Ends today-in Paris.
6 hours of sheer excitement. This event is made for CNN. It,s like, like, oh, I don,t know, like watching this:
Oops, wrong photo. No, it,s like watching this:
just click on the link.
Oops, sorry, wrong photo. I mean this:
Watching 6 hours of the Tour de Farce equates to watching a barn door for 6 hours. And with this, like watching CNN,s coverage of Trump, you can also watch paint dry and grass grow. Just as exciting.
I researched this so you don,t have to.
And after this, European wide world of sports brings you the final match of the intenational darts competition.
This time tomorrow I will be on my way to France, Vezelay.
Just hope the French do not read this post.
Titus and I have been in stitches following your posts!!!! So exciting that you are travelling onto your next leg!!!! Bonne chance!
You didn’t post this in both official languages but I will try and translate it for you so the French can enjoy your humour too!!! I might have to use Sucre Blew a lot though. Maybe even a few Quebecois words too….