Underneath God’s Light

From the MSN deception file comes this:

It seems Brad Pitt is in a spot of car trouble. Seems his Tesla rear ended a Nissan, probably a Leaf, that ran into a pick-up truck. Who won this battle of the Electric Vehicles (EVs)?  Why the gas guzzling truck of course. Nada scratch on her. But the headline reads:

“Brad Pitt Causes Chain Car Crash.” A two car EV fender bender? A chain car crash? Are you kidding me? No, no, no, this is a chain car crash:

Image result for pics of major chain car crashes

Hey, is that Brad down there in the blue shirt? Lost a bit of hair no doubt. And gained weight. But then the story spends the rest of the time – about 95% of the article – telling us about Brad’s personal life…who cares?………………….Geesh.

This is way over the top: Taylor Swift spends $50B buying apartment blocks somewhere in NYC. Wow. We should be so lucky. Hopefully this latest string of real estate deals will keep her sooooo busy that we won’t have to listen to her sing anymore. One can only hope.

This just in from Ontario PC leadership race: Christine Elliott has the support of the PC Caucus:

Ontario Progressive Conservative leadership candidate Christine Elliott has the early lead when it comes to support from the PC caucus. Elliott lost to former party leader Patrick Brown in 2015.

I can see why!

Jared Fogle – remember him? The Subway pitch man – is hoping to have his case reviewed stating that the judge was biased. She preferred MacDonald’s! Looking at Jared it would appear that the Subway diet isn’t quite what it used to be:

a man standing in front of a crowd: Jared Fogle enters the Birch Bayh Federal Building and United States Courthouse for sentencing, Thursday, November 19, 2015.

Hold the mayo!

More on Elizabeth May, The Green Party Leader of One…herself…and the investigation of her bad behaviour:

“At the very time that I am pressing the council and staff to start setting aside money for the 2019 election campaign, I have asked for expenditures that will run in the tens of thousands of dollars,” Ms. May wrote in the fundraising email. “If you can manage a donation at this time, it would certainly be appreciated. I truly regret this situation and its impact on the party.”

Are you kidding me? She makes, what? $200K plus per year and she is asking us to crowd fund her investigation of herself? There is a reason you call yourself the Green Party as in green-backs……and we’re not idiots like this guy below…………Geesh.

I am ashamed to call myself a Canadian these days (Italics mine) – Thanks to Small Dead Animals for this:

Canada has no core values or core identity;

Immigrants make better Canadians than Canadians themselves;

The Budget will balance itself – with the help of my selfies;

Refugees are ISIS terrorists;

ISIS are refugees that need to be integrated;

Castro was a great man and a dear friend of Canada;

Because diversity is our strength;

Refugees, including returning ISIS Canadians, receive 3600 per month;

Veterans receive??????????????????

Sheer’s, the US Medic who was killed by Khadr, wife and kids received nada;

Terrorists are just misunderstood and should be welcomed by all Canadians;

Canada is the world’s first Post Nation State;

I admire China and their dictatorship;

$10.5M to Omar Khadr – a convicted terrorist but a true Canadian hero. Just like Louis Riel – a convicted murderer and delusional madman.

$30M given by Trudeau to 3 Canadians of Syrian roots who were detained in Syria;

$2.6B… that’s right “Billion…” given by Trudeau to the UN’s Climate Change fund;

Nada to Canadian veterans: “We just cannot afford to give our veterans any more;”

Terrorists will not lose their Canadian citizenship;

Calling “Honour Killing” barbaric is barbaric as it raises some people’s hackles; yeah the “honor killing” killers;


And on and on and on it goes………………………..People….WAKE UP. We are slowly losing our country to an idiot.


Prayer of the day: Please Lord, give us back songs and artists like this and we’ll give you back Taylor Swift:


Have a terrific Thursday.






“Coo Day Tat”

Maldives Coup D’etat: What! Why?

BBC reports that the beautiful Maldives are under siege by the local army dudes. Wait a minute. They have an Army? But they’re going to be underwater right? Soon! The UN says so. So why the army? Seals perhaps. I can see that, but grunts??

We just want to ensure our water rights are upheld and not lost

Image result for pics of maldives army

Maldives army recruits learning to do the “Crawl” with full army load. “It’s so exciting. We’ll be issued with scuba tanks next. But it’s a one shot only issue.” one recruit was heard to say….Geesh.

This just in: Perks of the Royal Family! Like, we want to know…right?

Slide 7 of 15: Queen Elizabeth prefers to be woken up by Scottish bagpipes. A piper plays under her window each morning from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m.Slide 5 of 15: Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla’s clothes are not allowed to be cleaned in washing machines—everything is hand washed. When they sent their clothing away to be cleaned, they found that some items of clothing were kept as souvenirs.

Funny hats of course, and they don’t wash….honestly.

Insane man!

Slide 6 of 15: Prince Charles enjoys cheese and biscuits at the end of many of his meals. Since he’s particular about everything, he insists that they be a certain temperature. The staff keeps a warming pan just to make sure they are hot enough for his liking. (The royal family is <a href='https://www.rd.com/culture/royal-family-autograph-ban/'>not allowed to give out autographs for this very important reason</a>.)You bet. Even this guy finds it funny…our future King. Yup…big laugh there. “What’s for breakfast?”

New Netflix show….”Altered Carbon” a Sci-Fly story:

There are a lot of serious topics covered in Altered Carbon, a new science fiction series from Netflix. The show touches on income inequality and classism. It delves into misogynistic power structures and the nature of identity. It touches on just how much of our morality is driven by the fact that we die and what might happen if death suddenly stopped being an endpoint and, instead, became a minor stopgap in an ultimately immortal life. It even touches on environmental issues in a few sidelong glances…..AND THAT IS WHY I WILL NEVER WATCH IT!

A man’s snowmobile! Sorry to all you “Prius” owners out there.

Nissan 370Zki concept


I will be setting up a new separate page here soon to promote my new first effort book. It is called: KUROFUNE: THE BLACK SHIPS – A Novel of World War II. It is now on Kindle as an eBook.

Check this Rare Earth song out. Great band from the 70s.


Have a terrific Tuesday.



Saw John Fogerty last night thus no post.

Great show. Amazing to see and hear and feel just how great a musician this guy is. Had everyone up and moving to his tunes. Heard it Through the Grapevine was particularly awesome.

If you get the chance go and see him and his band. He is 71 so there’s no telling how many more of these tours he can do. My third concert over 6 years and this one was the best, in my opinion.