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If everyone ‘s a Nazi then nobody ‘s a Nazi:
Canada’s Hill Times
The Hill Times, Canada’s most heavily subsidized lefty weekly, yesterday likened the election of a “Canadian” Conservative Parliament in 2025 to the “beginning of Nazi authoritarianism” in Canada. The newspaper earlier criticized Opposition Leader Pierre Poilievre for opposing subsidies to newsrooms like the Hill Times: “All we need is a Reichstag fire for our rights to be suspended and to never return to democracy without a fight.”
Heil Pierre! How ya doing.
If Hitler was alive today he would not be impressed. “No, Canucks, Ik sayz to you dat der iz only von me! undt ik bin dode.”
According to the left there is a Hitler under every conservative rock, hiding behind every conservative tree and under every conservative bed. Here ‘s a Hitler, there ‘s a Hitler, everywhere ‘s a Hitler, Hitler.
Or, how about this little gem.
From Mel Brook’s “The Producers.” If you have not seen this gem of a movie, “zo git it undt vatch it.”
If that is the best the lefty Liberals in Canada can do then we are all doomed if the Liberal left in Canada ever come to power again.
Nasty Nazi lefties.
No, just a bunch of lefty pigs at the trough:
“They need a real good whacking.” Yes they do. An election in Canada cannot come soon enough.
And as an added bonus: