
Seems that Saudi women are now allowed to drive but cannot change the way they dress. So, how would you like to see this behind the wheel of a car on the highway, coming straight at you or trying to pass:

See the source imageTesla is all in a tizzy over this one.

Of course we all know what had happened to their driverless car:

See the source image Don’t think I’ll ever drive in Riyad. I’ll stick to this, thank you very much.

See the source imageWhere everyday is “hump” day in Saudi Arabia.

Of course women in Saudi Arabia can now drive but they (thanks to RT):

  1. Must adhere to a strict dress code and wear an ankle-length garment called an abaya;
  2. Cannot associate with men to whom they are not related;
  3. If they want to leave the home, travel, work, rent an apartment, make a legal claim or access certain healthcare, they must be accompanied by, or have the permission from a wali – a male guardian who is usually their husband, father, brother, uncle or even son;
  4. Must seek permission from their guardians to marry or divorce. Women who want to marry a foreigner must obtain approval from the Ministry of Interior. They are not allowed to marry a non-Muslim;
  5. Are not allowed to have their own bank accounts or control their finances without permission from their guardian;
  6. The Saudi legal system says the testimony of a woman is only worth half that of a man;
  7. Daughters only receive half the inheritance that their brothers receive; and
  8. In cases of divorce, they are only allowed custody of their children until they reach the age of seven for boys, and nine for girls.

Hmmm? Maybe moving to Saudi Arabia wouldn’t be a bad idea after all. Hmmm? Just saying that’s all. So why are so called feminists here in the Western World so uptight about these woman’s rights anyway? THEY HAVE NO RIGHTS.

Arnold Schwarzenegger burns Trump’s plan with one brutal tweet about protecting the coal industry and his relentless criticism of everything Trump does. Of course this criticism is coming from a guy who states that he would strap every climate change denier to the tailpipe of his SUV to see how they like CO2?!?!?! Say what:

Arnold Schwarzenegger on global warming ‘deniers’: ‘Strap some conservative-thinking people to a tailpipe for an hour and then they will agree it’s a pollutant!’

Update: ‘Carbon dioxide, while a greenhouse gas, is not toxic and it is not noxious. It’s probably carbon monoxide that will be responsible for the [tailpipe] genocide’ that ole Arnie talks about.

Geeesh. Of course all of the green environ – mental whackos will believe Awnold and not some crazy Harvard physicist named Lubos Motl. Stick to acting Awnold. (to think that this guy was once the Governor of California. Then again…………………?

Arnold Schwarzenegger on global warming deniers: ‘Strap some conservative-thinking people to a tailpipe for an hour and then they will agree it’s a pollutant!’

On another note: Trump is hugely criticized for taking the US out of the Paris accord, yet the US has reduced greenhouse gas emissions more than any other country on the planet. UN response? They welcome North Korea and Nicaragua’s signing of the Paris accord. Ignore US emission reductions.

The UN’s logic? Take this guy at his word:

See the source image  or this guy: See the source image And that is why Canada should get out of the UN cartel……………………………NOW!

See the source imageUN’s Chinese point man on the ground!

In China janitors are now the new millionaires. This was just announced after “Mr Clean” was introduced to the Chinese economy!

Breaking news coming out of Toronto: A listing for a home in the Upper Annex of Toronto has some people scratching their heads over photos showing an exposed toilet and shower in the main-floor living room, right beside the fireplace.

The charming, semi-detached home — listed at $898,000 at 1231 Bathurst St., near Dupont St. — certainly has an unusual layout, and an unusual smell about it but real estate agents say that likely has a good explanation.

“$900,000 for a load of crap” one potential buyer remarked. “It’s a dump!”

“Shit happens” the realtor remarked.

The current real estate market in Toronto could see this potential deal go down the toilet…………………….groan.

Trudeau calls Trump’s tariffs insulting and unacceptable. Ooooo.

Both Trudeau and Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland have called the imposition of the tariffs under American national security legislation “absurd.”  Oooooo!

When asked whether Trudeau will say that to Trump face-to-face, he nodded. “And I have”……Ooooooo

Of course when the issue of the huge Canadian subsidies of softwood lumber  and the supply management protectionism held by Canada, especially the Quebec dairy monopoly, there was dead silence within the ranks of the Canadian Nafta negotiating team:


vs the US Team:

See the source image

One English born Canadian was heard to say: “Naf said, Ta!”

From the absurd file: I see the French are at it again: a Frenchman is swimming  “9,000km to raise awareness of ocean pollution”. they describe the pollution as being “Texas Sized.” Texans were not amused.

See the source imageSo let that French sunnamabitch try to come and swim over here. We’ll have a big surprise for him: French Fried Hali-butts: Note: The French swimmers is known as “Hal.”

See the source image

I really think that when the Darwin awards were first initiated that the organizing committee had the French (France’s French) in mind:

See the source image

That’s all she wrote today.

Song of the day:



Very disappointed that my team – the Las Vegas Golden Knights – are down three games to one. Game 5 on Thursday. One can only hope and pray to the hockey gods for a win. Even Michelangelo agrees with me with this recently discovered work of art found in the Sistine arena, er chapel, in Italy.

See the source image

And then God made man and he looked down and he was happy.

Except in Canada eh?See the source image                                        Darwin’s theory as being taught in Canadian schools. Hey, if Gore can change things so can I. (SJ)

Fantasy thought of the year:


That is about as dead as Darwin’s theory of evil-ution is in Canadian schools. “It is an evil thought” one Toronto fan was heard to say. “Darwin had it wrong all along”! “After the current age of “Homo Erections” surely we will have evolved into the Homo “Slap Shot!” ”

What else is going on. The sheer hypocrisy of BC Premier John Horgan, his puppet master Andrew Weaver and the ever so popular Justinian Turdope of the Kinder Morgan Pipeline fiasco. Typical BC political posturing and logic. Horgan to Alberta Premier Notley:  “We do not want your oil. But” – and in a way that only a politician can say and get away with – “We want your oil and if you don’t give it to us we will sue your asses off.”

And in keeping with our Darwin theme this was heard recently at a BC morning caucus meeting:

See the source image

Oops that’s 4. Perhaps Turdeau’s climate Tzar is in there somewhere.

BC and Canada’s economy is soon to be on life support.

See the source image Hey but we are saving the planet after all – from ourselves!…………………Geesh

And if you still believe that we or the UN is responsible for  Climate Change, or global warming or the evolutionary human progression of hockey players then have a look at this: (thanks to SDA)

The sound of settled science:
“Nobel Laureate DESTROY Global warming during EPIC Lecture. Gets a standing ovation”

So much going on today:

This just in: ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. — The Miss America Organization is dropping the swimsuit competition from its nationally televised broadcast, saying it will no longer judge contestants on their appearance. So they’re opting out for this:
See the source image       That’s the burqa swimsuit organizing committee in the background.
“We want to be all inclusive here” the “I – a – told –  you – so” remarked.

Does anyone see the irony here after the segment above:

Daughters born to Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex will not inherit their title, it has emerged.

The royal pair wed in May (18) following a three-month engagement and rumours have been rife that children won’t be too far behind. But the newlyweds have had to accept that any daughters born to them won’t inherit the dukedom, with the title instead falling to their firstborn son irrespective of age.

And the title will die out completely if the couple have only girls.

In keeping in tune with that bit of Darwinian fluff, the couple will soon move to Saudi Arabia. The only place on earth where girls can be girls.

That’s all for today.

Go Vegas Go
Song of the day: Click on the link then click on the You Tube link in the box.

The Last Post

Check out my book Kurofune: The Black Ships. Just click on the link at the top right of this page. Getting good reviews.

My last post for a few weeks. Just taking the time off to recoup, recharge and rethink.

See the source image

Read ya later about 03 June.

Vezelay will soon be upon me. 78 more sleeps.

See the source image

Good luck to the Winnipeg Jets. Amazing hockey story.

See the source image

Winnipeg White-out!

Song for the day:

Read ya later.



Enjoy The Silence

85 more sleeps  to the start of my “Way of St James” walk. Starting from the Abby at Vezelay:

See the source imageCool! That is some church!

Been training now for quite some time. Going out after this to do 22 Km. Generally try to do this 3 times per week. It does get boring after a while doing the same trek although I now have three different routes. Going outbound I listen to Collective Soul and coming back Badfinger:

Awesome guitar work here! It keeps me pumped and motivated.


Great tunes.

Heard some young people the other day talking about the need to shut down all pipelines because of all the spills that have occurred in our waters. I shook my head in amazement given that there haven’t been ANY SPILLS out here attributed to tanker traffic over the past 100 years. Again, not having researched the issues, these people have been fed the Kool-Aid by the environ-mental activists. At the same time complaining about the high price of gas at the pumps…Geesh. The next generation – the star trek electorate. Lost in the space of their minds.

Don’t get me wrong I am happy that they want to be engaged in the debate it’s just that they have been fed disinformation on un-factual steroids.

Love this: (italics mine)

What is the science behind our hair turning gray? None! Researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham have a possible answer and it may also explain why vitiligo patients develop unpigmented (is that a real word?) patches of skin….vitili…who?

The study titled “A direct link between MITF, innate immaturity…er immunity, and hair graying” was published in the journal PLOS Biology on May 3.

“My lab harnesses the power of mouse models – mouse models? ….Are they kidding me?… of hair graying to better understand stem cells and aging. The stem cells we study in the Pleistocene Age are the melanocyte stem cells in the hair follicle, which are the stem cells that are essential for producing melanocytes,” explained lead study author Melissa Harris, an assistant professor of biology at the University of Alabama…as she went out to buy her latest dose of Clairol!

See the source image Are they kidding me?

Melanocytes are pigment-producing cells responsible for giving your hair its natural color, be it blonde, brown, red or black. But when melanocytes suffer damage as a response to natural aging or a serious illness, the newly grown hair ceases to carry its natural pigment. This is how people develop gray or white hair….wow. That made my day. I can go to work now. Wait until Gladys learns about this at the salon!

But why, oh why are my eyebrows the same colour as they have always been? Why?

One of the mysteries of life I’m afraid.

Fast Food Hiring Problem: Where have all the teenagers gone?  Well perhaps here:

See the source image

Or here:

See the source image

Maybe here

See the source image

See the source imageA teenagers mantra for life.

The Star Trek Generation. Make believe or lost in their own space!

Hey man, enjoy the silence!

Happy Monday


Vezelay to Lourdes…Or Bust

Probably bust but I am going to give it my best shot.

The Abby in Vezelay France. Where according to Catholic legend or myth or whatever, the bones of Mary Magdalen are housed, not buried, but housed. Sounds more eclasiastical to me. Buried sounds so eternal…the end game, nada, that’s it, that’s all He wrote. And how did her bones get from the Holy Land to Vezelay? God only knows. Perhaps he liked Burgundy and wanted some of the grape to conduct a Celebration of Life for dear old Mary. We’ll never know but Vezelay sure is a beautiful place. And speaking of Never I also want to see that place as that is where Saint Bernadette de Soubirous is buried. Entirely preserved I am told. Better than my 1982 Suburu.

Back to Vezelay:

Hmmmmmmmmm…..The Abby in Vezelay….Hmmmmmmmmmm

See the source imageHmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

Where I will start my 900 km walk….Hmmmmmmmmmmm!

See the source imageJust hope they never have an earthquake!

Maybe I’ll see this guy there:

See the source imageComedian Dave Allen, as the Bishop!

Catholic Passport. Given out at birth to every good Catholic boy or girl. Must be stamped at various milestones throughout life. As a reminder that as Catholics, we are all:

See the source imageSorry…..I must say though the Catholicism has produced a multitude of laughs over the years. You would never, ever hear or see a Protestant comedian telling a Martin Luther joke. Or a Muslim telling a joke about Islam. Never. Now we Catholics fear an existential threat of eternal damnation while those other guys can’t even come close to that. That is why there is so much fun with the Catholic Church. While a Muslim martyr is promised salvation with a bevy of beautiful women, we Catholics have to be content with “Going to Hell in a Handmaiden’s basket”! Much more fun.

And Lourdes? Hopefully I will make it there.

See the source image

Been training for this walk now for a few months. Here I am at the beginning of a morning 22 Km walk. Shawnigan Lake area near Mill Bay:

Land-locked Ness monster. How did she get here?

Fun times ahead. I’m going to track this pilgrimage on this blog…so stay tuned.

Song of the day. Unlike Mary Magdalen, I make no bones about my faith. It’s a great song:
