We Won’t Back Down


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Oh, by the way, Canada’s first and third Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, was born 210 years ago today (Saturday, 11 January). 

Today we should honor the man for achieving Confederation, creating the Dominion of Canada, and uniting the nation from coast to coast with the Canadian Pacific Railway. 

My personal favorite Canadian national anthem. In the Navy we marched to this many times (along with Heart of Oak). It sent chills up the spine and brought a proud tear to the eye. Reaction was way more emotional than Oh Canada. The vets marched to his tune during WW1

I am proud of my heritage. Every person that lives in this country, in every region, must be treated equally. Until that happens we can be sure of one thing: continued chaos and societal breakdown.

2025: End the Canadian madness.

Remember this?

(Trudeau) “These people do not represent the views of Canadians.”

Oh really?

Great Canadian Freedom Convoy.

This is why Trudeau is fooked.

Like a good narcissist, he resigned but sort of. We still have to put up with him for another few months. Trudeau can now claim that he won three elections and was never defeated. That defeat of a grand scale which is sure to come will be left to the new leader to absorb: a new leader who will have a Kim Campbell legacy to live with for the rest of his or her days. If I was a Liberal MP I wouldn’t touch a Liberal leadership convention with the Peace Tower flag pole. I would either demand an election now with the incumbent in charge or leave him in power until the election has to be called and let him ride out the electoral storm.

Let’s bring our pride in country back.

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