This is my first post since having completed my Vezelay to St Jean Pied de Port 900 kilometer pilgrimage 13 September 2018. After completing such a journey and experiencing a tremendous natural high that came with it, I just did not feel like writing anything at all. Now, however, I have a renewed interest and strength and a peaceful easy feeling:
2018 was a bittersweet year for me. My dear wife passed away from Cancer 08 December 2017. Our first grandchild was born 01 April 2018. April Fools Day but more importantly, Easter Sunday. A real blessing for me but sad that my wife never got to hold her.
I spent most of my time in the first 6 months of 2018 planning my pilgrimage. This proved to be a very welcomed distraction from my grief. I will not go into it as you can read about it in my archived posts starting around the 27 July – 13/14 September 2018. I felt my wife’s presence throughout the long walk. Silent times for personal reflection among some of the most beautiful scenery on the planet – France. Mon Dieu, beaucoup de belle pay. Je l’aime. It renewed my faith in life and in God. My anger about my wife’s death dissipated like a light translucent fog in a light summer’s breeze. How could I remain sad in this environment?
From there I went to Lourdes, which was a very personal journey for me. Then finishing off this glorious summer trek with a visit to a very old, but dear friend, who now lives in Switzerland. Spending a week with her, her husband and family was a highlight for me. Thanks Ruth and Pascal.
I was able to say goodbye to Marijke and I could sense her letting me go. To move on. It is okay, she whispered in my ear, GO, and live, just as a soft, light enveloping wind swept over me like a cool refreshing blanket in this summer’s heat. I will never forget her but I must move on for the sake of my two sons, and now my grandchild.
Goodbye Marijke. Until me meet again. Hallelujah!
That is it. I look forward to the New Year with a renewed sense of purpose and interest. Those that know me and have followed this blog know that I am a compassionate conservative, who likes to poke fun at current events, and personalities – left or right, up or down, it makes no difference to me.
Here is my last song. Cheap Trick: I Want You to Want Me!
SJ………………………………….Over and out.