Take This Job and…

I had to work and I had a multitude of jobs in those days as there was no paucity of opportunities for someone who wanted to work. Job descriptions were succinct, resume’s non existent:

“Wanted: healthy young males required for hard physical labour. No experience necessary. We will train. References not required: Call 555-5555. Note: Personnel with their own sledge hammers will be considered first.”

“Wanted: dish washers, waiters, waitresses, for a new catering service located in the west end. Uncle Sam’s Catering Service need’s you. Call 555-5555. First come, first served.”

“Wanted: Godfather’s Window Cleaning business is looking for some bright young individuals for our new start-up window cleaning company. Call 555-5555. Acrophobians need not apply. Transparency is crucial. Remember: at the Godfather’s window cleaning business: “We Wipe em Out.””

On and on it went. Get fired one day and have a job the next. It was that simple, that easy. In those heady non Internet, non Social Media and non Social Justice Warrior Days, no one gave a rat’s ass about political musings, posturings, leanings or hurt, frayed feelings.  As long as you could breath and had some smattering of workable English as in: “fucking pitch asshole,” you were hired. Unions ruled the roost, scabs were scattered. The working man was king. White collar was for whusses. You could progress upward if you had the smarts and ambition…