Day 6: Nevers to Mangy Coors

Today,s walk  is dedicated to Ruth, a good friend, who has been battling cancer with the support of her husband longer than anybody should have to.

Left Nevers at 0545am. Have to as the heat envelops you by 10am. Then it is impossible to go on. The walk was pleasant enough, with a cool early morning beeze and an eerily dull light that is prevalant in that transition between the darkness of night and the light of a new day, new beginnings. Unfortunately most of the walk was on pavement. Hard on the feet. Before I go on I must relate a few crazy things.

Crazy mistake: in Premerly I went to the Carrefour and bought a few items. I decided some cheese and a sausage was in order. At 9am all was good but by 1500 ( 3 pm ) in 42 C I had a cheese fondue brewing in my backpack with a swarm of flies buzzing around my head, like phirranas in heat. Trashed that quickly. Fool John!


Crazy man: in that same Carrefore, in their baggage, er baguette department, I met a crazy Dutchman (sorry Marijke ). He was old – like me, taller though and fit enough in a lanky, thin frame. He saw me sitting there drinking my litre of milk and approached me. In my face, his buldging eyes bore into my very being. I had to move back. His eyes reflected a madness that was only legitimized by his joker-like smile. And within 15 minutes I had his entire life story. His English was good so there was no mistake on my part. He had been a doctor and his most satisfying job had been as a cruise ship doctor. Amazing. So what on earth brings him to some small French village in the middle of no where France? I asked him. He looked at me, silence , as if confused then laughed and giggled with spittle spewing: “oh, oh, I must get back to my ship.” WHOAH!

I never really gave sunflowers much thought before. But during the early morning walk from Nevers, I came across fields and fields of them. These flowers are amazing. In the early morning light, before the sun begins to shine, these flowers, thousands of them, stand there upright, but with their heads bowed toward the east – every single one of them. Then, as the sun breaks though and rises above the easterm hills, magic occurs. Their heads come alive with joyous life. Their single rounded heads spring to life and rise to face the sun. You can actually witness natures sorcery. It was as if a thousand one eyed cyclops raised their yellow framed eye in unison and gave thanks to their sun god. I think I can understand Vincent Van Gogh,s fascination and inspiration with sunflowers. These flowers were probably the only living thing in his world that fulfilled him with the wonder of nature and thepresence of a higher power perhaps.

Passed a number of small villages – all at the top of a hill. I never seem to go down though, and arrived at Magny Cours, one of Frances F1 and motorcross circuits. Something was going as there was a great deal of noise in the air. But, like everything else in this beautiful land, everything was FERME! I guess the French of France really are keen on seeking a one and a half hour work week.

All for now.I apologize for the typos but that is what occurs when using an Ipad. Also, I tend to go back and forth in time. That is because so much info comes up later after my brain box cools down.

Singing this tune almost the whole way. Good thing nobody could hear me.o

2 thoughts on “Day 6: Nevers to Mangy Coors”

  1. Man the heat over there is worse than here, only hit 32C but we do have wildfire smoke now…. Maybe the Forest Fire Jihad has kicked in like in Greece. Good idea getting out early in the morning, have been going out and drywalling at 6 AM and coming home by 11 since by then we are burnt out.
    Sounds like you are toughing it out, stay hydrated and keep your hat on!

    1. 38 here today. It hasn,t been below 32 since I arrived 15 July. Highest was 44 last friday.

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