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Aha. It now makes sense to me as to why Trudeau and his minions would ever think about the legalization of marijuana or as it is known as “Wacky Tobacky.” It is Wackonomics my friend. Wackonomics.

Yes dear Canucks, in Canada, the inmates of the Trudeau Government are, or did, running their insane asylum on all of us.

And why is Trudough, Freelunch et al ruining Canada. And then it dawned on me. They are part of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) board. You know: “you will own nothing and you will be happy.” It is all part of the plan. The WEF’s plan and New World Order or as Trudough would say: “Canada? “Well Canadian peoplekind Canada is or will be, under my leadership, the world’s first post national state.”


He resigned. Well, sort of. We still have this whacko for another 5-8 months. Canadians should rebel, stand up and demand an election…NOW.

In Canada the financial witch is gone. No more free-lunches except that she will be around to potentially run for the leadership of the whacko liberal party.

Chili con carne? A staunch believer in climate change and net zero policies.  Vote for him as leader and you are voting to continue the whacko legacy of current Canadian Liberal policies.

The Clark Factor. Carbon tax anyone. The tax is the economical destroyer of BC and now Canada.

No, these contenders should go as well. The Liberals need someone new, not old as in tired old socialist whacko policies.

I want my county back including all of the warts. I am proud of John A, our first and third Prime Minister.


Eat, Drink and Be Scary

50 foods so unhealthy that they are considered E.V.I.L.

Slide 24 of 51: Unhealthy Ingredients: High fructose corn syrup, caramel coloring, soybean oilWho knew that eating just a cup of spaghetti and meatballs would fill you up with 8 grams of sugar? That’s exactly what will happen if you eat Chef Boyardee’s Jumbo Spaghetti & Meatballs, which has high fructose corn syrup in their sauce. Another issue with the food? A a significant amount of protein in those meatballs comes from soy protein concentrate. Unlike a protein isolate, protein concentrate contains more of the nutrients found in soy, which could mean it’s more likely to contain traces of the carcinogen-containing pesticides used in genetically-modified soy production. To make matters worse, the meatballs are dyed with caramel color and most of their 13 grams of fat comes from soybean oil.Eat This! Instead: When the craving for pasta strikes, try some of these 40 Ultimate Pasta Tips to Stay Skinny. Sure, making noodles from scratch may take some additional time, but at least you’ll have leftovers for days.But they taste great.

Just about everything is covered in their list. So what can we do? Well I researched this so you don’t have to.

If you follow their advice you too can look like this:

See the source imageSo eat, drink and be scary.

These guys will not give up.

Here is what the earth will look like in 2100.

Slide 1 of 38: 2018 was the warmest year on record for the planet's oceans, and the fourth-warmest year ever in terms of surface temperature. Scientists are discovering that melting in Greenland and Antarctica is occurring much faster than they previously thought. These changes could spell disaster for coastal economies in the form of sea-level rise and more frequent (and intense) natural disasters like hurricanes. If worldwide carbon-dioxide emissions aren't curbed significantly - and soon - Earth might be almost unrecognizable by the year 2100. We've already gotten a series of one-two punches on the climate change front this year: Ocean temperatures broke records, Arctic and Antarctic melting reached unprecedented rates, and extreme weather swept through the US. An increasing number of people are concerned about the issue of climate change, as evidenced by recent worldwide climate strikes and efforts by US lawmakers to enact new environmental legislation. On April 22, the world will celebrate the 49th annual Earth Day, a global event that more than 1 billion people participate in across 192 countries. This year, Earth Day organizers are attempting to call attention to one particular consequence of a warming planet: the skyrocketing number of flora and fauna species that are becoming vulnerable to extinction. Read More: 12 signs we're in the middle of a 6th mass extinction If we hope to limit some of these impending extinctions, along with the other disastrous effects of climate change, we must make drastic cuts - and soon - to greenhouse-gas emissions from energy production, transportation, industrial work, farming, and other sectors. According to the most recent report from the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), global temperatures will likely rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels between 2030 and 2052 if warming continues at the current rate. Staying under that threshold was the optimistic goal set in the Paris climate agreement. But even if carbon emissions were to drop to zero tomorrow, we'd still be watching human-driven climate change play out for centuries. "There's no stopping global warming," Gavin Schmidt, a climate scientist and the director of NASA's Goddard Institute of Space Studies, previously told Business Insider. "Everything that's happened so far is baked into the system." Here's what the Earth could look like by 2100 in our best- and worst-case scenarios. Of course we will all be dead to confirm this. I don’t understand how these so called journalist get away with proctoring shit like this:

  • 2018 was the warmest year on record for the planet’s oceans, and the fourth-warmest year ever in terms of surface temperature. Wrong. 1934 was the warmest year on record for anything, the 1930s the warmest decade. I can honestly predict now with certainty that for these guys 2019 will be the warmest year on record. Then 2020, then 2021.
  • Scientists are discovering that melting in Greenland and Antarctica is occurring much faster than they previously thought. No, Greenland ice is increasing. Antarctica is getting colder with more ice.
  • These changes could spell disaster for coastal economies in the form of sea-level rise and more frequent (and intense) natural disasters like hurricanes. Hurricanes are a natural phenomenon. No major hurricanes in the US in the last 6 years. Sea levels are not rising significantly. Barely discernible.
  • If worldwide carbon-dioxide emissions aren’t curbed significantly – and soon – Earth might be almost unrecognizable by the year 2100. Yes, if we do just that the earth will look like this:

See the source image

We’ve already gotten a series of one-two punches on the climate change front this year: Ocean temperatures broke records – wrong, no change, Arctic and Antarctic melting reached unprecedented rates – wrong, and extreme weather swept through the US – no, it is called winter. By the way that is a one three punch you are talking about, not a one two punch as you have stated. But then again when has math and facts ever become relevant when it gets in the way of unscientific fraudulent reporting.

By the by, the UN reported in 1988 that the Maldives would be underwater by January 1 2018, a period of 30 years. Well, guess what. Maldives today:

See the source imageWater ‘s fine man.

Hey is that the Turd there. In cognitos.

The Bible was right: Beware of False Prophets.

As I mentioned in an earlier post Progressivism is destroying our way of life. Further proof in the most politically correct country on the planet:

Canadian man is fined by a tribunal for daring to call a transgendered “male to female” a male. He called him a biological male because this she/man has not had the procedure done yet. So, biologically speaking he was right. No, no, no states the Canadian tribunal. Wrong. He is really a she. We checked. This poor guy was fined $55,000!

SHE-MAN and the Masters of the Universe. I wonder what Skeletor would be thinking right now.

See the source imageBite me!

Here are a few for the books:

KKK man gets arrested for stabbing a colleague. It would appear that an argument ensued between them over who is the most racist….wow.

White and coloured Millennials feel that racial segregation on college and university campuses is a good thing and something they would support. MLK would be soooo happy and proud of this generation.

Liberals response to Saskatchewan rally to oppose the new Carbon Tax?

“Hey, its only Saskatchewan. Not to be taken seriously. I mean, c’mon now, how can anyone take a Province seriously with a name that nobody can pronounce or spell. And who in their right mind would ever name a town “Moose Jaw?” Perhaps they are twinned with “Lock Jaw.” hahahahahaha. I am so funny and witty, aren’t I Gerald? ….Gerald? ….Gerald? Where are you Gerry. C’mon now. Quit hiding on me will ya. We’ll play hide and seek when we get back to Ottawa. Okay?”

From a friend

How ya going to explain this one, when she grows up:

61-Year-Old Woman Gives Birth To Own Granddaughter For Gay Son Using His Husband’s Sister’s Egg. 

Sign me up:

University Of Kansas Offers ‘Angry White Male’ Course

There is always a method to the Green’s madness:

After Banning Plastic Bags, NYC Will Now Tax Paper Bags.

Trans-man surgically transformed into an alien. It would appear that having a “dick” wasn’t enough to suppress his/her emotional problems. So, he/she has now become an alien. She/he had her/his nipples removed and wants to be know as “Thing.” How about “Klaatu?”

Or how about “The Thingy” or “Dick’s Trachea”

“I just want to be normal. To be taken seriously” he or she or thingy was heard to remark.

It is more than just a feeling after all.

Time to get off the planet.


Have a great weekend. Read ya Monday.







SH*T For Brains

Given all the protests out there I thought this past post was still relevant…..

Hidden Agenda? So who has the hidden agenda? Harper or Trudeau?

“Kinder Morgan is important for our national interest” Trudeau tells Canadians and then on the world stage tells France and European Leaders that he is ashamed of Alberta’s oil sands and will do all that he can to shut them down.

Commenting on the high price of gas in Vancouver and Victoria – most expensive in North America – well, he is in total agreement: “This is exactly what we want….yesssss!”

This puppet is out to destroy the Canadian economy and emasculate Alberta’s livelihood. He is a feminist after all. The premier of BC and his puppet-master, the leader of the green party, are ecstatic over this. The sad thing is that they were voted in in the first place and will probably win another term. Reminds me of my comment about MacDonald’s. They raised their menu prices and sales soared….duh?

See the source image“I have a dream…….man”

“And it doesn’t include you”

This gas thingy can really turn me on….man.Compared to Harper this man’s dream is a nightmare!

Have to laugh at a survey done about countries that have the most freedom. Sweden, Norway and Finland tied for first. Are you kidding me? These countries are probably the most regulated countries in the world. Consider 250 regulations on how cucumbers are to be grown and distributed. And, they have to be as strait as an arrow man-people. They, the cucumbers that is, cannot be bent. Well, is that freedom? Straight? The LGBTQRSTUVWXY and Z crowd in these places are all in a tizzy over that bit of news. No, no, no.. you cannot do what you want in these places and the taxes are sky high. Just ask a cucumber farmer and he’ll tell you straight up!

The UN is all excited about this one. If the Scandinavian countries can pull “the sheep’s wool” over our eyes with this stat just think what we could do with the sale and regulation of “wellies” all over the sheep farming world. Finally, a new world order. “One world government here we cum…er come!” the head of the UN – who wished to remain anonymous – remarked recently.

And, have you seen Sweden lately?

See the source image“We want to be like Norway!”

“Their cucumbers are straighter than ours…shameful!”

A Swedish cucumber grown in Sweden’s red light district:

The response was immediate:

Sweden’s cucumber riot squad hit the streets:

“And what about Swedish meat balls?” someone asked

“Don’t even go there!” the police responded.

And in Finland? The # 1 freedom country in the world? Just as straight as can be man!

Next week? Zucchinis!

From the…they just cannot give it up file comes this headline from the Hill:

“Impeachment Looms Large in the White House”

Just one day after the leader of South Korea stated publicly that Trump should win the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in ending the Korean War and bringing peace to the peninsula after 63 years….Geesh.

“Yeah but….” Nancy Pelosi, who wishes to remain anonymous, stated categorically. “We all know it was Bernie Sanders who played his cards appropriately in this showdown with North Korea, not Trump.

“Damn you Who Flung Poo” Bernie shouted at the leader of North Korea while at the negotiating table. “Hearts are trump, not spades….hearts” Poo took out his clubs and whacked Bernie with all he had.

“I call” he said.

Bernie, in desperation yelled. “This is Bridge you idiot…Bridge. Not some international poker game. This is serious business. It saved me during my University days…… I’ll lead off here with…. “jacks””

“Okay? Fish!” Poo answered.

And so it was. Bernie Sanders played Euchre with the leader of North Korea all day and finally won. For his efforts and perseverance he is up for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize in trumping North Korea.

As for Trump? Last time I heard it was diamonds.

It would appear these guys have sh*t for brains:

Beckham shows off his latest tattoos

a man wearing a blue shirt


Just wait until you are old and wrinkly dude.

Only in Canada would you hear or see this headline…and in French too!

And in typical Liberal…ese……”Well, it depends! Are you a man-people or a wo-people?”

“Neither. Hey, I am a zay, maybe a zee, or a zit, or a zat. Mr More-Dough…Canada’s financial wizard dude”

And from another original Canadian thought comes this:

Ottawa demands that North Korea abandon its nuclear program.

Or else, we will send our covert surveillance resources to spy on you!

The leader of North Korea responds in kind:

“Can Canadian slub slink? Me slinks not”

I can see you Canada…ooooo, I am soooo scared.

Enough of this, or that, or zay, zee, zits or zat.

Non Binary? The gift that keeps on giving to bloggers like me.

Song of the Day:

A very young Johnny Depp

Have a great Navy Day and a great weekend. Read ya Monday.
