In The Beginning

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And then there was light.

In the beginning there was a big bang. And from that big bang a nation was born. And that nation was China, a maker of crap and a developer of human excrement, suffering and sewer oil. A true interloper and champion of totalitarianism and consumer product mediocrity.

And the globalists were happy.

And out of that big bang, on the first day, a city state was born. And they called it Wuhan. And that city was virulent.

But the globalists plugged their noses, held their breaths, farted  and smiled as they were all very, very happy. Woo…Hoo, Wuhan!

And on the second day a new organization was born. And they, the globalists, called it the United Nations. An august body that was formed in July. Therein followed by elitism in the World Health Organization. Who?The World Health Organization stupid, and the World Economic Forum (WEF)- woof!  Lead by doctors who are not really doctors. But true followers of the cause for world domination. But they all love Wuhan and China. They virulently love Wuhan. “This is our ticket,” they all yelled in babel confucius…er…confusion.

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And then little nation states were born. One was called Kanada. Why was it called Kanada? No one really knows, least of all the globalists.

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Don’t look at me

But Kanada was a good little player and supported the globalist cause. Kanada admired China’s dictatorship because they could turn their economy around on a dime…See the source image

…something Kanada truly envied but was hogtied in implementing their post nasal drip…er post nation state dream. So Kanada went rogue and prorogued.

And the globalists smiled…and were very, very, very happy with Kanada.

And on the third day something flew out of the Wuhan nest. And it was not good but the Globalists were very happy. The non doctors of the UN and of the WHO’s on first, with the WWF…er WEF…  on second were virulently ecstatic for they had found their cause…and their power broker. “Oh, I don’t know…”it was a force multiplier. Whew! And the cause was viewed as good…for them…for mankind…for them…for people kind…for them. It was called “Winter Knockdown” followed by “Summer Slam.” This was viewed as being very good but not for the feint of heart.

The globalists smiled for they were very content with their progress to date.

And on the fourth day a plague was born. A virus…so contagious it forced all of the Chinese to wet their pants and sell them off at their wet markets, which were located across the city. The virus was more virulent and progressive than their sewer oil, a hot commodity of the Chinese market.

See the source imageYummy

And the globalists and Kanada cheered for they had found their catalytic converter…er cataclysmic conversion…to transform mankind into their own likeness. Their god Gaia had been born. And they were happy and pleased with themselves. They wanted to spread the good cheer and this they achieved in dramatic fashion during the new year from China. “Go out and multiply” was their religious cadence to the beat of their chopsticks. And this they did…all over the world. Italy, Spain, Kanada, France, UK….It became…Chinese food for naught.

And the globalists were very happy indeed.

And on the fifth day something extraordinary happened. The virus, or plague, spread all over the world…to the delight of the WHO. Who? The World Health Organization stupid, and the WEF, and Kanada, and Zoro, Faucet, Yates and a few other global potentates.

“Lockdown, lockdown” became their rallying cry. “But not for me” they cried. “For thee.” For thee are like sheep, especially Kanadians from Kanada. And they were pleased and righteous…er, no leftists, as they gave out millions of masks developed by their chosen people…the Chinese…that had exceeded their best before date. They were crap. They were useless. But no matter. “Wear that mask.” So says the WHO. Who? The World Health Organization stupid. For they are ineffective. And Yates was extremely happy to reduce the world’s population by 6 billion people. If the masks don’t do it, then the vaccine will. And if that doesn’t work well?….the Chinese sewer oil definitely will.  Zoro chimed in to the tune of AN..TEE…FAH; AN…TEE…FAH; AN…TEE…FAH, and Baseball League Major; Baseball League Major. “Er George, not MLB spelled backwards but BLM for Black Lives Matter.” And Kanada’s Trudeau smiled and showed off his socks, which were sooo vibrant in virulent colours.

No matter. The globalists all took a knee because they were extremely happy with their creation. They worshiped Gaia.

And on the 6th day, things finally fell into place for the globalists. “It was never about the plague.” Dr Knumbnuts of the United Nations revealed. “So true,” Dr I.M Coughin of the WHO agreed. Who? The World Health Organization stupid.

“We took our lead from Kanada.” they said. “Kanadians will do anything they are told to do. Wear useless masks? No problem. Wear it on.”

And the globalist were very happy. For on this 6th day they tied this plague to Mother Earth, Gaia, their god, that Gaia was not happy and that the Plague of the Wuhan Virus was really caused by Climate Change / Global Warming and not some mixture of sewer oil and Chinese food. Gaia was not amused. Kanadians went ballistic with joy and were sooo smug in their happiness.

“Time for a major reboot of the World Economy, Religion, Education and Governance.” Dr Banderas from Mexican’t proclaimed as the lead procrastinator of the United Nations Security Council. Dr Freeourland, Kanada’s lead representative of the WHO, responded in kind. Who? The World Health Organization stupid. “This plague has given us a golden opportunity to reboot the entire world economy placing Gaia as our head.” She said. “Green, green… green it will be.” as she blew a huge greenie into the face of Dr Banderas, sitting on her far left because she forgot to sneeze into her inside elbow, which was the accepted sneeze protocol although her elbow was laid bare by her sleeveless dress.

And the Globalist were very happy indeed for they had their hands firmly crunched on the gonads of the world. They had their god Gaia. They had their holy trinity of fear, terror, panic. They had Kanada. “You’re all going to die.” became their mantra, their creed, their gospel. And their rosary of anxiety, depression and violence was forced upon all the disbelievers to submit to their credo. “Just look to Kanada.” they re-snorted…er…retorted.

See the source imageAnd on the 7th day they, the globalists, rested for they had achieved their goal for world domination. The procrastinators of the United Nations, the non doctors of the WHO…who?…the World Health Organization stupid, and the World Economic Forum were extremely happy.

And then there was darkness!




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Aha. It now makes sense to me as to why Trudeau and his minions would ever think about the legalization of marijuana or as it is known as “Wacky Tobacky.” It is Wackonomics my friend. Wackonomics.

Yes dear Canucks, in Canada, the inmates of the Trudeau Government are, or did, running their insane asylum on all of us.

And why is Trudough, Freelunch et al ruining Canada. And then it dawned on me. They are part of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) board. You know: “you will own nothing and you will be happy.” It is all part of the plan. The WEF’s plan and New World Order or as Trudough would say: “Canada? “Well Canadian peoplekind Canada is or will be, under my leadership, the world’s first post national state.”


He resigned. Well, sort of. We still have this whacko for another 5-8 months. Canadians should rebel, stand up and demand an election…NOW.

In Canada the financial witch is gone. No more free-lunches except that she will be around to potentially run for the leadership of the whacko liberal party.

Chili con carne? A staunch believer in climate change and net zero policies.  Vote for him as leader and you are voting to continue the whacko legacy of current Canadian Liberal policies.

The Clark Factor. Carbon tax anyone. The tax is the economical destroyer of BC and now Canada.

No, these contenders should go as well. The Liberals need someone new, not old as in tired old socialist whacko policies.

I want my county back including all of the warts. I am proud of John A, our first and third Prime Minister.


Say What?

This could be mankind’s future if we let the UN and Globalists get their way with us.

Say What?

Around the world, politicians have either just passed or are on the cusp of passing sweeping new laws, which would allow governments to censor ordinary citizens on social media and other Internet platforms.

Governments aim for total control. In Canada, a state agency can filter and manipulate what Canadians see online. In Australia, a single government official can compel social media companies to remove posts.

Canadian reality?

Canada’s foreign service spent thousands of dollars staging performances where seniors shared their sexual encounters on stage in Austria, Taiwan and elsewhere.

According to a press release by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF), the stage show by the Toronto theatre troupe Mammalian Diving Reflex was titled “All the Sex I’ve Ever Had’ and received $12,520 from Canadian taxpayers, or one dollar for every sexual encounter.

Too much detail if you ask me. But no one does.

Mammalian Diving Reflex? Is that like “Gerd.”

Global Affairs Canada paid for the trips to Austria, Taiwan and Australia via the Mission Cultural Fund (MCF), with the keynote word being…affairs.

I’m sure we want to know this…NOT!

And this Canadian inclusivity moment:

A Winnipeg high school is ending observation of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day to “transition to a more inclusive practice.” Whitey be damned. Inclusivity is Canadian code to strip generational Canadians of all of their traditions in order to appease other cultures who come here for a better life. So those of us who have been here for generations have to change our culture so as not to offend the new arrivals. This is what out of control immigration and appeasement leads to.

And this:

The parents of an Ontario high school student currently barred from education for his views on gender have both been put on leave from their teaching positions and placed under investigation in what appears to be a case of guilt by association.

Canadians? Wake up.


This was not what we signed up for:

European Globalists Use ‘Sustainable Development’ to Export Liberal Values.

The United Nations and the European Union join hands to strong-arm countries (like the Netherlands, SRI Lanka) into advancing revolutionary social goals that ultimately destroy their way of life…ESG!

It is time we got out of the UN. This is not what we signed up for:

United Nations Charter


to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and

to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and

to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and

to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,

But not to control every aspect of our lives.


History Can Repeat Itself.

Think it couldn’t happen here?

With all the crap going on right now with the WEF, UN, Climate Change, Religious persecution, Lockdowns, Mandates, Fear, Segregation…think again. History will repeat itself if we let it.

Love that. Don’t think about we or they or them. Think about us.

We are being deceived big time. Stop the madness.

Kurofune and other books I have written. Good reads with great reviews.

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