oh God we’re scared.
The earth it shakes… please mothers take us
Into your arms and away from harm
We’d fall in silence…no pride in violence
We looked ahead for behind ’s our dead
Their faces seared, no longer feared
Just a darkness now with thoughts that bow
To a light that’s gone, forever done
For now it seems our passion stream
Is ebbing some for our time has come
We fought for glory, each life a story
With silent breath we faced cruel death
Our youthful brash ‘gainst madness, crashed
Into the mud, the cold, the blood
That Ridge has been a horror scene
A Ridge that bears our lives and shares
Blood curdling chills, then silence… killed
And down we go with our cries now still
Just silent prayers to loved ones shared…so far from there
The death knell rings for our lives and brings
A peace you share from that Ridge out there
Is a peace we paved to our silent graves
And a peace we share in God’s love’s lair
We were men of arms, a brotherhood
Beyond that Ridge, your nationhood
With souls set free our spirits now see
Just peaceful lands and a national brand…your nation‘s free!
Yet horrendous loss this madness cost…Canadians!
Please…remember us
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