Climate Predictions…NOT

That the Arctic would be ice free by 2014, then 2016                                  NOT

That the polar bear would be in dire straits by now.  Last I heard the band was doing alright with the members that they had.                                                                   NOT

That the Arctic ice melt will drown North America. Ever heard of Archimedes and his principle?  Eureka, I thought……………………………………………………………….NOT

Mt Kilimanjaro’s snow cap would disappear by now.                                  NOT

Some people are making big money out of this                                           YUP

 No snow by now, by golly, ever again,                                                       NOT    Damn!

Sea levels are rising. At least not where I live. The tidal gauge hasn’t changed since 1853. Seychelles are still there though the cabinet moved back on to dry land.   NOT

More severe weather. Only in the minds of the MSM                                 NOT

More floods, more wildfires, droughts, tornados, hurricanes                      NOT

Severe weather. Oh, you mean stormy weather, etta boy                            NOT

Eastern Seaboard will disappear. Damn, no more Boardwalk?                   NOT

Governments are collecting millions in taxes over this                               YUP

“Are you satisfied? That you steal our money and make jackasses out of us all??”                                                                                                           NOPE

 (Katherine Hepburn to Burt Lancaster in the 1956 movie: “The Rainmaker”)


And millions upon millions and millions of people still believe this shyte.  YUP


When I was growing up we were only concerned with or heard about the weather in our local hood. But today we learn of, or are aware of, floods in Bangladesh, Hurricanes in Haiti, Typhoons in the Philippines, Wildfires in New Mexico , Earthquakes in Italy, Drought in Sudan, the very instant that they occur. So no wonder it seems as if the entire planet is on a “tilt-a-meter.” Yet these events have always occurred. The only difference being is that today, unlike 30-40 years ago, global communications, the fear mongering UN, and apocalyptic reporting by the MSM have brought these naturally occurring events into our living rooms on a continuous basis……..Geeesh!

Unless we begin to push back, we are doomed                                               YUP

Why I No Longer Subscribe to the MSM

With headlines like these, who needs the MSM anyway:

Trump is a predator: Former Canadian PM.

Trump will start WW III.

Trump as President would pose global danger says UN rights chief (UN Human Rights is an oxymoron, its chief an even bigger OXYMORON)

Trudeau’s impressive outreach to First Nations.

Trump is un-American.

Trump causes Global Warming!

Ice berg calving from glacier in BC caused by Climate Change. We’re all goin to die.

Loss of Arctic ice caused by Climate Change.

Arctic Ice expansion in 2016 caused by Climate Change.

Climate Change caused by Trump.

Humdrum Hillary will be just fine.

Hillary linked to Climate Change. Has to outdo Trump’s claim to Climate Change.

Bert Lancaster’s 1956 movie “The Rainmaker” linked to Climate Change.

Republicans urge Trump to quit then vow to support him? duh!

Not to be outdone Republicans claim to be the cause of Climate Change.

Gore said Arctic would be ice free by 2013. Brit scientist claimed 2016.

Both wrong as Arctic ice is expanding at a great rate. Gore and Brit scientist claim credit for Climate Change and blame it all on Global Warming.

Woman claims Trump groped her on a plane 30 years ago. 30 years ago!?!?

Woman claims her memory loss 30 years ago was caused by Global Warming but luckily, climate change brought it all back again.

Clinton and Gore blame Global Warming for hurricanes and extreme weather. 1900 Galveston: anybody remember that one??

Gore said Arctic would be ice free by 2013 and that Mt Kilimanjaro would be snow free by now.

Wrong again.

New claim that current Arctic Ice expansion and heavy snow on Mt Kilimanjaro caused by Global Warming.

Eeee Gads

WHO: Countries Should Tax Sugar.

We want to tax sugar to fight obesity… SWEEEEEEET!

From the school of common sense: get them off their asses and into the playgrounds, sports programs, and throw their Xboxes, IPhones and Tablets into the trash. Bring back play, as the saying goes.

But it’s their right to do what they want. Right?

Kids have no responsibilities therefore they have no rights!

And what about rights. Do you think you have rights? What rights? Think again man or women or ne,ve,ze. This is just a smoke screen and another example of how our individual freedoms and rights are being undermined by government legislators – at all levels. Soon we will be told what to eat, what to drink, what to wear, what to say, what to think, what to watch, what to drive, what bloody light bulbs we have to use.

Legislators will ban herbicides, ban pesticides, ban perfume, ban cologne, ban lawnmowers, ban red meat, ban white meat for its privilege, ban “Monster Truck” shows, ban camping, ban boating, ban contact sports, ban BBQ’s, ban fun. If left unchecked there will be no idling of cars, hey, no driving of cars, no international air travel, no travel at all, no smoking, no swearing, no drinking, no critical thought if you please, no consequences for bad personal decisions or choices, no discipline as it’s always somebody else’s fault. The do good-ers and the activists are having a field day. By the way, have you ever met a happy activist or a happy environ-mental -ist? Nope? Neither have I.

It took me 65 years to become a Grumpy Old Man. These environmental whackos and Social Justice Warriors had that locked up the minute they entered University.

Orwell had it right all along. Only he was well ahead of our times. Oh the horror of it all. People – wake up!!!

Next they’ll want to tax the very air that we breathe. Oh wait, they’re doing that now with their so called Carbon Tax. After all when we inhale we have to exhale, and that my friends contains CO2 – so stop breathing to save the planet. In today’s world telling someone figuratively to “drop dead” has a whole new meaning…THEY MEAN IT! 

They’ll want to tax volcanic eruptions and erections next.

And given the UN’s stellar record of collective security and peacekeeping – Rwanda, Sudan, Somalia – come to mind; their impressive decisions on Human Rights as reflected by the righteousness of the UN Human Rights Council; the inspirational insight that the UN demonstrated with their election of Zimbabwe as the lead nation on the United Nations’ Commission on Sustainable Development, their appointment of Iran to head the committee on the status of women and Libya to chair the Human Rights Council a few years back; and their dynamic organizational skills and efficacy in financial administration as witnessed by their Oil for Food program and the human disaster that is called Haiti, why oh why on earth would anyone with half a brain in their head believe in the conclusions drawn up by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Huh? Huh?

Just saying, that’s all.