So Cool!

Maldives Redux: Wow:

Image result for maldives

See, they know. They’re not smiling about the UN’s report that the island nation will soon be a reef. Only 68 more days.

This just out came out. From Düsseldorf. 9.7 million year old tooth from an Ape-man found near Düsseldorf in an area where the Rhine used to flow. Wow. Dentists from all over the world went ape-shit over this one. Look at that gold crown someone remarked. Remarkable. Did they use floss in those days? Another asked. This is going to change dentistry in a way nobody thought.  “Alabaster crowns…sooo cool.” Another dental surgeon remarked as he was waffling down a banana!

636441811575604579-Screen-Shot-2017-10-21-at-11.12.15-AM.jpgAnd this after 17 years of “digging.” Are you kidding me? I mean all that drilling scraping to extract this thingy. I know dentistry can be expensive and complicated but this is ridiculous. My only hope is that this guy had a plan!


Quebec passes Bill 62 forcing public to uncover faces to give or receive services. The Federal NDP leader opposes the bill: “I think fundamentally, we can’t have the state tell people what to wear, what not to wear.” But this is okay:

NDP’s suggested “beta” uniform for all  new Federal government employees. “It would promote inclusiveness,” he was heard to say. Or these new uniforms for our military Officers:

Image result for pics of north korea army crazy hats

Of course it comes in white for our Navy and Sky Blue for our candy ass Air Farce. Trudeau would be so proud.

Speaking of Tur-dope:

“Yes, I have a dream. No more…….pipelines…..” Canada goes it alone with respect to Climate Change. “Yes, I know, many countries are abandoning Paris but we will stick it out. Even if it kills us. Because after all, we may not have a culture but we are smug. And besides these new houses that I have personally designed with the help of our First Lady, that’s my wife if you didn’t know, have a fantastic “R” rating and a very low carbon footprint.

Image result for Pics of igloosSo cool. And who says Canada doesn’t have a culture?

Trudeau now stands almost alone in sincere support of Paris. The populist backlash — a revulsion at top-down governments laden with jet-setting politicians landing in posh places to preach restraint to the masses — has swept America with Trump’s election, Great Britain with Brexit, much of Europe, and Australia. In the process, global warming enthusiasts are being swept out. Canada is an outlier, to date immune to this populist wave. To date, oblivious to the lessons learned elsewhere. (Laurence Solomon, NP).

Trudeau must have read an earlier post of mine where I recommended that he agree with everything with respect to climate change; sign everything, recommend everything, attend everything then come home and do……nothing. He will become the darling of the Jet Setting Carbon hating crowd.

Only in Canada eh?  A man has been cleared of raping his wife after a judge ruled that he did not know his behaviour was criminal in Canada. His defence was that during the period of the alleged incident, he had been told to abstain from sex after having a hair transplant. A bald ass lie the prosecutor screamed. He was overruled on several follicles, er points of law. The bald judge, feigning sympathy, ruled in his favour.

UN’s WHO names Robert Mugabe as their Goodwill Ambassador. Who? No Mugabe. Who? Robert Mugabe. Who’s on first? No Mugabe’s name came up first. No he’s on second. Good gawd are we still a member of this organization.

I told ya the new math discovery was rocking mathematical thought across Canada. Montreal Canadiens’ General Manager told the team’s fans not to fret about the team’s poor performance: “Listen, we are only into year 6 of our 5 year plan.” See even the NHL has adopted the new math: 3 + 2 = 6! Just like 1+1=3.  Fantastic! This changes everything.

Libs spent $54K for a study that came to this conclusive result: Millennials don’t like being called millennials. Are we in trouble financially? Or what’s his name’s on third! Speaking of finances. From the this is so obvious file: National Posts Andrew Coyne’s writes: Morneau (Canada’s Finance Minister) shows a critical lack of judgement…wow. He gets paid the big journalistic buck for that kind of enlightening insight

And from the Doritos File comes this: The Government of Ontario announces it will make buying pot very difficult. Yeah, just like booze, cigarettes, electricity, water, natural gas……….insurance……food.


That’s it for today.




The Evil Empire

Just 70 more days until the big event. Maldives gone forever:

maldives best resort places to stay 7 The Ultimate Maldives Gallery [30 pics]Hey, I hope they have lots of pumps. I hear they issue hip waders to all of their guests. How long can you tread water is part of a questionnaire all visitors have to fill out.


I just came across this in the Globe and Mail:

“Great Britain?!” she (her daughter) pouts accusingly. “Aren’t they the bad ones?”

Abigail’s life to date has been spent absorbing the endless lament of her adults over the injustices of European colonialism. Earlier that summer on a cross-Canada road trip, at what seemed like every historical site, I made a point of highlighting how the colonizing British had brought Indigenous culture to the edge of extinction with their foreign diseases, their land-grabbing policies and their culture-negating residential schools.

Thanks Trudeau and your post national bullshit status for this country:  I thought I would resurrect this from an earlier blog post:

Those Dastardly Brits and the Evil British Empire

Watching the Royals yesterday at their welcoming ceremony at the Victoria legislature got me to thinking of some of the hypocrisy of these visits with respect to certain elements of the welcoming committee. It wasn’t too long ago that the Mayor of Victoria and four of the city’s councillors refused to swear allegiance to the Queen. Irrelevant they suggested and the Mayor herself offered her support only to First Nations.

Huh, well hey, what about me??

In 2015 the Nanaimo city council cut off funding to the annual Empire Day’s organizing committee, unless they changed their name to something less offensive to First Nations. Oh I know: “Queen and Country Days”

“Times are changing,” said Nanaimo City Councillor Diane Brennan. “The term empire is hurtful. It’s a reminder of colonization and oppression of the indigenous people and it’s caused great suffering.”

Emmy Manson, a councillor with the local Snuneymuxw First Nation, agrees.

“I guess for me it triggers some old history that really isn’t positive for our people,” said Manson.

That history includes residential schools, loss of language and culture and displacement. (sorry to say but this had nothing to do with the Brits)
Manson said she and other Snuneymuxw people do not attend the event because of its connotation.

“I get why we celebrate Queen Victoria’s birthday,” said Manson. “I think that’s what it ought to be called.” (CBC, 22 Jan 2015)

Well excuse me for a minute Ms Manson but Queen Victoria was the figurehead of that dastardly evil empire that triggers the micro-aggression you refer to.

My thoughts:

Taking the City of Nanaimo’s lead, perhaps now is the time to change the name of the Victoria Day celebrations to one that is less offensive to local First Nations. After all Queen Victoria, our city’s namesake, represents all that was bad about the British Empire: its colonialism, its trade, economic growth, rule of law, common law, security, individual rights and freedoms, civilization, Magna Carta, infrastructure, semblance of order and, of course, the poor treatment that First Nations people had to endure under the Victorian British brand – as opposed to – the continual inter-tribe warrior raids and inter-band savagery, discrimination and slavery.

Taking Nanaimo’s logic to its proper conclusion, I would suggest that now is also the time that we change the name of Victoria to Camosun, a name which better reflects our First Nation history and heritage. After all those dastardly Brits oversaw Nanaimo and Victoria for a full 17 years from 1853-1871 and 28 years from 1843-1871 respectively. The Canadian government has been responsible for things well after that. How well you may ask?? Well for about 150 years, that’s how well!

And well (sic) we are at it I would also suggest and strongly recommend that we change the name of Canada Day to something less offensive. After all the Canadian government, and not Great Britain, has governed Victoria and the Province of B.C., since 20 July, 1871. In that vein the Canadian government and not Great Britain represents: broken aboriginal promises and treaties; the reserve paradigm; repression of Metis during the  Red River / Northwest Rebellion (1870, 1885); the execution of Louis Riel and imprisonment and subsequent death of Poundmaker, Big Bear and many of their of his brethren;  residential schools; the Indian Act; the segregation and discrimination of Chinese immigrants in accordance with the Chinese Immigration and Exclusion Act(s); the sequester and internment of all Japanese Canadians after 1941; internment of Ukrainian and Italian Canadians; the refusal to allow refugees of Indian origin entry into Vancouver in 1914 (the Komagata Maru incident); the refusal to accept 900 Jewish refugees into Canada in 1939 (St Louis Incident), which probably ensured their imminent deaths under a Nazi regime; the Chinese Head Tax; the Duplessis Regime; the Orange Order’s anti Catholic movement and religious discrimination; refusal to recognize women as persons from 1867 – 1930; Africville and the segregation of blacks in eastern and central Canada until 1964; and, the Canadian government “black” list goes on and on. It’s all Trump’s fault!

Oh we can be so smug, can’t we?

How I hate hypocrisy!

By the way, at yesterday’s welcoming ceremony, the Governor General’s wife reminded me of a Leprechaun in that outfit she was wearing. The Prince’s Equerry seemed to be more of a hindrance than a help.
Will and Kat looked great. With George and Charlotte they make the perfect family. Hope they have a great time.

Note: I am not a rabid monarchist per se. Heck, I used to shoot spit balls from my pea shooter at the Queen’s picture when I was a kid in school. No, but I do respect our heritage and culture and the contributions made by the British over the years. And I do respect the Commonwealth of Nations, of which the Queen is the head of. You know, that august body of diverse countries and nations that share a common heritage of sorts. And to me that is a lot better than that farcical United Nations. It is something to embrace, not discard


So to that lady from East Vancouver – give your head a shake.  If Canadians could only be proud of their heritage and stop using hyphenated labels – Ukrainian Canadian, Italian Canadian, Greek Canadian, Mexican Canadian and on and on she goes. We’re all Canadians. If you’re not proud of that fact then go back to whatever shit hole country and shit hole culture turns you on.

I have travelled all over the world and what really bugs me more than anything else is seeing other Canadian travellers with their Canadian flags pasted over just about everything they carry and wear, as if to say. “Hey I am Canadian and you’re not!” But at home they dare not say that as it may bring out the thought police and heaven forbid, a human rights tribunal.

I am proud to be Canadian, and embrace my heritage, warts and all.


Serious today but some people just piss me off.




Grannie was a Trannie!

Can’t wait! Only 73 more sleeps and the Maldives will be the biggest reef on the planet – so says the UN. See, these Maldivians are really, really worried. Get out now, while you still can.

Before Hugh Hefner’s body can even get cold, Playboy has its first transgendered person on its cover, or undercover. Geesh. I guess they couldn’t wait for Hugh’s demise to undercover this one. I am sure every  hot-blooded male is salivating. Will young bucks everywhere still be hiding this mag under their sheets. Should be called Playboy or Playgirl or Playzir, Playzey or Playzits or Play Doctor or Play He-man Nurse or Play abcdefghijklimnopqrstuvwx and y and z chromosome.  Perhaps Playdope. Love this post:

So Playboy’s first tranny does all these circus level contortions to hide it’s junk and man hands. It isn’t natural to men to try and pose in such ways. Women have some sort of animal ability to control their body and pivot their body parts in a sensual way. Trannies don’t have this ability which is why they look like they have a hernia or a broken back in photos such as the example of the Playboy clunker. What’s next? Grannies I heard.

It’s all just tricks as they want you to focus on a heavily Photoshopd face and long hair to make you even think for a split second that you are not looking at a freakazoid.”  So true, at least that is what I have heard. Honest!    Geesh!

And this: “North Carolina’s Dem. Gov. Calls For Judge To Allow Men In Women’s Bathroom.” Geesh. What is all the fuss about. When you have to go really, really bad the brain doesn’t give two shits about the stool one has to play with to take a load off.. Is the lid up or down? Who gives a crap. X or Y be damned. I have to go and I am going here….NOW!

Turd-ope’s new tax laws for small businesses? bah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. That’s a good one. Seems that the new tax grab will end up costing the government more money as they decide to lessen the load on small businesses to 9%, which means they have to give back more money than they had hoped to take in….bah hahahahahahahahahahahahah. This means that the average guy and gal, us, those middle class wankers will be screwed yet again because it is our money that the government has to use to give these guys a break. Liberal tax plan is all smoke and mirrors. hahahahahahahahahahahahah. Next up? Liberalizing weed which is code again to shaft the middle class. Being stoned all the time it is hoped that the general public will not know or care that they are being shafted. See, I told you this new math was for real. All governments are adopting it:

The 3,700-year-old Babylonian tablet Plimpton 322 at the Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Columbia University in New York.Liberal tax plan is based on the discovery of the new math: 1 + 1 = 3!


The Hunt for the Brain-Eating Amoebas of Yellowstone…where is Yogi Bear when you need him!

From the I failed Geography in school file comes this nugget: “Germany will not go the nuclear route for clean power in fear of Tsunami’s wiping them out” Give your head a shake Merkel!

Legalizing Marijuana. This just in from Colorado: “In 2012, we were promised funds from marijuana taxes would benefit our communities, particularly schools. Dr. Harry Bull, the Superintendent of Cherry Creek Schools, one of the largest school districts in the state, said, “So far, the only thing that the legalization of marijuana has brought to our schools has been marijuana.”  Yes but student enrollment is way down therefore the education cost per student had decreased substantially. “This is a win, win situation for our school board’s bottom lines.” One official snorted, then coughed, his eye balls ablaze. But on the positive side sales of Doritos in our school’s cafeterias have skyrocketed

Boy Scouts checking out girls by allowing girls to be Boy Scouts. Yeah, that’ll work! Heard in passing that the boys can’t wait for the next sleepover!

Bernie Sanders Economic Plan: “Sure, you’ll all pay more taxes…but you’ll get more free stuff. It’s all boils down to the collective, don’t you know!”


Crazy days.



SJ…………………..Out…………..have a great weekend.


PS: daylight is getting shorter here in Mill Bay, which means that I wake up later so my posts will be coming on-line later in the mornings.


Nature’s Gas!

71 days until the Maldives disappear. UN sources on Global Warming

Image result for pics of maldives beachesYou’re going to need those watercraft – for sure!

Canada cannot tell us what to wear. Perhaps, but they’re trying to tell us everything else we can or cannot do. Interesting that the new NDP leader, a Sikh, is against this Quebec Bill that will ban anyone from wearing a Gurkha, oops Freudian Slip, a Burkha,  or other religious garb. So, would that include this:

Image result for pics of priestsOr this:

Image result for pics of the popeWhat’s he smoking? Heard that this Pope advised Trudeau on his new initiative to legalize marijuana. It’s the spiritual thing to do man. The Pope was heard to say.

Trudeau was asked about this new controversial legislation coming from Quebec. He was coy about the whole matter although he seemed to have won the 2015 erection, oops that Freudian Slip again, on this very issue saying that Canada supports the Burkha. Liberal MP Iqra Khalid, who sponsored a motion known as M-103 to condemn Islamophobia, was brief. “I think that no person should be told how to dress or how not to dress, and that’s about it,” she told reporters. Okay, have a look at the new special ops uniform for the military. How’s this working for you.

Hey, it’s a free and open society, isn’t it?

Hey it’s all identity politics now-a-days. Not what’s good for the country but what’s good for the LGBTABC…………………s of the nation.

Japanese scientists discover huge Man Cave… oops Moon cave – on Mars? Say what?

Japan scientists say they have discovered a 31-mile-long underground tunnel on the moon that could help protect astronauts from huge swings in temperature and damaging radiation: Japan scientists say they have discovered a 31-mile-long underground tunnel on the moon.

“Trump is worse than Hitler.” This bit of journalistic fluff reported by Newsweek. Is this rag of a mag still operating?  Yeah, we’re going to believe anything that comes out of the mouth of this guy:

People watch a live television program showing North Korean leader Kim Jong Un salutes during a parade in Pyongyang, North Korea, at the Seoul train station in Seoul, South Korea, Saturday, April 15, 2017. This just in: “Anna Faris is dating again after split from Chris Pratt.” Oh, that makes my day. I have only this to say: ” Who the F*&K is Anna Faris and why should we give two S*&Ts about who or what she is dating?”

Climate Sensitivity Graph! Yeah, That’ll do it. Do What exactly? Further our understanding of the whole Climate Change thingy, that’s what!

“UK county denies taxpayer-funded surgery for smokers and the obese”(Rebel). A slippery slope that is soon to come to Canada’s health care system. But hey, free samples of weed will be given out to those turned away so that they can tune out. But hey, don’t fret because in this country you can now identify as a woman, or a man, blow weed and kill nana if she is annoying you. Progressive’s regressive I would dare to say!

This just in from the Moonbat State – California. A third gender category will soon be the law of the Mooonbat land. Binary, as in Non Binary. Binary – is a mathematical term relating to the numeral two, as in a man and a woman. Non Binary means noting or relating to a person with a gender identity or sexual orientation that does not fit into the male/female or heterosexual/homosexual divisions…………Oh you mean Eunuch?

Furthermore: “The establishment of Harems is on the increase in the Moonbat State. Governor Brown is sexstatic”…oops that Freudian Slip again…ecstatic about the whole affair. Computer Scientists and Mathematicians are all in a titzy…oops tizzy fit.. about the whole binary thingy.

This bit of journalistic fluff: “What’s Boko Haram’s Real Name?” Oh you mean the guys that wrote and played this:

Oh those other guys, you mean.

There is a boom in America’s natural gas. Changing world markets. This is being led by California’s flatulence level legislation in that all citizens are only allowed to breath for a minute out of every 5 minutes to cut back on CO2 levels. Unintended consequence here was a dramatic rise in “farts”… nature’s most natural gas!


