Enjoy The Silence

85 more sleeps  to the start of my “Way of St James” walk. Starting from the Abby at Vezelay:

See the source imageCool! That is some church!

Been training now for quite some time. Going out after this to do 22 Km. Generally try to do this 3 times per week. It does get boring after a while doing the same trek although I now have three different routes. Going outbound I listen to Collective Soul and coming back Badfinger:

Awesome guitar work here! It keeps me pumped and motivated.


Great tunes.

Heard some young people the other day talking about the need to shut down all pipelines because of all the spills that have occurred in our waters. I shook my head in amazement given that there haven’t been ANY SPILLS out here attributed to tanker traffic over the past 100 years. Again, not having researched the issues, these people have been fed the Kool-Aid by the environ-mental activists. At the same time complaining about the high price of gas at the pumps…Geesh. The next generation – the star trek electorate. Lost in the space of their minds.

Don’t get me wrong I am happy that they want to be engaged in the debate it’s just that they have been fed disinformation on un-factual steroids.

Love this: (italics mine)

What is the science behind our hair turning gray? None! Researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham have a possible answer and it may also explain why vitiligo patients develop unpigmented (is that a real word?) patches of skin….vitili…who?

The study titled “A direct link between MITF, innate immaturity…er immunity, and hair graying” was published in the journal PLOS Biology on May 3.

“My lab harnesses the power of mouse models – mouse models? ….Are they kidding me?… of hair graying to better understand stem cells and aging. The stem cells we study in the Pleistocene Age are the melanocyte stem cells in the hair follicle, which are the stem cells that are essential for producing melanocytes,” explained lead study author Melissa Harris, an assistant professor of biology at the University of Alabama…as she went out to buy her latest dose of Clairol!

See the source image Are they kidding me?

Melanocytes are pigment-producing cells responsible for giving your hair its natural color, be it blonde, brown, red or black. But when melanocytes suffer damage as a response to natural aging or a serious illness, the newly grown hair ceases to carry its natural pigment. This is how people develop gray or white hair….wow. That made my day. I can go to work now. Wait until Gladys learns about this at the salon!

But why, oh why are my eyebrows the same colour as they have always been? Why?

One of the mysteries of life I’m afraid.

Fast Food Hiring Problem: Where have all the teenagers gone?  Well perhaps here:

See the source image

Or here:

See the source image

Maybe here

See the source image

See the source imageA teenagers mantra for life.

The Star Trek Generation. Make believe or lost in their own space!

Hey man, enjoy the silence!

Happy Monday


One Thing Leads to Another

Went golfing yesterday. First round of the season for me.

I sucked. Although I have been retired from the Navy now for 7 years I am still playing a military style of golf: left, right, left, right, left, right. Halt, while I look for my balls in the trees. Which reminds me of why I got that “Big Bertha” of a driver. It gives me about 50 – 100 yards further distance into the bush.

I once played with a guy who was really good but he cheated like crazy. One day we were out playing, started around noon, and he told me. SJ, if the ball falls within the shadow of the flag it’s a gimme. Really! Well that’s okay at noon but at 4pm it’s another story in itself…..Geesh.

What did Mark Twain say about golf?: “how to destroy a perfectly good walk in the park.” or something like that. So true.

Mystery of Life: …so why do they yell “four” on a golf course to indicate that a ball may hit you or come close to you? Why don’t they just yell “duck”? It has more of an oomph to it. No confusion whatsoever.

Oh well. Hopefully my game will come to the “four” this summer!

Is there anyone out there in blogland like me truly tired of the constant news barrage about Trump?

Trudeau states: “To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith….or mental state. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada. Brain damage ended his career in the US. Welcome to Canada. Now practicing in Saskatchewan. Where??

Unintended consequential update: …patient in Saskatchewan who required surgery on his right knee, has right frontal lobe of his brain removed… Diversity is our strength y’know. We’ll hire anybody!

Canadian NDP shunted from “Caucus” due to alleged – there’s that word again – conduct: Their investigator found…. that he, Weir, had probably sat or stood too close to people at social events and tried to talk to them when they didn’t want to talk.

The NDP alligators were out in force:

See the source image
Singh, the NDPs leader said Weir ‘failed to read non-verbal cues in social situations…’”

Non verbal cues. Canadian code for:  “Why oh why couldn’t they have just told me to “fook off””

Another Mystery of Life: why hasn’t the radical feminist movement objected to the word ‘Caucus” used in parliamentary circles? Huh? Huh?

“It’s not inclusive” a female’s member said.

This just in:

Stone tools found in the Philippines predate the arrival of modern humans to the islands by roughly 600,000 years—but researchers aren’t sure who made them.

The eye-popping artifacts, unveiled on Wednesday in Nature, were abandoned on a river floodplain on the island of Luzon beside the butchered carcass of a rhinoceros. .

The carved bones are most likely between 631,000 and 777,000 years old, with researchers’ best estimate coming in around 709,000 years old. The research pushes back occupation of the Philippines to before the known origin of our species, Homo sapiens.

But the question remains:

…it’s an open question on how these hominins crossed an open ocean?

Well, that’s easy: in an open boat stupid! And then they came to Canada:

“To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith state (as long as it’s not Christian)….or mental state, or evolutionary state. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada….well stated! Homo Erections from the Philippines are more than welcome here…especially in Toronto.”

Boy Scout madness!  (Italics are mine)

The Boy Scouts have been slowly dying for years because people insist girls should be able to join — much to the Girl Scouts’ chagrin. The race for inclusivity at any cost started with Boy Scouts having a policy against gay staff members — a policy that quickly died.

The group accepted its first “transgender” scout in 2017 — a nine-year-old. In doing so, they officially ditched the policy of determining gender by birth certificate. A 9 year old transgendered? Are they for real here?

Understandably, the Girl Scouts of America is not happy about this change. The organization has vocally opposed gender inclusion the whole way through. Nevertheless, more than 3,000 girls have signed up to join the what used to be the Boy Scouts. That’s a direct threat to the girl scouts — therefore a direct threat to your supply of thin mints and Maple Flavoured Cookies.

Clearly, America needs to wake up and remember boys and girls are different. Thank God for that. Have you ever looked closely at “Bruce “the Caitlyn” Jenner’s pictures?” Shudder the vision.

But the radical progressives would have us think differently. These maniacs are out to destroy our civilization. They have to be stopped.

Be careful as one thing will just lead to another.

Song of the day:


Read ya on Monday. Have a great weekend.


A Bunch Of Zeros

Sad, sad day. Just another sign of our crappy times. Boy Scouts as an organization is no more. This character, team building and fun filled movement that was founded by Baden Powell in 1910 will soon gasp its last “Be Prepared” motto and trash its “Do a Good Turn Daily.” Why?

Because of the radical feminism movement that says categorically that there is not difference between boys and girls. “We have to be all inclusive” they say. Boy Scouts caved to this madness as being radically sexist and therefore racist:

We are?

See the source image

They have been annexed by the liberal culture. First: homosexuals were allowed in with homosexual leaders. We all know where that will lead to. Their “Be Prepared” motto suddenly changed to “Turn Over” mate and do a good turn every day. Then they opened themselves to transgendered males: “Love your brownie outfit” one scout was heard to say. Now how can one know this at such a ripe age? They can’t but some boys, encouraged by their progressive parents, want to be girls and bake cookies. And you do know that there is an organization called Girl Scouts don’t you? They sell cookies! Now, they, the Boy Scouts, have to allow girls in less they be seen as being discriminatory. And what is the boys response to all of this?:

Can’t wait for the first sleep-over!

Just another one of liberal’s slippery slope. Sorry Baden

See the source image I wasn’t prepared for this!

How could you be?

Listening to the radio a few days ago and this segment came on highlighting comedians. Now, I don’t know about you but I think comedy today is awful. It is just not funny. This guy comes on lamenting about having a zoo in his one bedroom flat! It wasn’t funny but the laugh track would have you think otherwise. “So I come into my flat and I am greeted by a leopard” hahahahahahahahahah. “What did I do?” hahahahahahahah. You can imagine I went for the fridge” hahahahahahahahahah”quickly” hahahahahah  “and got some milk” hahahahahahah. I am not kidding here. Funny? Not. Same with Saturday Night Live: not funny. Same with Colbert: not funny. Now this guy was funny:

Or this:


Politician’s Lament:

“So, Willy, let me and you be wipers
Of scores out with all men—especially pipers!
And, whether they pipe us free from rats or from mice,
If we’ve promised them aught, let us keep our promise!

Robert Browning: Pied Piper of Hamelin

Great choice of words I would say:

“Camille Cosby (Bill’s Wife) Calls For Probe” into husband’s doxy…er proxy!

Impact of the Kinder Morgan decision or non decision? Rule of Law goes out the window. Canadian constitution isn’t worth the toilet paper it’s written on. Dangerous precedent. If a province doesn’t like a federal decision they can just ignore it and the Supreme Court of Canada will back them up. For instance, the BC government could conceivably tell the Navy to leave their West Coast bases because the Premier doesn’t like or support the military on the west coast.

BC Premier having his daily constitution:

Image result for pics of BC premier smoking a joint“Put that in your pipe and smoke it.”

Why I never watch CNN:

Trump brokers historic Korean deal. End of Korean War and peace on the Korean peninsula after 65 years. South Korean President credits Trump and states that he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.

CNN’s: Headline and lead story: “Stormy Daniels sure to bring Trump Down. Can’t wait! Stay tuned for this latest breaking story.”

Be careful what you say:

Moonbeam Governor Gerry Brown calls himself an “Open door policy guy”

Okay…..California man arrested after breaking into Governor Brown’s mansion. He was heard to say:

“He’s an open-door policy kind of guy, so I figured the door would be unlocked, or else I wouldn’t have ran over there if I thought the door would be locked,”

And it was!

Sexual Redistribution as only a lefty, radical feminist could envision:

“Srinivasan ultimately answered her title question in the negative: “There is no entitlement to sex, and everyone is entitled to want what they want.” But her negative answer was a qualified one. While “no one has a right to be desired,” at the same time “who is desired and who isn’t is a political question,” which left-wing and feminist politics might help society answer differently someday. This wouldn’t instantiate a formal right to sex, exactly, but if the new order worked as its revolutionary architects intended, sex would be more justly distributed than it is today.”

Justification for the latest terror in Toronto??

This perps entitled to sex. Not getting it justifies his actions?

Now I know why the Boys Scouts organization is dead………………Fine state of affairs? Sad me thinks.

What a bunch of Zeros!

Goin golfing – first round of the season – hack!

Have a terrific Thursday


Sh*t for Brains

Hidden Agenda? So who has the hidden agenda? Harper or Trudeau?

“Kinder Morgan is important for our national interest” Trudeau tells Canadians and then on the world stage tells France and European Leaders that he is ashamed of Alberta’s oil sands and will do all that he can to shut them down. Commenting on the high price of gas in Vancouver and Victoria – most expensive in North America – well, he is in total agreement: “This is exactly what we want….yesssss!”

This puppet is out to destroy the Canadian economy and emasculate Alberta’s livelihood. He is a feminist after all. The premier of BC and his puppet-master, the leader of the green party, are ecstatic over this. The sad thing is that they were voted in in the first place and will probably win another term. Reminds me of my comment about MacDonald’s. They raised their menu prices and sales soared….duh?

See the source image“I have a dream…….man”

“And it doesn’t include you”

This gas thingy can really turn me on….man.See the source imageCompared to Harper this man’s dream is a nightmare!

Have to laugh at a survey done about countries that have the most freedom. Sweden, Norway and Finland tied for first. Are you kidding me? These countries are probably the most regulated countries in the world. Consider 250 regulations on how cucumbers are to be grown and distributed. And, they have to be a strait as an arrow man-people. They, the cucumbers that is, cannot be bent. Well, is that freedom? Straight? The LGBTQRSTUVWXY and Z crowd in these places are all in a tizzy over that bit of news. No  you cannot do what you want in these places and the taxes are sky high. Just ask a cucumber farmer and he’ll tell you straight up!

The UN is all excited about this one. If the Scandinavian countries can pull “the sheep’s wool” over our eyes with this stat just think what we could do with the sale and regulation of “wellies” all over the sheep farming world. Finally, a new world order. “One world government here we cum…er come!” the head of the UN – who wished to remain anonymous – remarked recently.

And, have you seen Sweden lately?

See the source image“We want to be like Norway!”                        “Their cucumbers are straighter than ours…shameful!”

A Swedish cucumber grown in Sweden’s red light district:

See the source imageThe response was immediate:

See the source image   Sweden’s cucumber riot squad hit the streets:

See the source image

“And what about Swedish meat balls?” someone asked

“Don’t even go there!” the police responded.

And in Finland? The # 1 freedom country in the world? Just as straight as can be man!

See the source imageNext week? Zucchinis!

From the…they just cannot give it up file comes this headline from the Hill:

“Impeachment Looms Large in the White House”

Just one day after the leader of South Korea stated publicly that Trump should win the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in ending the Korean War and bringing peace to the peninsula after 63 years….Geesh.

“Yeah but….” Nancy Pelosi, who wishes to remain anonymous, stated categorically. “We all know it was Bernie Sanders who played his cards appropriately in this showdown with North Korea, not Trump.

“Damn you Who Flung Poo” Bernie shouted at the leader of North Korea while at the negotiating table. “Hearts are trump, not spades….hearts” Poo took out his clubs and whacked Bernie with all he had.

“I call” he said.

Bernie, in desperation yelled. “This is Bridge you idiot…Bridge. Not some international poker game. This is serious business. It saved me during my University days…… I’ll lead off here with…. “jacks””

“Okay? Fish!” Poo answered.

And so it was. Bernie Sanders played Euchre with the leader of North Korea all day and finally won.  For his efforts and perseverance he is up for the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize in trumping North Korea.

As for Trump? Last time I heard it was diamonds.

It would appear these guys have sh*t for brains:

a man wearing a blue shirtBeckham shows off his latest tattoos

Just wait until you are old and wrinkly dude.

Only in Canada would you hear or see this headline…and in French too!

“Well, it depends! Are you a man-people or a wo-people?”

“Neither. Hey, I am a zay, maybe a zee, or a zit, or a zat. Last time I checked I had a weenee Mr Financial wizard dude”

And from another original Canadian thought comes this:

Ottawa demands that North Korea abandon its nuclear program.

               Or else, we will send our covert surveillance resources to spy on you!

The leader of North Korea responds in kind:

See the source image“Can Canadian sub sink? Me sinks not”

I can see you Canada…ooooo, I am soooo scared.

Enough of this, or that, or zay, zee, zits or zat.

Non Binary? The gift that keeps on giving to bloggers like me.

Song of the day:

Have a nice day.
