The Devil’s Brigade

The Trudeau Government or the Devil’s Brigade

From the CBC files (Oct 24 2016):

Minister of health wants to change the food guide… code for I know what’s best for Canadians…she doesn’t.

Health Minister Jane Philpott said the “iconic” Canada Food Guide has not kept up with the country’s changing demographics and lifestyles…Code for we have to control everything Canadian’s eat.

Philpott said the guide must be “relevant and practical” and provide advice for Canadians whether they are shopping at the grocery store or looking at a restaurant menu. It must be individualized and adaptable for food preferences and sensitivities, she said…. because we Canadians are soooo stupid!

Sasha McNicoll, co-ordinator of the Coalition for Healthy School Food, urged the federal government to fund a school food program in every school in the country as a way to ensure kids are eating nutritious food… because, you know, their parents are pigging out on Doritos;

“I think it’s only fair for the people who are selling food to be able to have opportunity to comment in terms of what the impact might be on them,” she said….ah yes the “transparency” word again.

“But they will not have impact on the advice given in the guide…”  say what? That’s like saying we’re going to ban candy bars while legalizing marijuana.  Are we sooo stupid as a society here in Canada. Are they serious.

A group representing the sector said the industry is already taking steps to encourage Canadians to make more informed, healthy food choices, and said it is “keen” to ensure further steps are taken…like making a turnip taste like a Mars Bar.

Philpott said the Healthy Canada strategy has three pillars:

  • Healthy minds, including new initiatives to improve mental health…Hey man, I just read a book called the Stoner’s Life. It’s Canada’s guide to healthy toking;
  • Healthy living, including promotion of physical activity and fitness and new rules to deter smoking and vaping… I know what you’re thinkin Virginia, but takin Marijuana is not smoking, it’s tokin; and
  • Healthy eating, including the updated food guide and new labelling and marketing rules…for the Canadian Weed Guide…hey man can I have a toke.

“It can improve their health and it can improve their education outcomes,” she told CBC News. “An investment now can help children develop better eating habits into adulthood and that will hopefully save in health-care costs down the road.”…like, because, like, their parents are like sooo stupid y’know and like haven’t a clue, so we, like, have to step in and like save them from themselves whether they like it or not! Like y’know what I mean man…like c’mon pass the weed man.

We are doomed. The Devil’s Brigade is at it again.

A Depressed State of Mind


I don’t want to dwell too much on this place, this wet coast city; needless to say I got a job at a paper, cardboard packaging company that had an international flavour to it. My sister and her partner welcomed me with open arms and made me feel at home. In their old beater, they took me on day trips around the city and surrounding country side. I must admit that when the sun did come out on those rare occasions, the city’s natural, geographical setting was spectacular. Only problem was that these occasions were as remote as a west coast hippy’s tendency to find a job. Me, I worked.

I also met Sandy, my sister’s best friend and our next door neighbour’s oldest daughter. She and my sister decided to come out to the west coast with all the other hippies of this so called summer of love. Go west young dude, and dude-ess was the hippy siren call of the day. So, with a suitcase full of “tie dyes”, with hope upon hope and a restless thumb they all hitchhiked to the promise land.

Sandy lived in a commune in the south east end of the city. It was so cool she told me. Yes it was sooo cool, figuratively and literally, but also run down and shabby: ten of her closest friends living together under one roof. The only enterprising dude in all of this was the landlord. Yet his dependency of course was not the free spirited, enterprising skills of the inhabitants of his run down abode but the municipal government’s largesse of the day affectionately known by all of the caterers of the hippy commune crowd as “Welfare Wednesdays.” And commune is just a hippy expression and a Latin word for shithouse!

Sandy showed me her space, which was in the corner of a large open basement, damp, dark and dank, with just a dirty mattress and a blanket curtain marking off her personal territory: a bare incandescent light bulb her only means of artificial light.  It was sooo cool she told me. And you’re so square, uptight, so un-cool she would criticise me to no end. Get with the program she would insist. Her limited vocabulary was only limited by the amount of drugs she imbibed. The letter “C” was a predominant determinant of their nondescript and boring alphabet and part and parcel of the hippy dialogue and cultural landscape. What she didn’t tell me of course was the amount of times she was robbed of her food and money by her cadre of close but oh sooo cool family of friends.

But what did it for me in this run down abode of a dwelling was an incident that occurred while visiting Sandy. Sitting in the kitchen on the main floor, Sandy was making me a cup of coffee when suddenly the front door was kicked in by some scruffy looking Manson like figure dude of hippiedom, stoned out of his ever lovin but lifeless mind. His eye balls rolling and puffing out of his skull; his dirty unkempt beard gave him the impression of a crazed out Sasquatch, or a mountain man. Someone who hadn’t seen soap in a very long time! Foam seemed to be frothing out of the sides of his mouth. He was cursing to high heaven, tripping out I would assume, in the hippy vernacular. Paranoid perhaps. But what was really scary and sooo un-cool, was the sawed off shotgun that he was wielding in his left hand and forearm. I do hope to God he is right handed I prayed. I couldn’t move. I was gobsmacked. Just as well, as any movement by us in his direction probably would have triggered his aggression, and not in a good way.

And just as quickly as he entered, he turned and left, exiting out of the now damaged front door. Perhaps he had the wrong address I thought.  I almost shit my pants and when it was deemed safe I high tailed it out of there but not before I pleaded with Sandy to come with me. She declined.  “But Damian is sooo cool” she told me. Damian? Damian? Damian is sooo cool? Isn’t Damian a name for a devil? Like a Griffin, a devilish name? I thought to myself.  And with a sawed off shotgun as his calling card? These hippies are sooo prone to self delusion and self destruction. It must be the drugs I thought or the drinking water or the raindrops pounding relentlessly on their noggins.  More than likely it was the Purple Haze in the shallow recesses of their minds or the West Coast Bud where everyone, everybody, crazy or not, is your best friend forever, or buddy. I never returned to Sandy’s commune.

I do believe that in the two month period that I lived there, 60 days I think, that it rained for 59 of them. Exaggerating perhaps but it just seemed so. It was either raining or about to rain or had just finished raining.  And with the rain came the melancholy. And with the melancholy came the empty feeling of loneliness and with the loneliness and melancholy, and vitamin “D” deficiency, came depression. The suicide rate in this city was through the roof.

What is In a Word?

I hear that some do-gooders want some sport teams names changed. Indians, Eskimos, Blackhawks are deemed to be too offensive. To whom you ask? Well, they don’t tell us that.

To me these guys and gal Social Justice Warriors are the real racists. They just keep bringing this shyte up. Sports fans don’t. The average sports fan and working guy or gal doesn’t give too hoots. Heck, most Social Justice Warriors, the ones who continually put this crap into our faces, probably hate sports, never played and were probably bullied in school for their lack of sports acumen, bravado, disjointedness, awkwardness etc and were probably the geeks who couldn’t lace up a pair of skates, or cleats if their lives depended on it. They now want to wreak linguistic havoc on the rest of us as some form of revenge, or Karma or both. Who knows and who cares.

Have you ever met an activist or SJW who is happy? Smiling?

No they just enjoy rasping in their own spiteful hatred. They must have had terrible childhoods.

Heck, most fans are extremely loyal to their team’s moniker, handle, mantle etc. It provides continuity between generations of sports fans and provides a rallying cry for competitiveness and their team’s success. It is tradition and a proud one at that.

If you are going to ban these names then let’s ban the following:

Lions, Tiger Cats, Stampeders, Blue Bombers, Rough Riders, Argonauts, Alouettes, Red Blacks, Eskimos;  Ottawa, Victoria, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec City, Halifax;  Canucks, Flames, Oilers, Leafs, Jets, Canadienne; I, we, she, he, us, you, they, it; Mary, Joseph, Jesus, all the Saint’s names, Christmas, Easter, Epiphany, Popes, Catholic……………….and on and on she goes. Someone can always find a reason to find a name or moniker (really just a word), offensive.

Hey, let’s get rid of the entire English Language as it invokes terrible memories of those dastardly Brits and their evil empire.

 Let’s just use Esperanto from here on in or better yet….Pig Latin


achy-shea-jay-eh, out-eh.  eee-say, ooo-yay – aiter-lay



Saw John Fogerty last night thus no post.

Great show. Amazing to see and hear and feel just how great a musician this guy is. Had everyone up and moving to his tunes. Heard it Through the Grapevine was particularly awesome.

If you get the chance go and see him and his band. He is 71 so there’s no telling how many more of these tours he can do. My third concert over 6 years and this one was the best, in my opinion.

Why Conservatism is Doomed in Canada

If you thought Canada’s Family Compact was a thing of the past, think again:

  • Government Executive (Cabinet):                    Progressive Left
  • Government Elective (House):                         Progressive Left
  • Judiciary, (Supreme Court):                             Progressive Left
  • Press:                                                                 Progressive Left
  • Education:                                                         Progressive Left
  • Culture:                                                             Progressive Left


And if the Proportional Representation proponents get their way, there will never, ever be a right of centre government in this country ever again.

Now, I try to be as non partisan as I can but what scares me is that an effective opposition, or a political balance in this country, will cease to exist, especially if the PR proponents win and the Government adopts this electoral system.