Its a Mad, Mad, Mad World

I love black olives but when I went to get my favourite pizza joint the other day they were out of them. Same for the Tapa Bar down the street a ways.

Damn says I. Black Olives Matter, damn it, especially in a Spanish Tapa Bar and on Pizza. The world is going mad me thinks.

All levels of gov’t don’t seen to give a damn about annual deficits and debt, so why should I?

Just in…State of Illinois declares Bankruptcy. In financial crisis mode. Trudeau, Wynne take note… Not to worry….sunny, sunny days – as the “Lighthouse” song goes.

Climate Change: back in the day, oh about 30-40 years ago, no one gave two shits about the weather, except that which occurs locally. If there was a typhoon in the Philippines we never heard about it. Tornadoes in Kansas…nope. Blizzards in Saskatchewan…niet. Heat wave in Europe…nada word. I just remember watching Dave Duval, CTV Toronto chalking the weather patterns on a clear Perspex by etching highs and lows and doing so backwards, but only for our city. Now that was incredible. Or Percy Saltzman at CBC flipping his piece of chalk after a whirlwind segment of scribbling the local weather patterns and their impact on my school commute the next day. Now? Well if it shits in Chicoutime we hear about it. If it pisses in Peoria, we know about it immediately. If its howling in Hanoi, yep, right on time. If its crapping in Cambodia, we smell it right away. If its freezing in Friesland, we shudder at the thought. No wonder everyone is stressed out about the weather, and the climate. Its global and it is being shoved down our collective throats. We’re all going to die!!!!Gawd, I feel a heat wave coming on. Hey Gladys, pass me a beer sweetie.

All of you environ-mentals out there. What would you rather have? A Shelby of a Prius?? Hmmm? Hmmm? Be honest now.



Quote of the week:

“Nobody deserves what happened out there,” the longtime Republican said. “There’s no justification for it. There’s crazy people in the world — we know that … We have to minimize that kind of stuff….” Caitlin Jenner

Second quote of the week:

“If things are good in moderation then they must be great in excess!”

Read today:

Our Governor General got a blasting today on social media about comments he made about indigenous peoples being immigrants…like us all.

Solution? Ban social media.

My comments:

“We’re all immigrants. Even the indigenous peoples, who arrived here about 10,000 years ago. It’s all relative.

I’m tired of it all. Residential schools – the gift that just keeps on giving. When will this self immolation ever end. Canada just can’t get its collective shit together. I know for a fact that not all residential schools were bad. But that doesn’t fit the First Nation narrative.

What about all of the white Catholic boys and girls who were physically and emotionally abused as youngsters in these Catholic private elementary and high schools in the 50’s and 60’s? Me being one of them. Where is our Truth and Reconciliation, our compensation?

What about African Canadians in Africville and Preston NS? Or the Chinese Head tax, or the Japanese internment during WW2, or the treatment of the Indian migrants, or the Jewish Refugees in the late 1930s, and on and on it goes. It’s all whitey’s fault.

BTW, as a Caucasian I now put myself down as a visible minority in this country.

Why can’t the indigenous peoples embrace Canada for what it is and become equal members of this society? Until such time as we stop this racial segregation and treat everyone equally, there is no hope for the future of this country. Especially in our big cities – cesspools of intolerance, hate and violence.”

Ready Aye Ready

I was in. I had passed out admiralty or so I was told. I was now part of the maritime brotherhood. One of Nelson’s prodigious and perhaps precocious smart asses: a cadet, or so I had thought. I knew the secret handshake, the secret password and the secret walk. For all sailors walked the same way – the Charlie Chaplin jaunt on a heaving deck. We were full of piss and vinegar and “ready aye ready” to take on the world of maritime lore. It was a great feeling but short lived as I would soon find out. For Basic Training or “Boot Camp” as it was more affectionately called, was just that – Basic Training.  The real hard nosed bad assed element training was about to begin: a full year of swabbing the decks, living far below but up forward along with the anchor pocket doors. Heaving: literally and figuratively.  Often times the pitching motion of the ship would cause one’s stomach to rise up high into the throat. Living with the great unwashed, eating in the main caf but all the while completing all of our sea phase requirements.  Undoubtedly however, we were lower than the low.

One XO who shall remain nameless told us that he really didn’t know where to put us in his ship. We were not yet commissioned Officers of the so called realm. We weren’t seamen so what were we really?  In his humble naval gazing view of the world to consider us dog shyte would be an insult to a dog.  We couldn’t dine in the Officers mess because we were not commissioned Officers. We couldn’t live in Officer Country because we were not “Fuckin Officers” or so he reminded us.  Ah the verbal and emotional abuse and the pranks on us newbies would continue for the next few months:

“Hey cadet, asshole, go and get me the keys to the anchor pocket doors,” or, “get me a bucket of steam,” or “the buffer needs 50 feet of shoreline. Go get it.  Now!”

And on and on it went.  But I wouldn’t cave in, no matter how bad it got.  I just had the feeling that this was all a test of character. Could we take the abuse or would we melt away like the butter spread on those hardtack delectables that the Navy liked to refer as steak: served on steak night, obviously, every Thursday night at sea.  It was quite comical watching ten Officers around the mess table trying to cut into a thickly muscled, marbled steak with their deck knives.  Some of these steaks were so badly cooked that they were still frozen in the middle.  No matter.  It had to get better than this.  And it did.  But not the steaks.

After a while you could sense that you were being accepted into this brotherhood.  Instead of being called an asshole by your seniors, of whom everyone who was not a cadet was, or some other inhuman, unworldly appendage or sad form of life, they began to call you by your name, slowly at first then almost all the time.  Nicknames were common too. Mine was Shakey Jay because of a slight tremor in my left hand.  No matter. It was a sign of acceptance and that we were beginning to progress satisfactorily in their view of the cadet world.  And soon we would receive our commissions and become real Naval Officers.  No more bullshyte.

That day finally arrived. We all passed out in our training ship and were soon transferred to our first operational Frigates or Destroyers. I remained on the West Coast while a lot of my new found mates went east. It was somewhat of a sad and bittersweet day, watching newly formed but endearing friendships grow then pass on with that passing out parade.  Maturing, growing up I guess. And there we were, on parade, proud as punch, uniforms finely pressed, buttons polished where shoe caps shone like mirrors. We were fully trained and sharp as a knife both in spirit and in drill, receiving our commissions and our junior watch-keeping certificates all the while the Navy band playing all the marshal favourites during the march past with excerpts from: Heart Of Oak, Popeye the Sailor Man, Eternal Father – The Naval Hymn, Redetsky’s March, Great Escape Theme Song, Colonel Bogey March, not all of which are maritime in nature but all of them inspirational nonetheless.  Marching past the reviewing Officer, hundreds of us cadets, regular sailors, officers and the like, with a 40 piece marching band playing these tunes, was awe inspiring.  It brought a tear to the eye, a lump to the throat.

Marching as one and listening to these tunes I couldn’t help but think of all those years past: all the laughs and the heartaches, lost friends and absent family, memories galore and the frustration of not knowing how life would evolve or turn out. I needn’t have worried for I fell into this world by pure happenstance. By chance? Perhaps! Fate? Perhaps! Destiny? Perhaps! Providence? Maybe! Just like my childhood friends: Jimmymum remained in finance working his way up to comptroller for a very large transportation company; O’Grunts became a painter; Bruce, for some inexplicable turn of events returned from magical, spiritual Nepal and became a dentist; and Timmy remained on the wet coast driving for the city’s transit system for over thirty years working and needling his way into those hallowed halls of unionism.  All of this with just a high school education, except for Bruce of course.  But if someone had told me just a few years earlier that I would be in the Navy I would have laughed and scoffed in their face.

And yet when I finally arrived at my first operational ship and looked her over from stem to stern, I suddenly became possessively proud. Somehow I thought she was mine.  As I crossed the brow and came onboard I was bursting with pride, albeit a tad self-conscious, as I saluted the quarterdeck.  It was a strange but a wonderful feeling of accomplishment to be here at this particular moment yet, paradoxically, it held some fear of anticipation and the anxious trepidation of what the unknown future may hold.  But as the saying goes “there is no life like it.”  And so it was, or it would turn out to be, as I look back now over 37 plus years. Not a career, not a job, not the daily grind but a way of life: a professional and extremely satisfying way of life, almost akin to a vocational calling.  On top of all of that to be paid; to have three squares a day with clean sheets, starched linen and a made up bunk; to forge and maintain strong bonds of friendship that would last a lifetime; to the cheap beer, cheaper liquor, and extremely cheap cigarettes. I felt for the very first time in my life that I had arrived with an acute sense of being and belonging. And as I think back on all of this and all that has happened over the years, I couldn’t help but think of Mr O’Brian’s words to me on that cold winter’s evening not so long ago, as I crossed the ship’s brow for the very first time.  Like him I truly believed that somehow I thought I’d died and gone to Heaven.


All of this from my book:  I Thought I’d Died and Gone to Heaven


Tomorrow?  Back to regular boring posts.

Rabid Dogs…10

…The majority of us passed out successfully. A few, like my friend “Hercules Mike,” didn’t make it and were sent home. The Franco’s had their own parade, separate from the rest of us. The reviewing Officer of our parade was a hero of the Korean War. That was cool. The Jamaican maan received the Ceremonial Sword for the highest achieving candidate. His Army mistress could be seen beaming, she was so proud. Each of the so called “African Corp” received awards and performance medals: for leadership, or marksmanship, military theory, drill, or fitness (running), whatever. It was all so politically obvious, so politically barf worthy. Then there were the rest of us: our nation’s military peons. No awards for us. And after the “this is the best time to be joining the military” spiel, we were all dismissed.

I learned afterward the real dirt about the international students. The Jamaican maan was a distant relative of some Jamaican big shot, who was also a World War Two veteran. The five Officers of the “African Corp” would have passed out with honours regardless. Failing or barely meeting the minimum standard, as they did, was not an option for these candidates. Doing so, officially, would have brought discredit to their nations and would have meant immediate execution on their return home.

Accordingly, to their military’s credit, their military’s philosophy and their military’s “take no prisoners” mentality, they would have been struck down like the rabid dogs that they were…

Their words, not mine.

Rabid Dogs…9

…The Africans stayed to themselves for the most part. They were extremely lazy and racist – toward us and surprisingly toward themselves. They wouldn’t respond to orders from the rest of us during the leadership tasks until such time as the leadership role passed to them. Then watch out. They ran us into the ground trying to impress the staff with their field acumen. It didn’t work though for their field acumen lacked common sense or intelligence. And there weren’t any Batmen to order around or bail them out. I remember one task in particular. The Cameroon Officer was in charge. The task was to find and rescue a paratrooper who was caught up in the bush somewhere. It was our job to find the man, render first aid as required then bring him home. A time limit of three hours had been imposed. Once the scenario began and the Cameroon Officer’s Orders Group completed, off we went at the high port. He literally had us running through the jungle; he didn’t accept advice and was adamant that his way was the only way. In spite of his incompetence we did locate the wounded paratrooper who was, for exercise purposes, entangled high up in the trees. On starting the extrication and first aid process he shunned us all away and stunned us, shamed us, by taking out his revolver and, for exercise purposes, taking aim then shooting the casualty. Good thing we only had blanks. Shocked and amazed he then told us in no uncertain terms that his country had a “take no prisoners” philosophy, especially wounded prisoners, for whom in his mind’s eye were no better than rabid dogs!

Our basic training finished late November. I finished around the middle of the pack. I did have a couple of close calls with respect to a “cease training” career review board. Christ! The Career Review Board was a military “Star Chamber” and a nice way of saying WE DON’T WANT YOU! One of which was called due to my inability to meet the standard for the 9 mm pistol. No matter that I excelled with the FN C1 rifle achieving marksman status at 1,000 yards. The Army had rules after all. Luckily I was able to convince them that being in the Navy there was no need to be able to fire a 9 mm hand gun at close range. The days of “hands to boarding” were long gone with the death of Nelson some one hundred and seventy five years previously. The Army was like that though: stubborn and strong on rules and outmoded traditions. Yet cooler heads prevailed after telling them that the only gun I would be firing would be a 3in70 anti-aircraft gun weighing in at some 20 tons.

The other incident was more traumatic and emotionally painful. Toward the end of our training the powers that be had this survey completed by all of us recruits. It was called a Peer Review Survey where each and every one of us could assess the ability, leadership potential and personality traits of each other. If one received an adverse assessment from the other cadets a Career Review Board could be convened and the candidate in question ceased training and sent home. It was up to the candidate to convince the powers that be that he or she was up to par. Under no circumstances however should any of us have put another recruit down, no matter how despicable he or she may be. The repercussions were just too serious. Unfortunately, maturity was lacking among the majority of the recruits.

This was brutal. Unfortunately I received an adverse assessment from another cadet, one out of almost 90. Of course we were never told from whom. I couldn’t believe it as I always felt I was friendly, easy going and a team player. I got through it but it was a hurtful process especially to be told that someone in the group felt that you were not up to snuff or you were an asshole, a proctologist’s apprentice perhaps. It wasn’t until years later that I found out who it was, only by happenstance, as this individual anonymously tried to have me relieved of my duties from a staff position at Headquarters due to some perceived slight on my part toward his character. He did this without my knowledge. A falsehood as it turned out but it brought me right back to the Peer Review Survey that was done some 30 years previously. Ah yes, it was him, a colleague from Basic Training. The only saving grace for me was that this individual was an alcoholic, extremely obese and cowardly to boot. I don’t know where he is today or if he is still alive but I remain steadfast in amazement at his ability to smile to your face while imparting a knife in your back.

Interestingly, after a few years, that Peer Review Survey was discontinued…