Just like to thank everyone for your thoughts and condolences. Boys and I are doing alright.
Maldives? Well as you know this has been a great interest to me. Back in 1988 the UN predicted that in 30 years, Jan 1st 2018, the Maldives will be underwater due to rising sea levels as a result of climate change. Well, I checked so you don’t have to. On January 1 2018, the Maldives were still there, in all their glory:
Nope, still there. Even this guy is still here:
“Dear UN IPCC. We are in deep trouble. We are in way over our heads here” the Maldives Minister of Internal Affairs gurgled. “Bring money, fast. We are running out of air, er I mean land.”
Still there, move on. But now the UN has said: “Well we made a mistake. The Maldives will now be underwater by 2100.” There’s that 100 year push into the future again. A time when all of us will be dead so…no dispute. Just give us the money!
Not to be undone by the Maldives, a young woman from the Marshall Atoll in Micronesia has gotten into the act as well, but she has written a poem to the UN to highlight the dangers of rising sea levels:
Roses are Red
Violets are blue
We are in deep Ka ka here
Unless you bring us some dough… dear
This poem will surely win her the 2018 Nobel Prize for literature. Enough of that…move on.
Been monitoring the list of names for this year’s new arrivals…soooo cute
“Chrystel, Christel”…yeah but the spelling is different.
“Moonlaunch”…after Kim Flung Poo of North Korea
“Moonbat”…after New York Mayor “Bill de Blasio,” and do it now before he runs out of your money!
“Moonbeam”…after California Governor Gerry Brown
Number one names for twins:
“Moonbat and Moonbeam”
“Ataboy Endeavours.” I kid you not.
Reminds me of an expression we had in the Navy. Y’know 10 ataboys plus 1 oh F&^K equals zero ataboys.
“Serious Now”…Seriously?
“Precious George” Imagine this poor guy when he turns 18!
Geesh…………..Poor Kids
Mehgan Markel’s dirty habits revealed. When I saw this headline over the holidays I was intrigued. I thought maybe, just maybe. Imagine my letdown when I read she wanted to stop swearing and biting her nails…Geesh, and here I thought this piece of journalistic profound-ity would address something like picking her nose in public and looking at it, or scratching her ass…you know stuff that guys do. Gender equality and all of that. After all it is 2018 you know.
Heard in passing. “Shit Harry, Jesus H Christ, I am getting so gawd damn tired of this f*&kin waving. My hands are so F*&kin sore.”
Our Prime Minister…looking soooooooo Prime Ministerial. Don’t ya just love it Millennials?
Song for the day on this Happy Monday:
Happy Monday………………………………………SJ Out
Great tune. Love it!