Disgusting Activity

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Could it be?

A small, insignificant marginal occurrence

Having dramatic results downstream?

Like a butterfly in Kansas, fluttering in continuous motion

Its innocent natural presence sets the air in rotation.

The air around it becomes unsettled

And drifts and lifts and moves in a complex fashion

With humidity and heat, the air it rises

In cumulus form it passes

And drifts to storm clouds over the distant horizon

And with power and thrust it grows and grows

Into a chaotic fashion of explosive energy

Funneling up for no apparent reason

That initial innocence is now mature

And a thundering, destructive, emergent passion.


This is disgusting!

And what is our dear leader doing? He is a “Swifty” who is enjoying the concert.

Splitscreen of pro-Palestinian protesters in Montreal and PM Justin Trudeau at Taylor Swift's concert at the Rogers Centre in Toronto on Friday, Nov. 22, 2024.

You can be arrested in Canada for so called Islamophobia. Criticize HAMAS or support Anti-Semitism? No problem. Go for it.

We need leadership in this country. At all levels.

All funding to Universities that support this propaganda shyte must end. Arrest the Concordia perps and deport everyone of them if a non citizen or landed immigrant of Canada. If a citizen, record and publish their names and faces on all social media platforms to ensure that any meaningful future employment will be a pipe dream for these idiots. Expel all of the students involved. Fire academia that supports and promotes this evil because that is what it is……EVIL!

The Police must get in there and stop the madness. Our government must get involved. Wokeness is destroying our country. It must be stopped.


Wake Up!

The other night I had an organic pizza. It was green!

I went to the doctor for a prostate exam. When I got to his office a note said: Please enter by the back door!! Yikes. Was this a sign of things to come!

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