If Only

If only:

According to a VERY reliable source, Justice Clarence Thomas sent to the White House a personally signed copy of today’s SCOTUS ruling shutting down Biden’s vaccine mandate as unconstitutional along with…wait for it…wait for it….


In Canada.

One can only hope but our Supreme Court is in the back pocket of Trudeau and his Liberals. I doubt if Trudeau has even read Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

If only we could open up like Florida and Texas, whose numbers are way down and falling. But…but…:

We Canadians are soooo much better than those dastardly ignorant Americans…

As our numbers keep increasing.

But…but…if only we would self isolate for two weeks we would flatten the curve and be out of this mess;

But…but… if only we would social distance ourselves, isolate ourselves, wear useless masks, wash down everything with sanitizer…destroy our economy…pit families against families, friend against friend…we would be out of this mess;

But…but…if only we would vax everyone up to 70% we would achieve herd immunity and be out of this mess…80%…90%…now its 100% and we would be out of this mess;

But…but…if only we would vax pregnant women, infants, everyone….we would be out of this mess; and

But…but…if only we would be more compliant….and our citizens ratted on their fellow citizens and neighbors we would be out of this mess….because….it is…for…the… COMMON GOOD:

Nuremberg Rally 1935 in Nuremberg, Germany - Members of ...


Canadian non vaxxers are racist, misogynistic, radicals….so says our dear leader Justin Trudeau.

But…but…our numbers are skyrocketing.

How, dear God, has it come to this in our country.
