GSM: Good Stories Matter

If you want to help out a struggling Canadian writer, check out my two published books by clicking on the titles at the top of the screen. They are available at or .ca. Just type in the titles in the search bar or click on the links at the site…thanks.

Peter Green, a founding member of Fleetwood Mac, died yesterday. Never heard of him no doubt as he was not part of the California version of Fleetwood Mac. Here is an example of his music with the British version of Fleetwood Mac. This song was said to be an inspiration to the Beatle’s Abbey Road “Sun King.” David Gilmore of Pink Floyd loved it as well:

RIP Peter Green.

Slow to get started back. Almost a year. Great break. Wrote my third book. Coming out soon on Amazon. It is called Monk’s Orchard. Here is the cover design. Just mouse over and click the link.

Monk’s Orchard_cover

It says I am married in the bio but I am not. I am a widower but the publisher thought it best to just leave it that way in the bio. So I complied. It took me a year to write this thing. I enjoyed it immensely. It is my hobby. I know….Covidly weird. Some people like to protest and destroy things as a hobby but I like to create stories….It;s like…well…I don’t know…good stories matter…so to speak, or write.

This will be short. My last post way back last August has some points that are still relevant for me. I will repeat them here:

I am an old fart. No doubt. I have always thought of myself as a people person, non racist. Over the years I have come across many people of all colours and races. My brother in law is black. My other brother in law is Japanese. I think they are great guys yet if I ever think of criticizing any one of their colour, as in Black Lives Matter, on the same grounds and on the same moral standards as myself, then I am attacked by the progressive crowd and considered a racist, a bigot, intolerant, red neck asshole…

I am a Christian. I am proud of the fact. I am unapologetic about my faith. Yet because of that I am considered as someone who must be absolutely stupid, irrational, imbecile, idiot. How can you even consider something like God as being relevant if you cannot see him or her, or feel their presence, or believe in their incredible legacy of love and salvation for all of us? Well, it is a matter of faith. Something that is lost on so many people these days, especially the Governor General of this great country of ours. Someone who has ridiculed my beliefs only because those beliefs are non scientific or rational in her eyes…

I used this video on my last post over a year ago. I love this song. The riff, the beat, were well ahead of its time. Came out in the 60s. It is a song full of paradox in today’s world. It is a song of Christian faith, psychedelic in nature and  written by a non Christian Jew by the name of Norman Greenbaum in an era of peace and love and drugs . Covered many, many times. Enjoy it:
