Watch this. More on the great reset. James Delingpole is not a conspiracy theorist. He is a well respected UK Journalist. Long but interesting. I will leave it at that:
This is from a previous post. I thought about it after listening to our PM’s speech to the UN about a month ago. From June 2019:
Note: replace all instances of “Climate Change” with “Covid 19.”
The fix is in.
Canada just passed a motion in the House of Ill Repute to say that a Climate Emergency exists in Canada. An emergency on par with World War 2. Are you kidding me??? Covid is an adjunct.
This is pure political propaganda and bull shyte. First there was global warming. When it appeared that the planet wasn’t warming as fast as the radicals projected the powers that be, i.e. the UN, changed their tune to Climate Change. All of the lefty bobble heads nodded in agreement. With Climate change the enviro – mentals could blame every single weather event on Climate Change. Snow storm – climate change. Cold winter – climate change. Warm winter – climate change. Forest fires – climate change. Floods – climate change. Hurricanes – climate change – Covid 19? Climate Change as Mother Earth is really pissed at us. Never mind our creator. He is irrelevant so say our leaders. We have to do something about it now. Even the Pope got into the act.
No response from a duped electorate to the issue of Climate Change. No problem. We now have a climate crisis or emergency. That should do it. In the Canadian House of Ill Repute:
“Canada declares a national climate emergency, and supports the country’s commitment to meeting the emissions targets outlined in the Paris Agreement.”
That should appease Gaia.
This is code to our government to destroy our economy and our way of life. Our energy sector, our resource sector is doomed. Canada will become a third world country – Venezuela comes to mind – just to satisfy the likes of our incredibly stupid leadership. Thankfully I will be dead by then.
Here are some facts:
The UN has never been interested in Global Warming, Climate Change and now Climate Emergency. Their stated aim in all of this is to create a global crisis such that they can implement a global solution. The climate is the crisis. So what is that solution you may ask? One world government run of course by the United Nations itself.
We would have to give up all of our sovereignty and individual freedoms. We would be told what we can eat – plant based only – where we can live, work, play, read – everything. 1984 redux coming to a theatre near you. Thank God that the US will never agree to this. Switzerland as well. They have more on the ball then the rest of the planet;
Carbon is part of our life. Everything has a component of Carbon. Humans are made up of 18.3% Carbon. So if we are going to reduce our carbon footprint to save the planet the very first thing that should be done is to obliterate all humans. I think our leadership should demonstrate real leadership by leading by example and taking themselves out of the gene pool…immediately. Let them go first and we’ll follow suit…..nyuk, nyuk, nyuk;
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is a compound element necessary for all life on earth. CO2 greens the planet. Without it our very existence would be in question (or see para above). Plants absorb CO2 and expunge oxygen. Oxygen? You know, that gas that we breath to remain relevant. Levels of CO2 have been considerably higher in the past – pre industrial revolution – than they are now;
CO2 is not a poison or a pollutant – in spite of what our un-knowledgeable Environ – mental Minister and politicians may tell you. Perhaps she should try CO. That would do it;
The sun is the major driver of our climate, not CO2 or other greenhouse gases. During the last solar eclipse, September 2017, the temperature dropped considerably, when the sun was obscured;
Greenhouse gases enable our earth’s protective insulation. It allows us to be relatively comfortable on this planet. Eliminating greenhouse gases? Well you would not find this earth to be a very hospitable place to live. Then again read para above again;
David Suzuki is not a climatologist. Indeed, the majority of the so called 97% consensus is comprised of individuals who were anything and everything but climatologists. They are all UN hacks.
Every one of Al Gore’s predictions have fallen flat;
Al Gore. This is the real Climate Change impresario;
Follow the money;
Good gawd, even the Pope is in on this fraud. Pope Francis. Stick to Catholic liturgy and stay out of politics. Hells bells for heavens sake;
Greta “whatever her name is:” claims that she can see CO2 – a colourless, odourless gas. That should be a clue people that something stinks in Denmark…er Sweden. My apologies to Shakespeare;
I’ll be damned.
The world is not going to end in 2030. Remember 12-12-12. The Mayan doomsday date that the world would end on the 12th December 2012. Last time I checked it didn’t;
This is just another of a series of climate doomsday scare scenarios and predictions. If a prediction doesn’t come to pass. No problem. Come up with a new date. This is the UN’s methodology for achieving their objective for one world government;
The earth is not flat in spite of what non science people like Alexandra Occasionally Cortez But Generally Whacko would have us believe;
Prosperity exists today, more-so than any other time in history;
Western Civilization, Capitalism rocks. It is responsible for untold prosperity, innovation, technology, communication and increased life expectancy – in spite of what the enviro- mentals or the lefties may try to tell you;
The only winners in all of this are the politicians. All of this money, this manna from heaven, will fill their coffers and be redistributed into nefarious social programs that will fail. None of it will go into fighting the climate. Just look at Canada’s cannabis program. An unmitigated disaster. If they can’t grow weed correctly and distribute it effectively how on earth are they ever going to save the planet. They must have been stoned to have passed this climate change emergency measure. Smoke and mirrors but mainly smoke and sleight of hand;
We are the losers here. Our way of life, our quality of life is at stake, especially for the lower classes. Everything will become exorbitantly expensive. So much so that one day you will wake up realizing that you can no longer afford a car; or a holiday in or out of your own country; or the ability to heat your home; put food on the table, have children. Your health care will revert back to prehistoric standards; and you will not be able to use straws anymore. Shame. Social engineering brought to you by……;
You know, we were born into this way of life. Our parents fought and died for our liberties, our standard of living. A standard of living that will soon be taken away from us by the very people we elected to represent us, to protect our liberties and our socio-economic traditions. We are being punished for a way of life that has been imposed upon us from the very beginning by our esteemed leadership. Our crime is one of compliance…to them. We are, in essence, being punished for our leader’s mistakes. Our Prime Minister has now accused every single one of us Canadians of that most heinous human crime of all – GENOCIDE. And now our Enviro-mental Minister McKenna is saying that we have to be punished for our polluting ways.
Is there anybody out there who will stick up for Canada and all Canadians?;
These guys are so full of methane that they are shooting from both ends. Their cheeks, above and below their waistlines, are fraught with flatulence. You can see it in their faces and across their asses.
What can we do? I would say an election is a vehicle for dismembership in the House of Ill Repute but there are so many lefties out there that have bought into this bull shit that an election to rid ourselves of these self righteous left wing political nutbars is self defeating.
On a final note. Just think about it for a moment. We can change the climate. A carbon tax will do it. Are we that stupid? I guess we are.
I am thinking of moving. But where? Perhaps Fargo.
In his own words, Canada is the world’s first post national state.
One world government, one world religion, sustainable development in accordance with the dictates of the United Nations and the World Economic Forum and its vision for the world as contained in the UN’s Agenda 2030.
His words, not mine.
Make no mistake. His words are liberal speak for just two words: “Global Communism.”
He and they are using the pandemic and climate change “crisis” as the underlying vehicle and impetus for a massive world RESET.
Don’t be deceived.
Listen up to minute 3.19.
And this, his address to the united nations:
Peace and Security. Where have I heard this before? Oh yeah, the Bible.
Thesselonians 5:3
“Whenever it is that they are saying: ‘Peace and security!’ then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them.”
Trudeau primary aim is to sell out our sovereignty to the United Nations.
Among other groups such as people over 70, Canada’s health expert suggests making sure the vaccine is available early to people in close quarter facilities, like meat-packing facilities, prisons and homeless shelters where the virus has been able to spread quickly.
So, an inmate is going to get the vaccine before any law abiding tax payer in this country gets it? …Nice.
How about all of us in lockdown? Doesn’t that equate to a close quarters situation?
In Canada, crime does pay.
Interesting that the announcement of the vaccine comes a day or two after the media declares Joe Biden the winner of the election. My only question about all of this is:
Why does Lie-in Biden always wear aviator sunglasses?
The next president of the United States:
Yeah, she is enjoying the attention….creepy.
Lie-in Biden: Joe Biden Never Served In The Military – But On Live TV He Just Implied That He Did. Imagine if Trump has done that? Hell to pay.
A message for Trump. “You lost. Give it up. Continuing on will just tarnish any legacy that you may have had.”
…the Dems undermined the Trump Presidency for 4 years!
The massive blue wave never occurred.
Do not forget that Trump received over 70 million votes. 4 million less than Biden but more than Obama ever received in 2008 and 2012.
Don’t forget that Biden is not the President elect until the electoral college says so, Dec 18th, and not the media.
And fraud?
Then again. But for the Dems: It is and was never about the welfare of the American people. This from Democrat Governor Cuomo of New York:
“The good news is the Pfizer tests look good and we’ll have a vaccine shortly. The bad news is that it’s about two months before Joe Biden takes over and that means this administration is going to be implementing a vaccine plan,” Cuomo told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on Good Morning America. “The Trump Administration is rolling out the vaccination plan and I believe it’s flawed. I believe it learns nothing from the past.”
Nor does he. A person who is directly responsible for the massive numbers of senior deaths in New York City and the State of New York. Not Trump. Cuomo.
Don’t forget that health care and health emergencies are a State responsibility. A Governor’s and not the President’s
Masks are good, masks are bad, masks are inefficient against the virus. Masks stop the virus.
Who to believe?
Yeah. I remember back in the 50s and early 60s when our leaders told us to hide under our desks at school in the event of a nuclear strike by the Russians.
Yeah, that’ll work:
And like the good sheeple that we were, we actually believed them.
And they call themselves professionals:
American Media Beclowns Itself Again – Mistakes Fireworks In England (Guy Fawkes Day) For A Celebration Of Biden.
The Battle of Vimy Ridge was a military engagement fought primarily as part of the Battle of Arras, in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region of France, during the First World War. The main combatants were the Canadian Corps, of four divisions, against three divisions of the German Sixth Army. The battle, which took place from 9 to 12 April 1917, was part of the opening phase of the British-led Battle of Arras, a diversionary attack for the French Nivelle Offensive.
The objective of the Canadian Corps, led by Canadian General Arthur Currie, was to take control of the German-held high ground along an escarpment at the northernmost end of the Arras Offensive. This would ensure that the southern flank could advance without suffering German enfilade fire. Supported by a creeping barrage, the Canadian Corps captured most of the ridge during the first day of the attack. The village of Thélus fell during the second day of the attack, as did the crest of the ridge, once the Canadian Corps overcame a salient against considerable German resistance. The final objective, a fortified knoll located outside the village of Givenchy-en-Gohelle, fell to the Canadian Corps on 12 April. The German forces then retreated to the Oppy–Méricourt line.
Historians attribute the success of the Canadian Corps in capturing the ridge to a mixture of technical and tactical innovation, meticulous planning, powerful artillery support and extensive training, as well as the failure of the German Sixth Army to properly apply the new German defensive doctrine. The battle was the first occasion when all four divisions of the Canadian Expeditionary Force participated in a battle together and it was made a symbol of Canadian national achievement and sacrifice. A 100-hectare (250-acre) portion of the former battleground serves as a memorial park and site of the Canadian National Vimy Memorial.[5]
100 Days
The code word used by the Canadians for security at this battle was “Llandovery Castle” a Canadian hospital ship carrying both Canadian wounded and Canadian Nursing Sisters. The ship had been torpedoed and sunk in June of 1918.
Again led by General Currie and without using preliminary artillery but using tanks (effective early but out of commission later), the Canadians moved forward at 4:20 am on August 8, 1918. By 1:15 pm the Canadians had more than achieved their objectives. The German lines had been breached and the Canadians had pressed 13 kilometres into German held territory. The cost was high, with almost 4000 Canadians killed or wounded but the results were impressive; roughly 27,000 German casualties and approximately 5,000 taken prisoner. The “Flanders deception” had worked flawlessly. A German POW had expressed amazement that the Canadians had been his foe, as he was told by the high command that all the Canadians had been moved to Belgium. During the next 2 days, the Germans had been pushed back an additional 24 kilometres, 4 German divisions were “on the run” and 10,000 more prisoners taken by the Canadian forces. This victory had liberated 25 French towns and villages and put a stop to the German efforts to split the British and French armies. The German Spring Offensive had been stopped and the tide of the war reversed.
The result of this Canadian action is best verbalized by Germany’s Erich von Ludendorff, the general quartermaster of the German army, referred to this battle as the “black day of the German army”.
The Kaiser ordered an initiation of Peace negotiations. Over the next few months and by the 09th November 1918, the Canadian Corp with the help of the Australian Corp advanced all the way to Mons. On the 11th November it was all over. By my reckoning the Canadian Corp and the Australian / New Zealand Corp won the First World War. Unfortunately they were all part of the British Army so they never received the recognition they deserved. The Brits took all the glory………………..never again.
Canadians entering Mons. Where it all began and ended.
Canada’s real national anthem!
Australian’s Waltzing Matilda. Not their Anthem but it should be.
And of course New Zealand
Check out my books by clicking on the links at the top of the page. Kurofune in particular is a historical work of fiction that centers on the Pacific War.
One of many reviews of Monk’s Orchard:
“I have just finished reading this novel by John Morrison. Like his other books, this was an impressive and enjoyable read.In this book, the author chooses a theme so different from his first novel. This alone is impressive ;that he can range to themes so vastly different. His character development is again strong and the great amount of historical research that he has done is evident. Using a narrator to span the generations is an interesting and effective literary device. Let us hope that Mr.Morrison has more equally interesting novels in store for us.”