In The Beginning

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And then there was light.

In the beginning there was a big bang. And from that big bang a nation was born. And that nation was China, a maker of crap and a developer of human excrement, suffering and sewer oil. A true interloper and champion of totalitarianism and consumer product mediocrity.

And the globalists were happy.

And out of that big bang, on the first day, a city state was born. And they called it Wuhan. And that city was virulent.

But the globalists plugged their noses, held their breaths, farted  and smiled as they were all very, very happy. Woo…Hoo, Wuhan!

And on the second day a new organization was born. And they, the globalists, called it the United Nations. An august body that was formed in July. Therein followed by elitism in the World Health Organization. Who?The World Health Organization stupid, and the World Economic Forum (WEF)- woof!  Lead by doctors who are not really doctors. But true followers of the cause for world domination. But they all love Wuhan and China. They virulently love Wuhan. “This is our ticket,” they all yelled in babel confucius…er…confusion.

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And then little nation states were born. One was called Kanada. Why was it called Kanada? No one really knows, least of all the globalists.

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Don’t look at me

But Kanada was a good little player and supported the globalist cause. Kanada admired China’s dictatorship because they could turn their economy around on a dime…See the source image

…something Kanada truly envied but was hogtied in implementing their post nasal drip…er post nation state dream. So Kanada went rogue and prorogued.

And the globalists smiled…and were very, very, very happy with Kanada.

And on the third day something flew out of the Wuhan nest. And it was not good but the Globalists were very happy. The non doctors of the UN and of the WHO’s on first, with the WWF…er WEF…  on second were virulently ecstatic for they had found their cause…and their power broker. “Oh, I don’t know…”it was a force multiplier. Whew! And the cause was viewed as good…for them…for mankind…for them…for people kind…for them. It was called “Winter Knockdown” followed by “Summer Slam.” This was viewed as being very good but not for the feint of heart.

The globalists smiled for they were very content with their progress to date.

And on the fourth day a plague was born. A virus…so contagious it forced all of the Chinese to wet their pants and sell them off at their wet markets, which were located across the city. The virus was more virulent and progressive than their sewer oil, a hot commodity of the Chinese market.

See the source imageYummy

And the globalists and Kanada cheered for they had found their catalytic converter…er cataclysmic conversion…to transform mankind into their own likeness. Their god Gaia had been born. And they were happy and pleased with themselves. They wanted to spread the good cheer and this they achieved in dramatic fashion during the new year from China. “Go out and multiply” was their religious cadence to the beat of their chopsticks. And this they did…all over the world. Italy, Spain, Kanada, France, UK….It became…Chinese food for naught.

And the globalists were very happy indeed.

And on the fifth day something extraordinary happened. The virus, or plague, spread all over the world…to the delight of the WHO. Who? The World Health Organization stupid, and the WEF, and Kanada, and Zoro, Faucet, Yates and a few other global potentates.

“Lockdown, lockdown” became their rallying cry. “But not for me” they cried. “For thee.” For thee are like sheep, especially Kanadians from Kanada. And they were pleased and righteous…er, no leftists, as they gave out millions of masks developed by their chosen people…the Chinese…that had exceeded their best before date. They were crap. They were useless. But no matter. “Wear that mask.” So says the WHO. Who? The World Health Organization stupid. For they are ineffective. And Yates was extremely happy to reduce the world’s population by 6 billion people. If the masks don’t do it, then the vaccine will. And if that doesn’t work well?….the Chinese sewer oil definitely will.  Zoro chimed in to the tune of AN..TEE…FAH; AN…TEE…FAH; AN…TEE…FAH, and Baseball League Major; Baseball League Major. “Er George, not MLB spelled backwards but BLM for Black Lives Matter.” And Kanada’s Trudeau smiled and showed off his socks, which were sooo vibrant in virulent colours.

No matter. The globalists all took a knee because they were extremely happy with their creation. They worshiped Gaia.

And on the 6th day, things finally fell into place for the globalists. “It was never about the plague.” Dr Knumbnuts of the United Nations revealed. “So true,” Dr I.M Coughin of the WHO agreed. Who? The World Health Organization stupid.

“We took our lead from Kanada.” they said. “Kanadians will do anything they are told to do. Wear useless masks? No problem. Wear it on.”

And the globalist were very happy. For on this 6th day they tied this plague to Mother Earth, Gaia, their god, that Gaia was not happy and that the Plague of the Wuhan Virus was really caused by Climate Change / Global Warming and not some mixture of sewer oil and Chinese food. Gaia was not amused. Kanadians went ballistic with joy and were sooo smug in their happiness.

“Time for a major reboot of the World Economy, Religion, Education and Governance.” Dr Banderas from Mexican’t proclaimed as the lead procrastinator of the United Nations Security Council. Dr Freeourland, Kanada’s lead representative of the WHO, responded in kind. Who? The World Health Organization stupid. “This plague has given us a golden opportunity to reboot the entire world economy placing Gaia as our head.” She said. “Green, green… green it will be.” as she blew a huge greenie into the face of Dr Banderas, sitting on her far left because she forgot to sneeze into her inside elbow, which was the accepted sneeze protocol although her elbow was laid bare by her sleeveless dress.

And the Globalist were very happy indeed for they had their hands firmly crunched on the gonads of the world. They had their god Gaia. They had their holy trinity of fear, terror, panic. They had Kanada. “You’re all going to die.” became their mantra, their creed, their gospel. And their rosary of anxiety, depression and violence was forced upon all the disbelievers to submit to their credo. “Just look to Kanada.” they re-snorted…er…retorted.

See the source imageAnd on the 7th day they, the globalists, rested for they had achieved their goal for world domination. The procrastinators of the United Nations, the non doctors of the WHO…who?…the World Health Organization stupid, and the World Economic Forum were extremely happy.

And then there was darkness!




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Who Knew: No They Didn’t

Taken from another BLOG (SDA)

“I was recently talking with a friend, asking her why she did not want to get the Covid vaccine.  She grew up in Eastern Europe but is now an American citizen.  Here are the reasons she gave:

  1. Not knowing the long term consequences of this jab.
  2. Not having my personal liberties respected.
  3. People not doing research for themselves and obeying like sheep (Canadians).
  4. Seeing news that the government is hiding the adverse reactions of the vaccines (see below)
  5. Big Pharma companies being free of liability if someone is hurt as a result of their product.
  6. Personal insurance not covering death as a result of the Covid vaccines.
  7. Wanting to have a baby with my husband.
  8. All of the whistle blowers confirming what the media has been hiding.
  9. The government not taking into consideration proven protection from Natural Immunity.

She gave me permission to share this list, adding to be sure to mention that she came out of Communism, lived through Chernobyl, and witnessed the Fall of the Berlin Wall.”

And then:

Toronto Public Health released their most recent myocarditis and pericarditis data. The data show an outrageous incidence rate of myocarditis in 12 to 17 year old males post second COVID-19 injection as being 1 in 8,500.

That is high and way too risky.

Sweden has stopped giving the Moderna vaccine to people under 30: The reason for the pausing is “signals of an increased risk of side effects such as inflammation of the heart muscle or the pericardium” — the double-walled sac containing the heart and the roots of the main vessels, Sweden’s Public Health Agency said in a statement. “The risk of being affected is very small.” and “U.S. and European regulators caution, however, that both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines appear linked to a rare reaction in teenagers and young adults — chest pain and heart inflammation.”

But hey, don’t worry. Anti vaxers are idiots…just saying.

Except smug Canadians.

Other madness:

Portland schoolboard removed standards in Reading, Writing and Math stating standards equate to inequality. They have doubled down to the lowest common denominator.

Time to home school.

The madness continues:

ABORTION ACTIVIST MALEEHA AZIZ: And I just wanted to acknowledge, a lot of people are being left out of the discussion today. As we know, people get pregnant and not just women. I hear people say over and over again that women get pregnant but that’s excluding people that should be part of this conversation…like men!

It would appear to this activist that men get pregnant too. Who knew.

California Gov. Newsom signs bill mandating “gender neutral” toy sections at large retailers.

Proof of vaccination required for marriage licences in Oakville, Ontario.

Isn’t it bad enough?

Love this:

Ontario’s Teachers Pension Fund goes green. Ontario teachers have a new plan to go green… investing in Middle East pipeline projects.

It is a crazy world. But who knew?

But this will make your day:

And the real thing:


“Free  to face the life that’s ahead of me…” Free….Freedom.

Who knew?






WHO is Kidding who?

You have to be kidding me.

How does Covid compare with other viruses. (WHO)?

And we shut down our entire economy for this?

New WHO Data Reveals Coronavirus Less Lethal than Last Three Major US Pandemics — And they Destroyed the Economy for This

And is he ever laughing. “We have managed to do in 6 months what the Dems and CCP have tried to achieve in years. The transition to one world government will be a walk in the park. We just have to rid ourselves of the US and Donald Trump. The rest of the world’s sheeple will fall in line.

How do Black Lives Matter and Antifa manage to recruit so many maniacs willing to burn down their own country on behalf of a transparently bogus narrative? Academia mass produces them. This quote from Midwestern State University philosophy professor Nathan Jun reflects the mentality many students are steeped in:

“I want the entire world to burn until the last cop is strangled with the intestines of the last capitalist, who is strangled in turn with the intestines of the last politician.”

He went on to say: “but you will have to wait until I have completed my scheduled colonoscopy.

Nice: our children are receiving a top crotch education these days.

More Liberal-speak:

“Focusing on rioting and property destruction rather than underlying grievance has been used in the past to stigmatize broad swaths of people”

A broad swath of people the other night in Portland.

The entire US Northwest and Northern California now declared a US “shithole.”
A riot is not really a riot. Just a misguided protest gone off the rails!

Leftist delusion. Every car in California will be electric by 2035. Same for Canada. Imagine 100 million cars plugging into the grid for hours every single night? The sale of gas BBQ’s skyrockets.

And Canada should know!

Fundamental disconnect’: Trump treated for severe COVID-19 but doctors say case is mild: Canadian expert.

Just what we need – another Canadian expert. The world needs more Canadian pervs er perts.

Canadians are so smug.


Grammar Lesson

Recently in the BC legislature, the INSOMNIA CURE — Green Party Leader Andrew Weaver blasted the NDP government in the house recently for “shocking, reckless indifference” — to the rules of grammar.

Debating a “minor corrections” bill that makes exactly what the title implies to a host of bills, he found one that correctly changes “whom” to “who.” But later on, in the Farm Practices Protection Act, a glaringly offensive “whom” was left untouched.

“Shame on the government for missing this,” he joked.

This exchange was heard in passing:

“Who?” Attorney General David Eby dove right into this.

“Of whom do you speak? No not whom, who you idiot. Don’t you know the difference? Who is a subject, whom is the object.”

“You are being objectionable.”

“Who? Me?” Eby retorted. “Listen the further and further you go down this rabbit hole the worse it will get.”

“Oh yeah, for who? For you or for him. Whom?”

“No you idiot you can’t say farther. You have to say further.”

“Says who?”

“No,no, no, not who, you have to say whom. Merriam says so”

“Whose Merriam?”

“No, no, no, its who’s Merriam”

“Yeah, just what I said: whose Merriam”

“And besides you can’t write its like that. Its should be it’s if thats what your saying?”

“You’re, not your.”

“What?” say Eby

“And besides you can’t say further down the rabbit hole. You have to say farther. Farther denotes distance, real distance. Further is metaphorical don’t you know. It is better to say farther in this case then further?”

“Says whom.”

“Says Webster.”

“Whose Webster?

“Who is Webster. Or who’s Webster. Not whose. Its better then that.”

“Then who. You can’t say then. You have to say than, comparatively speaking youse doorknob.”

“Whose calling me a doorknob. Who do you speak of.”

“Eee gads. Its wrong I tell you, its wrong.”

“Its or it’s. Than versus then. Further vs farther, who vs whom, who’s vs whose. Im going nuts.”

“I’m going nuts. Not Im going nuts, you hoser.”

“Whose calling me hoser.”


All of this while debating whose’s bill.

“Whose Bill? No bill you idiot. Shouldn’t that be who’s bill.”

“No you idiot. Bill Whoose. The Minister of Edumacation.”


All of the above reminds me just how difficult the English language can be, especially to someone learning it. Consider this:

Take the word “nit.” The Concise Oxford English Dictionary defines “nit” as a stupid person, a louse. Then add the letter “k” before the “n” and you have “knit.” Yet the word “nit” from the word “knit” is a whole different kettle of fish. And what is that anyway: a kettle of fish?

Now, let’s take the word “wit:” defined as someone with a sharp sense of humour, a player of words perhaps. As in “that man possesses wit. He has a sharp mind.” But then add the letter “t” before the “w” and you have “twit.” Or, combine the word “nit” with the word “wit” and you have a “nitwit.” But “nit” and “twit” together does not sound quite right – “nit-twit?”

Nonetheless, given that a “nit” is already defined as a stupid person, and “wit” is someone who has a sharp mind, then “nitwit” defiles all logic in a descriptive sense except perhaps to define someone who possesses a stupid “wit” – which in itself is oxymoronic. But “dimwit” already has that locked up. Yet what is really frustrating about the undercurrent of this word is that “dimwit” is the opposite of someone who has a sharp “wit.” So, that being the case, let’s call him or her a “blunt-sharp” person!

To make matters worse a “twit” could be someone who has a sharp “wit,” and is still a “nitwit” or a “dimwit.” So why can’t we call him or her a nit-twit? Or a “dim-twit”? The bottom line is that “nitwit” or “dimwit” sounds better. The other bottom line is that English words are just downright confusing without context and a shared understanding of the contextual environment we are communicating in.

Says who?


English grammar class is over for the day.



SJ……………..Out………………….Happy Mondaze to all youse people out there.