Well, what do ya know. Trudeau loves Quebec and believes that Canada belongs to Quebec and that only the good Prime Ministers come from Quebec.
Time to get rid of this clothes-less emperor.
Hey what about Borden, King, Pearson Justinian. Don’t they rate in the 20th Century.
With that hair and pencil moe etc, doesn’t he remind you of one of these guys…..Anonymous!
I love being me.
Well now, an anarchist if I ever saw one. With his Carbon tax, he surely is.
Put that up yer ass and smoke it.
“I did, I did, I did. Indeed I legalized it for all Canadians to see what a joker, er toker I is. When I smoke weird things happen. Like…………..
Today I am a Montreal pansy. Tomorrow, Clark Kent and Superman.
Then, maybe….maybe….a Sikh:
Oh, what about a pirate….Yesss:
“I’ll rob those Canucks. Bleed em dry….Aaaaaaarrrrrgh.”
Hey Gerald? How about us playing Cowboys and First Nations…..eh? Gerald? Gerry? Come out or I’ll kick your poor ass butt.
Or maybe….
Just like his daddy.
Oh I know. how about this:
Prime Minister…maybe?
Naw. Toooooo boring.
Enough, I can’t take it anymore.
Perhaps he may be just a bit like you and me?……………………….Naw!
Have a great Canadian Day.