September 19: Ponceferrad to Villafranca

Jerry’s favorite poster. Expand to read.

Today’s walk was pretty good after yesterday’s walk through the valley of death. Flat, non descript and monochromatic. There were many of us. Mainly Spanish, some Italians and us stupid Canadians, as I was called by Serge, the French Canadian patriot  nationalist and separatist. I have come across three other French Canadian woman who are all separatists. Really nice women. They all said they were from Montreal, or Quebec City Quebec and not Canada. There you have it

Sunset in Villa Franca. So we walked about 23 kilometers and then stopped for lunch around 1130. We had about 5 kilometers left before we arrived at Villa Franca. But it took us 2 and a half hours to get there. Something was wrong as by my calculations and my internal GPS we
had walked over 11 kilometers. Jerry steered us to an alternative route that we didn’t t know about. Don,t worry bye it, Villa Franca, is just over the  hill and around the bend. After many wee hills and wee-er bends we arrived. We had done 35 kilometers. We were ready to kill Jerry.

Vla Franca is a small quaint Spanish village with a castle in the middle of it. Streets are narrow and hilly (steep), made of cobblestones that are very hard to walk on in flip flops. Like all villages here it is extremely clean

Houses are adorned with beautiful and intricate facades and pride on ownership is evident everywhere.


Read ya tomorrow.