Very disappointed that my team – the Las Vegas Golden Knights – are down three games to one. Game 5 on Thursday. One can only hope and pray to the hockey gods for a win. Even Michelangelo agrees with me with this recently discovered work of art found in the Sistine arena, er chapel, in Italy.
And then God made man and he looked down and he was happy.
Except in Canada eh? Darwin’s theory as being taught in Canadian schools. Hey, if Gore can change things so can I. (SJ)
Fantasy thought of the year:
That is about as dead as Darwin’s theory of evil-ution is in Canadian schools. “It is an evil thought” one Toronto fan was heard to say. “Darwin had it wrong all along”! “After the current age of “Homo Erections” surely we will have evolved into the Homo “Slap Shot!” ”
What else is going on. The sheer hypocrisy of BC Premier John Horgan, his puppet master Andrew Weaver and the ever so popular Justinian Turdope of the Kinder Morgan Pipeline fiasco. Typical BC political posturing and logic. Horgan to Alberta Premier Notley: “We do not want your oil. But” – and in a way that only a politician can say and get away with – “We want your oil and if you don’t give it to us we will sue your asses off.”
And in keeping with our Darwin theme this was heard recently at a BC morning caucus meeting:
Oops that’s 4. Perhaps Turdeau’s climate Tzar is in there somewhere.
BC and Canada’s economy is soon to be on life support.
Hey but we are saving the planet after all – from ourselves!…………………Geesh
And if you still believe that we or the UN is responsible for Climate Change, or global warming or the evolutionary human progression of hockey players then have a look at this: (thanks to SDA)
“Nobel Laureate DESTROY Global warming during EPIC Lecture. Gets a standing ovation”
So much going on today:

Does anyone see the irony here after the segment above:
Daughters born to Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex will not inherit their title, it has emerged.
The royal pair wed in May (18) following a three-month engagement and rumours have been rife that children won’t be too far behind. But the newlyweds have had to accept that any daughters born to them won’t inherit the dukedom, with the title instead falling to their firstborn son irrespective of age.
And the title will die out completely if the couple have only girls.
In keeping in tune with that bit of Darwinian fluff, the couple will soon move to Saudi Arabia. The only place on earth where girls can be girls.
That’s all for today.