
Ah, yesterday, the good ole days, or a plant based diet coming to a Whole Foods outlet near you!

Slide 3 of 30: If food was plentiful, say thanks to a glut of berries or following a big game kill, bygone hunter-gatherers probably worked even fewer hours. They would also have taken time off to perform religious rituals, bury the dead, dabble in cave painting, and other non-work activities.Hunter-gatherer in Stone Age Europe: three to five hours a day, 365 days a year

If food was plentiful, say thanks to a glut of berries or following a big game kill, bygone hunter-gatherers probably worked even fewer hours. They would also have taken time off to perform religious rituals, bury the dead, dabble in cave painting, and other non-work activities.

Just like the Liberal MPs.

Slide 10 of 30: Life was far from easy for peasants in England in the Middle Ages, but their lot did improve after the Black Death when available land and average wages increased. According to Oxford don James E Thorold Rogers, the typical working day consisted of no more than eight hours of toil. Farm workers put in longer hours at harvest time but worked shorter days in winter when there are fewer hours of daylight.Peasant in medieval England: eight hours a day, 150 days a year

Life was far from easy for peasants in England in the Middle Ages, but their lot did improve after the Black Death when available land and average wages increased. According to Oxford don James E Thorold Rogers, the typical working day consisted of no more than eight hours of toil. Farm workers put in longer hours at harvest time but worked shorter days in winter when there are fewer hours of daylight.


Minister of Parliament in medieval Canada: 1 hour a day, 10 days a year.

See the source image

Medieval Canadian MP’s question period

Life was far from easy for MPs in Canada in the Middle Ages, but their lot did not really improve even after the Black Death killed most of their constituents. According to Univershity of Ottawa mafia don James E Thoroughly Pissed, the typical working day for these MPs consisted of no more than one hour a day of toil. Sometimes they worked 0ne and a half hours a day but generally during those busy times they had at least one hour of nap time. But the MPs made the most of their considerable leisure time for when they were not out burying their constituents they took time out to hit the local bath houses, watch the submarine races by the Ottawa River, view gladiator competitions and theatrical performances while getting a piece of tale under the Peace Tower, attend public executions of distinguished Canadians, especially the military, take part in orgies, and a whole lot more besides. As one savvy observer noted: “The Black Death cannot come back to Parliament Hill soon enough.”

They would also have taken time off to perform religious rituals, bury the dead, dabble in cave painting, and other non-work activities.

“Drugs from Canada? Why not?” Trump says: “I hear that BC Bud is wickedly good.”

Don’t Try This at Home


BIG NEWS – Verified by NOAA – poor weather station siting leads to artificial long term warming. Wow???!!!???

Wonder what a slow news day at NOAA is like.

According to official Liberal policy “A terrorist is not a terrorist. If my mother had 4 detonators she would be a Mack truck – so says a prominent Canadian government official. Meanwhile at a local terrorist new farm market near Newmarket Ontario:

Police north of Toronto have charged a father and son after officers found explosive materials and a detonator device and chemicals at a home in Richmond Hill, Ont.

Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale said the arrests and charges are a local matter that concerns York police and there is no known connection to national security. “There is no known connection to any issue related to national security,” he said in Ottawa. “It is a local policing matter. Obviously they’ve made arrests, they’ve laid charges, and it’s up to them to comment further.”

“No comment.” the local police commented after hearing Mr Goodale’s comments.

Only in Canada

Soon to be coming to a country near you.

Paul Joseph Watson banned from Facebook and Twitter for his Conservative views.

Good Vegan / Bad Vegan (thanks to Maggie’s Farm)

“I have no argument with people who adopt a vegetarian or vegan diet for health, religious, environmental or ethical reasons. But I object vehemently to proselytizers who distort science or the support for dietary advice offered to the more than 90 percent of us who choose to consume animal foods, including poultry and red meat, in reasonable amounts.

“Such is the case with a recently released Netflix documentary called “What the Health” that several well-meaning, health-conscious young friends have urged me to watch. And I did try, until I became so infuriated by misstatements – like eating an egg a day is as bad as smoking five cigarettes, or that a daily serving of processed meat raises the risk of diabetes 51 percent — that I had to quit for the sake of my health. While the film may have laudable goals, getting the science wrong simply confuses the issues and infuriates those who might otherwise be supportive.

As in Climate Change you mean? Science? As in the world is flat because the street where I live is flat and not curved so I must be right and the science is wrong – in that the earth IS flat!

“Please understand: I do not endorse inhumane treatment of farm animals or wanton pollution of the environment with animal wastes and misused antibiotics and pesticides. Agricultural research has long shown better ways to assure the nation of an adequate food supply if only regulators would force commercial operations to adopt them. Nor do I endorse careless adoption of vegetarian or vegan diets for their name’s sake. A vegan who consumes no animal products can be just as unhealthy living on inappropriately selected plant foods as an omnivore who dines heavily on burgers and chicken nuggets. A vegan diet laden with refined grains like white rice and bread; juices and sweetened drinks; cookies, chips and crackers; and dairy-free ice cream is hardly a healthful way to eat.

No, but this is:

The Dairy…er Diary of A Wimpy

1984 Turns 70-Years-Old In A World That Looks A Lot Like The Book;

And CNN wonders why it is rated as a bottom feeder of credible news networks:

CNN Panel: Americans Too Dumb To Stop Trump…

Tim Conway passed away yesterday; R.I.P

A classic, memorable, sad nostalgic song for simpler days and ways.

Have a great Navy day.

