Udderly Sobering

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Canadians? Wake Up.

And we only have Trudeau and his Liberal government to blame.

Did ya know that Quebec gets 67% of the “Equalization” money pie?

Did ya know that in reality Quebec runs Canada through its proxy in Ottawa? Especially at the management level. Currently 39% of all Executives in the Federal public service are Franco’s with this number increasing annually. Anglos (or others) at the federal level are increasingly reporting linguistic discrimination in the hiring process and advancement or promotion. I experienced this first hand when I was in Ottawa from 1994 – 2005.  Systemic racism exists in Canada and it is targeted against the unilingual anglo workforce in Ottawa.

Oh and…

Support our farmers. Beano for cows and cattle. It is their body after all.

Trudeau’s legacy?

So, to recap, since Trudeau took office, average incomes are 17 per cent lower than what they would be if Canada tracked with the U.S., business investment is down, taxes and the federal bureaucracy are much more expansive, public debt is higher and outcomes are worse in health care, safety and any other sector or service with increased federal involvement. Economic and social trends that were doing well or improving before Trudeau came to power are now doing worse, in some cases significantly so. Until someone has the time to write several large books to document in more detail the severely negative outcomes Canadians have suffered under Trudeau, this short review will have to suffice.

I was happy to see the condescending finance minister resign. She never answered a question during a press conferences – even the one a few days ago when a reporter asked her if she intended to resign.

On the global scale Canada, under Trudeau, is a laughing stock. And now this brain fart?

Stand fast Raybauld, Philpott and now Freeland. Feminist indeed.

Trudeau’s fantasyland. Should be a Canadian theme park.

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