I see one of Trudeau’s Liberal MP’s had to resign from the Liberal Caucus. Wants to clear his name and reputation while not spoiling or embarrassing the Liberal / Trudeau Brand. Sorry Mr Kang but Justin is doing that just fine without any help from you:
Key members of Trudeau’s Liberal Cockus
Trudeau’s Speechwriter. “I don’t need no teleprompter.” Trudeau was heard to say!
Trudeau’s Economic Policy. Trudeau remarked: “It’s just too complicated for ordinary Canadians to understand. It all boils down to four words: F%$K the Middle Class.
Finally, on Foreign Policy:
“Just like me!”
“Policy is all foreign to me Fare!”
Other important stuff:
Nafta and Canada. “Naf said,” McKenna, Canada’s Climate Barbie announces in her down homer accent. “Ta!, Bye, Bye.”
Heard in passing:
Dear Lord, please give us back Jim Morrison and we’ll give you Justin Bieber” Check out:
Justin Bieber’s latest song just went to # 1 on the Billboard Charts. Eee gads. This is just God’s revenge on all of us for the Summer of Love back in 1967!”
Millennial Quote of the Week:
“English is important but Engineering is more importanter”
…..so trew, I says!”