Day 27: Perigeux to Chateau Puyferrat

Before I even get started today, you will not believe where I am staying tonight. In a real Chateau- Chateau Puyferrat – my destination. Check this out:

That,s my room in the tower. And the front entrance you may ask:

Those are my servants you see there. They are taking my rucksack up to my suite. They wouldn,t touch my shoes though. Radio active they said. I gave them the day off. Hey Marg!

Back to Perigeux. Our host last night was a Quebecois from Riviere de Loup. He told me that his ancestor was born in France in 1640 and came to Quebec from St Rochelle back in 1670. Obviously he never returned. So Michael decided to close the loop and return to France and to the very village where is ancestor was born and baptized. I forgot where it was. Full circle.  I told Michael that I was a Toronto Maple Leaf fan ( I am not ). That got him going.

There was also a young couple there. I would say they were recently married. They were doing the Camino in stages and were now about to go home to Paris after a weeks worth of walking. It seems that everyone I meet is going home.  Could it be my smelly socks. They are very keen on the Camino life and would love to open a Pilgrim,s Refuge. Good luck to them.

You know, there is a huge interest in doing the Camino. A world wide interest. Amazing. I had never heard of this until I talked to my friend at home.

I noticed from the hostel log book that Guy, the Anorexic Pilgrim, had stayed there the night before. That means he is now a day ahead of me. That also means he walked 41.kilomters. Unbelievble. You know, Guy is skin and bones and he looks like death itself. Totally unhealthy looking. I,ll never under#tand why people at our age feel they have to look like they are in their 20s and not their 60s or 70s. After all why did god invent suspenders? And if he wanted us to look like the walking dead he never would bave invented beer or…French cooking, or…..Orangina. Never.

The walk today started badly. I had to navigate though 4 major hills. By 9am I was soaked in sweat. I could wring out my hat,s perspiration. Awful. Two of the hills were so steep and the terrain so bad with strewn rocks, pebbles and loose soil I really was worried I was going to sprain or break an ankle. That would be the end of my Camino. Finally it flattened out for the back half and I arrived at my Chateau safe. – 25 kilometers later – but the last kilometer was straight up. By the time I arrived at my Camino I was beat. There was nothing my servants could do. I was not happy with the pilgrim gods. They are letting us down. I can still her Gill the mathematician model screaming to the heavens:

”Sacre Blue. You gods think you are so smart with us pilgrims. You are not. If you think you are so smart you come down here and you try to do this…you….you pilgrim gods you. Sacre Blue”

Or something like that. Gill cracked me up.

Oh yeah, here is the view from my bathroom, shower area:

Now this is what I would call a mushroom

All for today.

And for all those hills out there:

Rest in peace Tom Petty


8 thoughts on “Day 27: Perigeux to Chateau Puyferrat”

  1. I’m exhausted reading your post!!
    I love your accommodation ! Makes it all worth it😊. Totally understand why they would t touch your shoes…lol! Good of you to give hem the day off!
    Keep trekking and “don’t back down”!

  2. John,
    Very surprised that you got the tower room!!! Thought it was reserved for Ranpuzel?
    Great that you are enjoying the ambiance that I find only France can supply in Spades Great food, refreshing wines and quality historical nuances around every turn in the road.
    Perhaps you might consider a trip to Moose Jaw for your next big trek. They say the under-ground caves reserved for Al Capone’s visits are a real blast.
    Cheers Gord

    1. I wish Gord because everything is closed here. In almost a month I have only had 2 french meals…sad and frustrating

  3. Love your accommodation tonight! What a view of the French countryside! Keep on trucking! Titus and Jeannie.

  4. Husband of the “recently married couple” here! Great to find your blog and see how well you’re getting along. Wishing you all the very best for the final stretch. Take care! James

    1. Thanks James. Thanks for visiting. Good luck to you and your lovely wife. You have to realize that to us old farts anything under 5 or 10 years is recent….John

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