Rideau River


Manotick | The Wright TeamManotick | The Wright TeamThe Manotick Mill by squarepush on DeviantArtThe Manotick Mill by squarepush on DeviantArt

GrapeScot: Watson's Mill, Manotick, Whisky Tasting

I lived in Manotick, Ontario for 11 years. My home was about 100 meters from the Rideau River. I paddled this river every spring, summer and fall; and observed its winter hue from the chocks of the Manotick Mill (above). I loved this little piece of paradise. It was heaven sent.

Rideau Hues

(My Memory)

The light green hue from a soft summers rain

Showers: placid, like sheets of shimmering velvet dew

On a river’s course with ripples faint

Like drops of pure delight, renewed


The soft palette hue of a late autumn’s day

Bright sunshine rays of seduction’s warmth

Reflect the gold and bright crimson leis

That flutter softly down on the river’s form


A deep dark hue, bold indigo cold

Feel the winter’s breath that signals nature’s rest

Before the ice that forms a frigid blanket fold

So fresh, so clean, my senses… crest


Symphonic hues spring fresh to brew

 For it is nature’s best time now to sing

From a thousand shades of freshness new

With sounds so strong, yet mellow, ring


These Rideau hues have now been sketched

On my mind’s eye’s screen, God’s perfection thrust

For all to see from nature, stretched

Over a canvass pure, on this earthly crust


© John Morrison 2005


Picture was taken from the mill’s chocks in winter.

Perfection, just like this:

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