Hypocrites And Big Fat Mamas


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Here is a visual definition of a hypocrite. Trudeau prorogued parliament at the same time that he resigned as leader. Oh he is still Prime Minister until such time as the Liberal Party of Canada elects a new leader. That leader automatically becomes Prime Minister and will have to take the Liberal Party into the next election. Then they will be annihilated and Trudough can ride off into the sunset with an unblemished electoral legacy. Meanwhile his replacement will have the Kim Campbell millstone around his neck for the rest of his or her political days. Creton (sic) did the same, as did Brian Mulroney, as did Pierre Trudough. Their reliefs and Party then fell on their electoral swords.

BTW, for our international friends “proroguement” is a Canadian political tool to end the session of a parliament by an order of the sovereign, thus deferring its business and mitigating a non confidence motion, which terminates the sitting government and avoids an erection. In other words it buys time for Trudough and the Liberals to get their shyte together and get one up on the opposition. It is entirely undemocratic and should be abolished.

What a fool. The fool on the parliament hill.

And with his best butt, Gerald Butts.

Heard in passing: the Canadian peso, erm dollar, is all about worthless now. Who is to blame? Lizard people-man of Canada that’s who – oh and Gerald Butts has had a hand in destroying the Canadian economy too, butt from behind the scenes, as all butts do. Shyte happens.

Another sad bit of reality. Amazon is destroying small businesses in small town Canada. We are all guilty of this if death to the small Canadian town should occur. And it will. I am guilty of it too as I use Amazon on line shopping all the time – but not for shoes though.

Also, dining out. Restaurants are shuttering. Who is to blame for this? Hiking the minimum wage to $17-$22 bucks an hour is certainly a contributing factor . On top of that the staff still expects its 18-25% range in tips. Don’t know about you but I always go for the “other” on those pay machines. Normally 10% and no more. On top of everything else our government, at all levels, demand their pound of flesh in ever increasing taxes. This is insane. Result? My wife and I never, ever go out for dinner anymore. If we dine out it is normally for breaky or lunch. Much better value and it doesn’t break the bank of home.

This is a great video. Trigger warning to those Canadians suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome…probably half of the Canadian population. It is long but very interesting.

This song came out in the mid 60s when UK taxes forced many successful Brits to flee the country. Here it is some 60 years on and our government still hasn’t learned their financial and economic lessons. The more you tax the less revenue you bring in.

Big Fat Mama is big government.


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