Who Am I

Who am I?

  • If I believe that we should live within out means, at all levels of government, then call me a conservative;
  • If I am for pro-life, then call me a conservative;
  • If I believe in strong family values, then call me a conservative;
  • If I have respect for people of authority, then call me a conservative;
  • If I have respect for my fellow man, then call me a conservative;
  • If I believe that parents should instil values into our children, and not by proxy, then call me a conservative;
  • If I believe parents should instill mores into our children then call me a conservative;
  • If I believe in God and call myself a Christian, then call me a conservative;
  • If I believe in the “rule of law” then call me a conservative;
  • If I believe in a strong country with strong human rights then call me a conservative;
  • If I believe that an individual(s) should be assessed on merit and not by gender, or race, then call me a conservative;
  • If I believe in a binary gender code of conduct, then call me a conservative;
  • If I believe in helping my fellow man, then call me a conservative;
  • If I believe in our duly elected representatives, right or left, then call me a conservative;
  • If I believe in personal responsibility, then call me a conservative;
  • If I believe that there are consequences, good or bad, for our individual action(s) then call me a conservative;
  • If I don’t believe in handouts, except for those that legitimally need them, then call me a conservative;
  • If I believe in a hard work and moral ethos then call me a conservative;
  • If I believe that the actions of our teachers should be solely focused on the fundamentals of education – the 3 rs, and nothing else,then call me a conservative;
  • If I believe that university professors should teach and not pontificate or indoctrinate, then call me a conservative;
  • If I believe in critical thought then call me a conservative;
  • If I appal “Group Think,” then call me a conservative;
  • If I believe in free speech then call me a conservative;
  • If I don’t believe in entitlements, for their own sake, then call me a conservative;
  • If I believe that universities do more harm than good, then call me a conservative;
  • If I respect our military, then call me a conservative; and
  • If I respect myself, then call me a conservative.

If any of the above are questionable, objectionable or offensive to you, then call yourself a liberal.

Some mysteries of life:

Have you ever noticed how many sick people shop at health food stores?? Hmmm?;

How politicians are able to talk out of both sides of their mouths, at the same time?;

Why is it that an electrical cord, or a length of line, when wound up correctly, is full of knots when unwinding? Hmmm?

When things go wrong they really go wrong;

The bus always comes along right after you light up that cigarette.

The time waiting in line at checkout is inversely proportional to the length of that line;

The 4 most terrifying words that a single male will ever hear while waiting to pay at a grocery store checkout line; “Price check, aisle 3”

Enough for now.


Song for the day. A forgotten classic:



Who Would You Rather Be

Who would you rather be?

A driver in life:

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Or a passenger:

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You thought RF pollution was bad now, wait for this:

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And after a few years of exposure to this RF?

Its a killer people or wo-people.  I don’t know about you but I love driving.

See the source imageDriverless cars?……..Geesh. Just look at it:

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Are you kidding me?

And speaking of snowflakes. Love this quote:

“Growing up there is one important lesson worth noting. A child will learn half of what he or she is required to know about life from his teachers and family. The other half he or she will learn from bullies.” It is true. All of the rhetoric, the programs and all of the pink shirt days out there do absolutely nothing to address or stop a bully. This does:

See the source imageBullies are cowards. Fight back. As far as cyber bullying goes? Just turn the damn thing off. Simple. Don’t be a snowflake!

And, if you don’t think bullying is alive and well in the real adult world all one has to do is look at Hollywood, late night talk shows, ANTIFA, BLM, Universities, or any of the other tolerant leftist rants about Conservatives, Pro Lifers, Christians, Marriage, values and on and on it goes. And how did these do gooders get their bullying credentials? In school!

From the: “They don’t give a rat’s ass about deficits or debt so why should I” file comes this: Notley Triples Alberta’s Deficit

The Trudeau Liberals are resisting criticism of this foolhardy mission from both left and right. Canadian soldiers will be Mali-bound come summertime. And just so the world know this will be a gender driven mission where over half of the Peacekeepers will be female. That should go over well in this “Shit-Hole” of a country where 99% of the population is Muslim!

There is a Plan B that involves the cosmic coincidence that about 250 “Canadians” are suspected of travelling overseas to engage in terrorist activity — which is the exact number of troops the Liberals want to send to Mali… (Rebel)

Whoa………………….Let’s see how Trudeau squirms out of this one when the shyte hits the fan:

See the source imageToday I am a Muslim.

Tomorrow I will be a Sikh

See the source imageA few weeks ago I was an Indian Princess….er Prince:

Image result for pics of trudeau in indiaDear Shiva, god of wardrobe. I really want to be an Indian. Whoosh. Okay here you are then:

Image result for pics of trudeau as an indian





Or how about being an anarchist:

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Or, or, or maybe Superman:

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Oh, how I love being me. Let’s see. Maybe tomorrow I can be the Prime Minister of Canada. Hmmm, maybe not. Sooo boring.

Hey, but I am Prime Minister Justin Trudeau………………….and you’re not!

Happy Monday:




Man or Woman Up

It would seem that Canada has now adopted gender neutral honorifics (Mister, Miss. Missus) to appease less that 1% of the population. I am a Canadian but I am now embarrassed to state as such with this madness.

No more Mr or Mrs: Canadian state agency to use gender-neutral ‘parent’ instead of father or motherHmmm, Which one should I use?

“What am I anyway? Am I a man? Oops can’t say that in Canada. Okay, am I a woman? Ooops can’t say that either. But I have to go. Shit happens you know and it doesn’t discriminate. Shit stinks whether you are a people (man) or a wo-people (woman).

“Sorry, but before you can go you have to tell us what you are. Are you a hey, a zey, a zir, a zee, a zitch, a bitch, a mitch or a titz? What is it?” a Service Canada spokesperson demanded before they would provide the key to the washroom. “Oh I know” I said. “I am a Neanderthal so I’ll just go right here. After all divershity is my strength.” And the pants, or skirt (can’t say that) came down right there and then as a large load came onto the floor.

“Hey” a spokes-people (spokesman)  yelled, while looking at the pile of shit that was now on the floor of the orifice. “You have to say skants, as pants or skirt is too gender specific and is forbidden to say while in our orifices”

Okay, so when do I get my pension cheque anyway?” and by the way, can I refer to you as an ass-hole. That is gender neutral as we all have one don’t we?” the client smirked as he left the government orifice (can’t say office in Canada as it could be construed as gender specific). Everyone has an orifice now don’t they?


Joke of the year: Russian presidential erections. Putin wins again. Of course he does. He is president for life. Anything else is just distraction.

And this just in:

It’s time to “warrior up,” stop polluting the planet and give water the same rights and protections as human beings. That’s the message Autumn Peltier, a 13-year-old Canadian, delivered personally to the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday. I am sure Service Canada will soon take this to heart!

“Many people don’t think water is alive or has a spirit,” she told the diplomats gathered in New York City in her speech on World Water Day. “My people believe this to be true.”  “So do I.  Water and Crown Royal is a really good mix. And, if you looked at water under a microscope you would never drink it again…ever!

“Our water deserves to be treated as human with human rights. We need to acknowledge our waters with personhood (you mean people-hood) so we can protect our waters,” Peltier said, her five-foot frame standing on a stool (??) behind the podium so she could reach the microphone. When your people start to do something about this, maybe I will begin to take you seriously.

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I hate it when adults use children to push their activist agendas.

From the  – it’s someone else’s fault file comes this (italics mine):

Deeply lamenting the loss of young Mark Anthony Conditt, (The Austin Bomber) the precocious (I’ll say) yet thoughtful go-getter with a penchant for politics (and bombs) city officials confirmed Thursday that the true Austin bomber was everyone who failed this sensitive, promising kid (really?). “What our investigation is attempting to determine is this: Who’s the real terrorist here? And all the evidence points to it being everyone who refused to recognize the brilliance existing deep inside this sensitive, socially concerned young man,”(so I’ll take it out on society as a whole and blow the shit out of them – so there!) said Austin Police Chief Brian Manley at a press conference, during which officials distributed a report listing multiple instances of the greater Austin community failing to nurture the vision and talent of the budding young (explosive) genius, an oversight at least as dangerous as the series of bombs that left two dead and several others injured last week. (Oversights do not kill people – people kill people). Everything we learned from his neighbors indicates that this undeniably special young man displayed all the classic signs of someone out to make his mark on this world (which he did in rather grand fashion) and that we did nothing to protect his future (or ours) is the biggest tragedy we’ve had in Texas for a long time (are you kidding me?). And the worst part is that we are, all of us, to blame for his loss.” (no we’re not). Manley refused to take questions, instead urging the people of Austin to question themselves after taking a long, hard look in the mirror. (“So put that in your pipe bomb and smoke it.”). The children are our future. Can’t wait)………………………Geeesh

Another shooting in France? Sad.

Just another misunderstood youth eh Manly (see Austin above)? It’s our fault. We didn’t look in the mirror as it was cracked. Quick, bring out the piano. Je suis Imagine!

Love this current liberal hypocrisy wrt their Canadian summer jobs program:

“To be eligible [for a grant], the core mandate of the organization must respect individual human rights in Canada, including the values underlying the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as well as other rights. These include reproductive rights (pro-lifers need not apply)and the right to be free from discrimination on the basis of sex, (which one?) religion,(Christians need not apply) race (as long as you’re not white), national or ethnic origin (older Canadians need not apply), colour,(colour blind?) mental or physical disability (I can’t work isn’t an excuse for this grant), sexual orientation (which one?) or gender identity or expression – (Zir, Zey, Zitch, Bitch, Hey, Jay).

I can honestly say that I never, ever got a summer job through any Canadian government sponsored job placement program.

I want my country back!

Song for the day. This is a hard one.

Just a tad political today…Sorry.

Have a great weekend





This just in.

I tried the Crypto non potato diet for 10 days and I went from this:

Slide 2 of 9: After reading countless blog posts about fellow dieters reporting exhaustion and fatigue during the first few days, I actually noticed my energy levels soar. In fact, I felt as if I had downed three cups of coffee sans cream. At one point, the restlessness and jitters were a bit overwhelming. Though, after a few days progressed, my energy levels began to balance, and I felt more productive and clear-minded. Brain fog, begone!To this:

Before and After SupplementsBe careful, be very, very careful.

If only it were true file comes this headline:

‘Kryptonite-jacking’: Bitcoin rise prompts hackers to ditch ransomware for mining fraud

As bitcoin soared to the $20,000 mark last year, cyber-criminals increasingly turned their attention to Krypton-nite currency users. ‘Krypto-jacking’ cases catapulted in 2017 as Krypton-nite currency prices rose, according to new research.
Superman was not amused.

Love this headline: “Fancy gold and platinum from old ICBMs? Russian space agency opens bidding”
Fancy gold and platinum from old ICBMs? Russian space agency opens biddingYeah, the last guy who bought one of these babies was last seen….
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They take VISA!

Just another day in the City of Light
Clashes with police in Paris during rally against Macron’s public-sector reforms (VIDEOS)
French workers demonstrate violently in Paris against Macron’s reforms of the public sector. “He wants to impose a 1.5 hour work week on us! Sucre-Coeur!” one protester was heard to remark.

Queen has ordered Harry and Meghan to dispense with the PDA. No more of this I would assume.
See the source imageNo???? Oh you mean this:
prince harry meghan markle pda: Photo, Samir Hussein/WireImage/Getty Images.I am just soooo out of touch these days.

Only in Canada you say?  Shitty
Saskatchewan Judge grants bail to man in fentanyl and weapon charges…3 dead.  Canada is open for business?

Just another reason why I would never, ever go to University these days:
A North Carolina State University sociology instructor contends that vegan and vegetarian men are guilty of “upholding the gender binary” and perpetuating “white masculinity.” Vegan and vegetarian men have, [says Mari Mycek,] reclaimed their “previously-stigmatised consumption identity” to wield power over women by framing their lifestyle as a rational, rather than emotional, choice.
Eating chick-peas is considered an act of oppression to women everywhere. (Thanks to SDA)

More Canadian Federal Hypocrisy:  Quebec energy projects do not have to pass the upstream / downstream greenhouse emissions litmus tests but western energy projects do!! What the F%$k batman. Time to get out of dodge me thinks.

Can you believe this:

Kathleen Wynne, the premier of Ontario feels that Old White People are the problem. So get out and vote she says to the young people.
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Yes, Ms Wynne you are definitely the problem for Ontarians
Let’s see. Old white people vote because:
Image result for pics of the greatest generation as opposed to this:See the source image
I know how I would vote.
That’s all she wrote:
Another great tune from Badfinger:
Click on the link, then click on the link in the box.

An Environment of No’s

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In many respects the South Pole at the turn of the 20th century was an environment of no’s.  There was no point of reference.  There was no large geographical landmark announcing, “You are here!”  There was no large hole in the ground staked with a massive pole obtrusion or place name.  There was no marker.  There was no obvious tell tale sign that an objective had been reached.  There was no support for life. There was nothing there but wind: a wind so cold and bitter that it was life sucking. It was as if the wind gods had found a place on earth to vent their anger unabated.  A howling, deafening non – prevailing wind with snow and blizzard and drift that was constant only in its relentless power: a non-prevailing confused and chaotic maelstrom because there was no direction here – except north.  There was no warm southwesterly, steady westerly or an easterly.  Everywhere one turned one was facing north.  There was only the bitter north wind.  And coming from all directions!

And there was nothing at the South Pole except a frigid, blinding white desert plain projecting a desolate and frighteningly yet awesome picture of nature – at its best and at its worst: a lifeless, broad, flat, monotonous stretch of frozen landscape that stretched as far as the eye could see – in every direction.  In the summer months there were 24 hours of sunshine but with it came an incessant blinding glare.  In the wintertime an eternal darkness fell over the land like a veil of silence in death:  a darkness that was made all the more eerie and dangerous with temperatures dropping off the bottom of the Fahrenheit scale.  And everywhere one looked it was always the same.  There were no distinctions: only wind and drift and snow and ice.

The south polar plateau was an icy land that was both hypnotically breathtaking as it was nomadically restless.  Ice that was so pervasive, it was everywhere:  ice – in crystallized air;  ice – in frozen breath; ice – in frozen sweat; ice that was over a mile thick; ice that permeated and smothered every secret that the land may hold; ice that moved; ice that scorched a path across a barren landscape; ice that was so relentless and unwavering in its slow glaciated crawl across the south polar plateau toward the Trans-Antarctica Mountains; and ice that fell in precipitous icefalls, down expansive glaciers that were bordered by mountains over 15,000 feet in height.  Towering granite peaks, like sentinels, these mountains protected a high frozen polar ice prairie that was home to a non-descript geographical point of the earth that was the frozen underbelly of the world.  The South Pole was indeed cold and inhospitable. It was a terrible place.

And on this land of ice and snow, on this south polar plateau some 10,000 feet above sea level, tales unfolded in an historical context of polar exploration that have since become the source of legend and myth: legendary tales of survival, of leadership, of endurance, of courage, of success, of heart rendering self-sacrifice, of depression, of defeat, legendary myths and tales of men, of dogs, of ponies, of unremitting hunger, of disease, of death.  It is a place of storied heroism, of foolishness, of fickle and fate, of obstinacy and ignorance, of mental breakdown and stupidity.  It is a place of friendship, of camaraderie, of jealousy, and spite.  It is a place of majestic peaks, of icy crags, of hidden crevasses, of bottomless chasms, of pressure ridges, of untold beauty and horrific dangers and suffering.  It is the vast polar plateau, the Beardmore and Axel Heiberg Glaciers, the expansive Ross Ice Shelf, The Devil’s Ballroom, McMurdo Sound, the Western Mountains, Katabatic wind, Terror and Erebus, the Bay of Whales.  It is the playground of killer whales, the home of the Emperor and Adele penguin, the Weddell seal, Skuas and the Antarctic Petrel.

For some men the South Pole symbolized gentlemanly fulfillment. The Antarctic environment entrapped them into an addiction of exploration and an escalating sense of superhuman accomplishment.  It instilled a sense of unbridled commitment and fulfillment to a cause that was of intellectual importance and of spiritual poetry and propriety.  Apsley Cherry-Garrard, one of Robert Falcon Scott’s men and author of one of the best south polar chronicles written “The Worst Journey in the World” (Cherry-Garrard, 1930) described south polar exploration this way: “Exploration is the physical expression of the Intellectual Passion”(Cherry-Garrard, 1930, page 577). Perhaps it was for men brought up on Victorian values: Victorian men who were intellectually nurtured on Browning, Tennyson, Dickens and Darwin, or influenced by Jowett (Hibbert, 1987).  But for many of these men there was also that adolescent like fearlessness and ignorance of the horrific dangers, subtleties and paradox that was the Antarctic.  Reading their stories, their fearlessness and bravado somehow undermined the intellectual passion and poetic romanticism.  For the Antarctic may be in one instant a beautiful thought provoking place.  But in the next it heralds a terrible, frozen death.  Its death knell is both unsuspecting and indistinguishable, but death nevertheless.   For the Antarctic environment knows no glory.  It knows no sense of gentlemanly conduct.  It has no sense of fair play or understanding of intellectual pursuits or passion. The Antarctic is not a positive place at all. It is a place of no’s.


March 20 – 25, 1912. The British Antarctic Expedition’s Polar Party of Scott, Bowers, Wilson, Oates and Evans perish at the base of the Beardmore Glacier (Evans) and in the vicinity of “One Tone Depot” on the Ross Ice Shelf (Oates, Scott, Wilson and Bowers). Tragic!