Just the Facts Ma’am

Canada’s Minister of the Environment wants to shut down all coal based operations in Canada by 2030.  Cross-training will be a boom industry they say.

Jump to 2030, “Headline News.” Small towns for sale in the Province of BC.  Surge in Ghost Town sales in BC interior. One Provincial MLA was heard to comment….”Well, just think of how many pictures can be taken by hundreds of tourists of that one small building. That one small building will pay for itself a thousand times over. It’s a cash cow that one small building from one of the Ghost Towns. Just think of how much revenue all of the other small buildings in all of the other small Ghost Towns in the Province of British Columbia will bring into our government coffers. That more than offsets the tax revenue lost when the town’s main industry went bankrupt. Whew!

And all those small town mayors across Canada that feel they have a bright economic future, take one step forward……………As you were Tumblir Ridge


Drug overdoses in Vancouver’s safe injection sites?!?! Their solution? More safe injection sites of course. Pop-Ups! Sad state of affairs with these drug overdoses.

Shut down the oil and gas sector, mining, hydro, everything in BC. A Vancouver Barista’s wet dream. However, be careful what you wish for. Back in 1959, the Canadian Government cancelled an AV Roe’s contract for the development and production of the AVRO Arrow.

In what seemed to be an overnight-like decision, AVRO then laid off 14,500 workers on a Friday – Black Friday, in the Toronto Area.  An additional 15,000 indirect jobs of every conceivable profession and occupation, e.g., lawyers, doctors, professional trades, retail and even unskilled workers, were lost across Canada because of this decision.

And how about all of those subsidies that people depend on? Are they sustainable without an economy to support them?

I don’t think so.

Plethora’s Paucity

When I was very young I wanted to be a proctologist. I thought that being an asshole was a good way to go.  But, as you can imagine, my parents and my friends were somewhat dismayed.  “Where on earth did that dumb ass thought come from?” they said?  

As it turned out I joined the Navy and spent my entire working life devoted to the maritime profession.  And while I loved the Navy life dearly some of my colleagues would say that either way I got the shaft.  Perhaps I did but it did take me awhile to glob on to the military life as I had a plethora of civvie jobs when I was young but with paucity of ambition and get up and go to go along with it.  In that regard the Navy’s routine addressed a restless nature, which seemed to be a perfect fit for me, somewhat like a proctologist’s glove.

How I love those two words: plethora and paucity. To me they sound like adjectives for the evil Roman twins Romulus and Remus.  Or perhaps more like the words flora and fauna.  And I took Latin in high school for 5 years. I was… veritably good at it.  Then again I wanted to be a proctologist too: the Latin word for asshole.  Somewhat like the word organic: also a Latin derivative meaning grown in pig shit.  But I digress.  

When I first heard the words “plethora” and “paucity” I thought, “What on earth. Speak clearly man.” It brought my mind back to my elementary school days, grade eight to be exact, where a classmate of mine by the name of Big Maxx loved to show off his literary skills with those flowery descriptive essays that we had to write from time to time and read to the entire class.  He didn’t realize just how funny he could be ranting off to the class, proud of his literary skills with words of art that reflected anything but those big flowery descriptive texts for his words were always in the wrong context or with the wrong meaning.  He would write: “I had a flora of jobs when I was young but with not a fauna of ambition or get up and go.” Big Maxx wasn’t too smart back then but he did try very, very hard. And those were the days when one could fail a grade. I think Big Max had to repeat Grade 9 a plethora of times. 

The writing of those words, flora and fauna, plethora and paucity, Romulus and Remus got me to thinking and brought me to the following train of thought with respect to words: 

Words!  What is in a word?  My kingdom for a word!  A horse it may be but a horse is only a word that by any other name is still a word. Words declare wars, they garner peace. Words can be hurtful, they can be playful. Words describe words as in spiteful words, hurtful words, insightful words. We can have a war of words, crosswords or them’s fightin words. Words can be theatrical: we can have a play on words. Word is the law.  It is the word. Words are prophetic. Words can be the gospel truth.  So sayeth the word of the Lord. Words inspire, they transpire. Words transcribe: you have my word on that. Failing that, can I have a word with you? But words are not enough. That’s why we have lawyers. Words can also be despotic, or chaotic.  A single word can inspire poetry, lyricism. 

And when a few words are taken together, we have a phrase.  And when a couple of phrases are linked together we have, in a word, a “sentence.” And when a group of sentences are grouped together we have, in another word, a “paragraph.”  And to describe or summarize a paragraph we can go right back to the beginning of this word-train of thought – to “paraphrase!” 

We can combine words to make quotable quotes: some profound, some sublime, some simplistic, some stupidly clear:

“To be or not to be – that is the question.” That may be but on Jeopardy it is the answer!;

“If things are good in moderation then they must be great in excess.”  My favourite;

“If something is worth doing, then it is worth overdoing.”  My other favourite;

“Baseball is 100% physical. The rest is mental.” (adapted from Berra);

“A man’s got to do what a man’s got to do.  A woman does what she wants;”

“A consultant is someone who is adept at making the simple… complex;”

“The problem with theory is that it’s just not practical enough!;”

“A wise fool is an oxy moron;”

“Those lefties are so darn righteous!;”

“Militancy is great…for pacifists;”

“She was at a loss for words.” a paradox for sure;

or paradoxically:

“Words cannot describe what she said.” Huh?




CFL Monday

I guess I have to root for Ottawa Red / Blacks or Rouge/ Noir.

Eskimos showed up but refused to play Ottawa and the Lions were outclassed completely by Calgary.

Looking forward to next Sunday’s Grey Cup or Coupe de Gris at BMO Field in TO.  It will be interesting to see if they get a sellout or have to give tickets away, like they do every year……sad!

CFL Football

Football all day tomorrow. From 1000 till 1630 Pacific time. No post.

I love the CFL. Always have. I know it isn’t the NFL, what with their athletic prowess, money and hype. One of my sons is an ardent Sea-Hawks fan and there is nothing I like better than to roost him with the: “C’mon, tell me son, how can any team not get ten yards in 4 downs.” He just shrugs now. Then again the Grey Cup or Coupe de Gris is over 100 years old. Vince Lombardi? 51 years now I do believe. 

                                                                                Upper body of a bald man with a large moustache.  He is in a military uniform with several medals pinned to his left chest.

Earl Grey donated the Cup in 1909 – for Rugby initially (pics by Wikimedia)

I am an Argos fan but they sucked this year and missed the playoffs. So, being a wet coaster I have to cheer for the BC Lions – to win the west. If they lose tomorrow, I’ll have to switch allegiance to the East representative because I hate the Stampeders – they have the ugliest uniforms in the CFL, except of course for the Al’s ferry like star-dust fluttering light grey uniforms that they sometimes wore this year. And only in the CFL could one possibly see a western team – Edmonton Eskimos (my apologies to SJWs) – win the East Division and represent that region in the Grey Cup or Coupe de Gris. This year there is a remote possibility that the Edmonton Eskimos (my apologies again to those SJWs out there) could meet Calgary in the final. Something about a cross over rule I do believe.

Enjoy your Sunday.

I know where I’ll be. 

Go Lions Go!



COP: Final(ly)

Between Sidney, BC and Ottawa On, I have been actively involved in coaching minor hockey and Little League baseball for over 13 years.  Yet, the Sidney experience was unique and one that I doubt I will ever be part of again.

Volunteerism is essential for the fabric of any small community and especially minor sports.  Even larger cities such as Toronto and Ottawa depend a great deal on the selfless acts of its citizens to build a sense of community and neighborhood pride within the monolithic confines of a metropolis.  Yet sometimes the best intentions fail. Why? Why were we successful when many other associations that I have been part of bicker and fight to their own self-destruction?  Is it poor leadership? Jealousy? Self-gratification? Power? Who knows. Perhaps they lose sight of the reasons they are part of a team in the first place.  Perhaps they have lost their peripheral vision and are blind to the enormous talent and knowledge pool that a group of individuals can bring to the table.  Perhaps they have lost sight of their goals.

I feel that this experience is analogous to the business model of the “coach and the high performance team”.  Here we had a group of individuals who were all professionals in their chosen fields.  Yet privately we were all inconspicuous, shy; unsure of ourselves; the only common thread was being involved in the personal well-being and development of our sons’ and daughter’s through athletics.   No one knew one another very well, none of us were part of the league’s inner sanctum.  Yet most of us were actively involved as volunteer coaches and managers and understood the value and merits of effective teamwork.  We also believed in our community and in having fun.

In this case there was no one individual who assumed a leadership role.  Our dream, our vision was an intangible. It was our coach.  The “Field of Dreams” was our collective goal, our only goal.  No one person had to articulate it for us.  It was omnipresent; the functional side of the triangle and cohesive glue that held us together and kept us on target.  In effect our coach encapsulated all that was good about this endeavor and about us as individuals.  We, as individual I’s became a collective “we” and as a result became a high performance team.  Our individual knowledge was pooled, and managed, and focused to make our dream a reality.

I never gave the concept of a knowledge base much thought during this endeavour. No one asked me if I was practicing knowledge transfer or understood complexity theory, or high performance teamwork, as I was digging out the septic field for our new clubhouse.  In some respects the fundamental baseline of knowledge sharing is an intangible in itself.  But by understanding its principals and enormous potential can one fully grasp the considerable talent out there waiting to be tapped and harvested.  The only thing missing may be a vision or a good coach or the external forces necessitating change.

Being less pragmatic and hierarchical in dealing with people has captured my imagination and holds great promise. I can see its merits and potential in coaching, in running a league executive, in business or in any endeavour involving a diverse group of individuals.  The huge bureaucracy that I was part of at National Defence was anathema to a knowledge sharing environment as that experienced in Sidney. Things run at a snail’s pace.  Nevertheless even in my own small directorate there was a bevy of talent waiting to be tapped.  A group of individuals with tacit knowledge as varied and as rich as the knowledge base in our “Field of Dreams project.  All one had to do was to be cognizant that it exists.   Then create a knowledge rich environment that feeds high performance teamwork.  Establish the vision, the coach.  Enthusiasm, motivation, self confidence and commitment will follow suit.  Morale will increase, an upsurge in innovation will occur and ……………………..Life will be good.