Caminoman Excerpt


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An excerpt:

‘I left the church and found the gîte, which was located near the
monastery of the church itself. Its large heavy alabaster colored oak
door creaked with age as it opened. The large open space inside was
exceptionally clean and functional with its array of bunks, showers
and a small, but functional kitchen. The small man I had seen at the
tourist office was there rummaging through the cabinets for whatever
items may have been left behind by other pilgrims. There were two
other pilgrims there as well. An older man who identified himself
as Laurent from Brittany, and the other man, Guy, who was slightly
younger, hailed from Paris. You could tell Laurent was a seasoned
hiker just by looking at him for he was well tanned and extremely fit
for his age. His facial features had a Marty Feldman like appearance
as his eyes bulged outward as if he was completely astounded and
surprised by everything that was going on around him. Such as
us! He also had an extremely large handlebar moustache that was
as white as new fallen snow. That, along with his thinning hairline,
gave away an age that was senior. ‘Laurent has probably done these
Caminos many times,’ I thought. He may be a “Caminoman” like Jos
Sollet, the asshole Dutchman I had encountered way back on day one
at the Vézelay Abbey. That seems like a different age to me now even
though it was only a few weeks back. Man, so much has happened
since then. So many people and experiences have crossed my path.
Guy, on the other hand, was tall and lanky, wiry even. Anorexic
would be an apt description of him. He was not athletic, having
a very pale, sickly complexion. Yet that may be how he presented
himself after days of slogging on the trail. Don’t know.


Suddenly, unexpectedly, the spoken French words. Loud and

“Sacrebleu, Sacrebleu, Mes amis. Mon Dieu, rien ici. Those madmen
French pilgrim men left nothing…nothing here. Mon Dieu.”
“Qu’est-ce que il y a monsieur. What’s up?”
“You can speak English Canadien. I understand.”
“How did you know I spoke English only?”
He looked at me as if he was a mad dervish and said in a deliberate
fashion. “Because monsieur, your French is very, very bad and…
and…” he paused for effect and pointed at my rucksack. “That is a
Canada flag…no?”
“Ah oui monsieur, so it is. My name is James…or Jim. Jim Morrison.”
Before he could retort with the obvious remark I said. “No, no, no
monsieur. He is dead. I am alive. No relation.”

He raised his eyebrows, tilted his head backward and examined
me. It was a comical pose as I was a good head taller than he was.
Hmmm, he said. “Je m’appelle Gil. Gil Tremblanc, avec un “C” et
non un “K” monsieur Jim “light my fire” Morrison.

He chuckled to himself, and then continued. The others ignored
him, but I had to watch.
“No food here. No lentils, no pasta, damn, Mon Dieu Jim “light
my fire” Morrison, nothing. I need some carbs. Pasta – spaghetti
or macaroni. Carbs monsieur. I need carbs if I am to survive…no
flourish, during this march. You can see I am very thin. I am always
hungry. What’s the odds monsieur? What are the odds of this to
occur? To have nothing here in the fridge…in the cupboards? Let
me think about that.” Mumbling to himself for a few seconds, he
looked up to the ceiling and shook his fist. “You, you, yes you, you
righteous pilgrim gawds are all the same to me. No food, no mercy
for us poor pélerins. What are the odds of this? Five to one, I am
sure of dat. Sacrebleu. Mon Dieu.”’

Buen Camino.

What Can Can Do?

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Watch this. It is long but explains very clearly what challenges Canada is facing.

Say all what you want about Trump but he resolved the hostage crisis with HAMAS before he assumed office. Biden, funny enough, with his lackey Blinken tried everything in their  power to undermine and sabotage every effort by Trump’s team to negotiate and solve the crisis. And that is a fact…jack. But to all those Canadians who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), Trump remains an existential threat to security and democracy and has to go. What does existential mean anyway? I don’t know. Do you?

Canada’s response to Trump’s trade 25% tariffs? Madness! We have idiots for Premiers. Only Danielle Smith, the premier of Alberta, sees reality for what it is and understands Trump’s motives. She does not support nor did she sign the Premier’s accord. She knows that Trump’s bombastic rhetoric is code for: NEGOTIATE. Trudough and his provincial premieric (sic) buddies are not happy. How bloody provincial(e) can you get?

An then there is this:

Trouble is that a great number of insecurity complex minded Canadians will take this seriously.

Liberal leadership race. “Mark Carney” is like a side show carney. Why is he the front-runner for the Liberal Leadership? Well he and Trudough and Freelunch are World Economic Forum sycophants. You know the “you will own nothing but you will be happy. That dystopian nightmare or the Great Reset which is code for totalitarian communism. It only makes sense that Trudough endorses Carney to relieve him. If nominated he becomes the de facto Prime Minister without being elected. How democratic is that?

If you think Trudough was bad for Canada well then Carney is Trudough on steroids. Carney has more radical enviro – mental views than Trudough and what makes him dangerous is that he is a well educated elitist.

Under the Liberal banner, Canada could become this:

Scene from Metropolis.

My morning prayer…repeat. Like the rosary I say this prayer every single day:

Dear Lord, please, please give us a new British-like music invasion. Hey, we’ll even take one from Canada. Please, please take Justin Bieber, Beyonce and Taylor Swift and give us a newer version of Led Zeppelin, The Stones…Beatles….ELO, anyone or any band or anyone person or group with real talent, and that doesn’t suck or sound the same. Please dear lord…PLEASE…Amen!

Have a nice day:

Great song by an great Canadian band: The Northern Pikes

Oh, and for those suffering TDS and want to avoid inauguration day comes this lefty med:



Image                                                                                    No wonder the leftist governments are going down in flames, like in California!

Heil To You Too.

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If everyone ‘s a Nazi then nobody ‘s a Nazi:

Canada’s Hill Times


The Hill Times, Canada’s most heavily subsidized lefty weekly, yesterday likened the election of a “Canadian” Conservative Parliament in 2025 to the “beginning of Nazi authoritarianism” in Canada. The newspaper earlier criticized Opposition Leader Pierre Poilievre for opposing subsidies to newsrooms like the Hill Times: “All we need is a Reichstag fire for our rights to be suspended and to never return to democracy without a fight.”

Heil Pierre! How ya doing.

If Hitler was alive today he would not be impressed. “No, Canucks, Ik sayz to you dat der iz only von me!  undt ik bin dode.”

According to the left there is a Hitler under every conservative rock, hiding behind every conservative tree and under every conservative bed. Here ‘s a Hitler, there ‘s a Hitler, everywhere ‘s a Hitler, Hitler.

Or, how about this little gem.

From Mel Brook’s “The Producers.” If you have not seen this gem of a movie, “zo git it undt vatch it.”

If that is the best the lefty Liberals in Canada can do then we are all doomed if the Liberal left in Canada ever come to power again.

Nasty Nazi lefties.

No, just a bunch of lefty pigs at the trough:

“They need a real good whacking.” Yes they do. An election in Canada cannot come soon enough.

And as an added bonus:




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Yes, really:

Oh, but he is a conservative so it must be true. Us liberals are just doing stretching exercises here. No story…move on.

Really? Yes really.

Journalists Horrified As Village People Perform Double Hitler Salute

Article Image


Israeli female hostages Romi, Emily, and Doron were kept in United Nations/UN shelters during their time in Hamas captivity. Read that again.


Yes, really. The United Nothings is just that. A nothing organization that harbours anti-Israeli terrorists and dictators of the world. Time to get out of this nothing organization.

Oh really? This Just-in:

If Trump wants a “golden age,” then “that will require more steel and aluminum, more critical minerals, more reliable and affordable energy, more of everything to run the American economy full steam ahead. Canada has all those resources and we stand at the ready to work with the United States to create a booming and secure North American economy.

This has been Danielle Smith’s approach all along.

Really. Butt, butt, but, there is no business case for that, so says Trudough and Trudough sought to characterize Smith’s approach as anti-Canadian, treasonous. Trudough has always been against Canada’s natural resource sectors: leave the oil, LNG and minerals in the ground. That is Trudough’s reality.

So says Canadian Chief Two Face.

Two faced! Really? You bet.

Hudson in Los Angeles in 2008 (Getty Images)

Garth Hudson, a Canadian from Windsor Ontario and the last remaining member of the Band dies, age 87.



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Nice! This is the new Canada, thanks to Trudough’s immigration, “diversity is our strength,” plan that is killing our country.

What are the authorities doing about this hate? Absolutely Nothing.

How do you spell deportation?… Montreal Canada, soon to be Toronto and Vancouver.

Mark my words Carney’s carney act:

From American Greatness:

“In 2022, Carney, along with his friend Michael Bloomberg, helped create GFANZ—the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero—an outgrowth of the UN’s COP26 meeting on climate change and one of the most powerful advocacy organizations pressing governments and businesses to abandon fossil fuels.  In 2024, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau formalized Carney’s advisory role with his government, naming him a special advisor and chairman of the task force on economic growth (something of which Canada has had very little for several years).

And now he wants to be the prime minister of Canada.

This past Thursday, Mark Carney announced that he is running to replace Trudeau as the leader of the Liberal Party, the prelude to running for Prime Minister. Despite never having held political office before Yet his politics and policies are less compatible with the zeitgeist (going down in flames) in the West at the moment than Mark Carney. People are fed up with leaders who favor open borders, social justice politics, and the economics of decline (as dictated by Net Zero energy policies). Carney practically embodies all of the above. He is, in so many ways, the wrong man, in the wrong place, at the wrong time. And yet…

One of two things will happen in eight weeks when the Liberal Party chooses its leader. Either Carney’s candidacy will fall flat, proving that he is too out of touch even for leftist Canadians, or it will succeed, proving that leftist Canadians desperately want to corroborate Mencken’s supposition that “democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.” If it’s the former, then perhaps Canada can resuscitate its near-depression-level economy and become a global energy leader again. If the latter, then…well…maybe President Trump has the right idea…Lol.”

My dream, whoever wins, is to take down Canada’s house of clowns and make our government more accountable to us. This next election could be one whose outcome could be one that comes around once in a lifetime.