They Said

I am wifi dependant so I am behind a day so there are 2 posts: “Au Revoir Netherlands” and “They Said”

“Come to France”they said

”Come for a walk” they said

”Weather’s great” they said

”Fine  temperature” They said

”Take the train” they said

”In Paris” they said.

“It’s cheap”they said

”It, fast”they said.


They said,they said….. or so they said.


And what do I said?

”I came to France” I said.

”It’s 115 F in the shade” I said

”Sacre Blue” I said

“Or tabernac” I said

“So I get to Paris” I said

”For a king’s ransom”  I said

“At Le Gare de Nord” I said

”I took the metro train”I said

”Busiest in France” I said

”Packed in like stale fromage dans le croissant” I said

”Had a baguette”I said.

”Like biting into concrete”I said

”Tastes like parched papier” I said.

”Waited for a connection to Lourdes… for 3 hours”I said

” Not fast” I said

”15 hours later I arrived in  Lourdes” I said

”To walk up 700 meters to my hostel”I said

” So ma sewer. What do you say to that?”I said

“SACRE BLUE” was all they said!

“Tabernac” was all I said in my best Quebecois.  Lucky for me that they couldn’t understand me

So I said to my wife:

“Hey honey, guess what?”

“What dear.”

“I am going to Spain.”

“That’s nice dear.”

“And I’m going to walk 750 kilometers…”

“That’s nice dear.”

“….in 100 degree F heat. So w2hat do you think of that?”

“That’s nice dear…now take out the trash.”

8 thoughts on “They Said”

  1. Hello Mr. Morrison.
    I recently finished reading your book, Kurofune. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Very informative with an interesting story line. It moved me deeply at times and I appreciate the time you spent researching and creating it. I can only guess at the amount of work involved.
    Many thanks and may you stay healthy and keep writing.
    All the best,
    Derek Townsend

  2. Dad, Jeannie and I are thinking of you. We wish you all the best on your first day today. Love you! Kick some ass!

    1. Thxs Mike. Had a rough day today but made it to my first stop after 25 km. Hot, hot, hot here.


  3. With all that heat and walking you will be a mere shadow of your former self when you get back home. You may need to take a break and bulk up before coming back, do they serve Poutine over there?

  4. John,

    Cecile and I are enthralled with your journey. Cold beer must take on a whole new meaning in the devil’s anvil heat you are experiencing.


  5. Hi John: Just got on to the blog. I will catch up. So far, what an incredible journey you are on. Marijke would be proud.

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