
So, Horgan finally got his wish…to be Premier of BC, because, after all, the majority of voters in BC did not want the Libs forming gov’t. They wanted the NDP. So here is the math:

40% of voters voted for the NDP – yess……yess….. We are legitimate, Horgan was heard to say. Yesss

17% of voters voted for Green – yesss…..yesss…but we are legitimate too, Weaver was heard to say.  Yesss

But those nasty Liberals with 43% of the votes…are illegitimate??????

Well, if Horgan handles the books in the same manner as he handles electoral math then we are DOOMED.

Most BC’ers are not interested in jobs or a strong economy at the expense of social  programs. Say what? Well here is another bit of math to chew on. BC’s economic equation:

Strong Economy = Investment and Innovation = Good paying jobs / low unemployment = more spending money for families and individuals = higher tax revenue for the government at all levels = excellent social programs.

Take any one of these elements away and you’re DOOMED with respect to social programs.

Kinder = gone = BC, Alberta and Canadians are doomed

LNG = gone = BC is doomed

Site C = gone = BC is doomed. Stand fast all you proponents of electric  cars.

Coal and gas = gone = doomed.

Forestry / raw log exports (First Nations) = gone = doomed

On the bright side there will be a high demand for Baristas in this new economy.

Better stock up on sweaters and blankets for the winter.

Take notice all of you hippies in Vancouver and Victoria. There will be indirect consequences for all of this. Jobs! Investment! Innovation! Economic growth!. But then again, that doesn’t matter to hippies anyway. Welfare Wednesdays can’t come soon enough. Have not status here we come!…yess and that is legitimate.