Say It Isn’t So

Happy Thanksgiving Day to all of my US friends.

As if the Covid 19 so called crisis isn’t enough.

“Say it isn’t so George!”

Climate over the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural disasters..

A secret report, suppressed by US defence chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a ‘Siberian’ climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world.

The document predicts that abrupt climate change could bring the planet to the edge of anarchy as countries develop a nuclear threat to defend and secure dwindling food, water and energy supplies. The threat to global stability vastly eclipses that of terrorism, say the few experts privy to its contents. Author’s note: “I didn’t realize that the BLM and ANTIFA movement was caused by climate change.”

‘Disruption and conflict will be endemic features of life,’ concludes the Pentagon analysis. ‘Once again, warfare would define human life.’

“It isn’t so”……………………George.

Don’t ya just love experts? And models? And predictions?

Well, that one didn’t work Virginia. Lets move that date out a hundred years. Then they will have to believe us that the world will end due to climate change…wait for it.

Like the Maldives. UN said in January 1988 that in 30 years the Maldives would be underwater. Here it is 32 years on and as far as I know the Maldives are still with us. No problem, they will be gone 100 years from now and nobody will be able to dispute that. Naw naw naw naw naw…wait for it.


“But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. ”

Oxymoron of the week: “Canadian Correctional Services.” The Grand Valley federal prison for women received its first male inmate last week, a 54-year-old man who is still a fully functional male who hasn’t yet undergone re-assignment surgery. Only in Canada. Get this: “She hadn’t violated any parole conditions, but began to “present as emotionally volatile,” a “behavioural deterioration which seems to have coincided with the start of hormone therapy,” CSC documents suggest, as only a government paid shrink could assess. Wonderful zey all agreed.

Quote of the week:

Militancy is wonderful…………for pacifists.

Hey, support a struggling Canadian author by checking out my books: Monk’s Orchard and Kurofune. Just click on the links at the top of the page….thanks.





This is from a previous post. I thought about it after listening to our PM’s speech to the UN about a month ago. From June 2019:

Note: replace all instances of “Climate Change” with “Covid 19.”

The fix is in.

Image result for pics of the canadian house of commons

Canada just passed a motion in the House of Ill Repute to say that a Climate Emergency exists in Canada. An emergency on par with World War 2. Are you kidding me??? Covid is an adjunct.

This is pure political propaganda and bull shyte. First there was global warming. When it appeared that the planet wasn’t warming as fast as the radicals projected the powers that be, i.e. the UN, changed their tune to Climate Change. All of the lefty bobble heads nodded in agreement. With Climate change the enviro – mentals could blame every single weather event on Climate Change. Snow storm – climate change. Cold winter – climate change. Warm winter – climate change. Forest fires – climate change. Floods – climate change. Hurricanes – climate change – Covid 19? Climate Change as Mother Earth is really pissed at us. Never mind our creator. He is irrelevant so say our leaders. We have to do something about it now. Even the Pope got into the act.

No response from a duped electorate to the issue of Climate Change. No problem. We now have a climate crisis or emergency. That should do it. In the Canadian House of Ill Repute:

“Canada declares a national climate emergency, and supports the country’s commitment to meeting the emissions targets outlined in the Paris Agreement.”

That should appease Gaia.

This is code to our government to destroy our economy and our way of life. Our energy sector, our resource sector is doomed. Canada will become a third world country – Venezuela comes to mind – just to satisfy the likes of our incredibly stupid leadership. Thankfully I will be dead by then.

Here are some facts:

The UN has never been interested in Global Warming, Climate Change and now Climate Emergency. Their stated aim in all of this is to create a global crisis such that they can implement a global solution. The climate is the crisis. So what is that solution you may ask? One world government run of course by the United Nations itself.

See the source image

We would have to give up all of our sovereignty and individual freedoms. We would be told what we can eat – plant based only – where we can live, work, play, read – everything. 1984 redux coming to a theatre near you. Thank God that the US will never agree to this. Switzerland as well. They have more on the ball then the rest of the planet;

Carbon is part of our life. Everything has a component of Carbon. Humans are made up of 18.3% Carbon. So if we are going to reduce our carbon footprint to save the planet the very first thing that should be done is to obliterate all humans. I think our leadership should demonstrate real leadership by leading by example and taking themselves out of the gene pool…immediately. Let them go first and we’ll follow suit…..nyuk, nyuk, nyuk;

See the source image

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is a compound element necessary for all life on earth. CO2 greens the planet. Without it our very existence would be in question (or see para above). Plants absorb CO2 and expunge oxygen. Oxygen? You know, that gas that we breath to remain relevant. Levels of CO2 have been considerably higher in the past – pre industrial revolution – than they are now;

CO2 is not a poison or a pollutant – in spite of what our un-knowledgeable Environ – mental Minister and politicians may tell you. Perhaps she should try CO. That would do it;

The sun is the major driver of our climate, not CO2 or other greenhouse gases. During the last solar eclipse, September 2017, the temperature dropped considerably, when the sun was obscured;

Greenhouse gases enable our earth’s protective insulation. It allows us to be relatively comfortable on this planet. Eliminating greenhouse gases? Well you would not find this earth to be a very hospitable place to live. Then again read para above again;

David Suzuki is not a climatologist. Indeed, the majority of the so called 97% consensus is comprised of individuals who were anything and everything but climatologists. They are all UN hacks.

Every one of Al Gore’s predictions have fallen flat;

See the source image

Al Gore. This is the real Climate Change impresario;

Follow the money;

Good gawd, even the Pope is in on this fraud. Pope Francis. Stick to Catholic liturgy and stay out of politics. Hells bells for heavens sake;

Greta “whatever her name is:” claims that she can see CO2 – a colourless, odourless gas. That should be a clue people that something stinks in Denmark…er Sweden. My apologies to Shakespeare;

See the source image

I’ll be damned.

The world is not going to end in 2030. Remember 12-12-12. The Mayan doomsday date that the world would end on the 12th December 2012. Last time I checked it didn’t;

This is just another of a series of climate doomsday scare scenarios and predictions. If a prediction doesn’t come to pass. No problem. Come up with a new date. This is the UN’s methodology for achieving their objective for one world government;

The earth is not flat in spite of what non science people like Alexandra Occasionally Cortez But Generally Whacko would have us believe;

Prosperity exists today, more-so than any other time in history;

Western Civilization, Capitalism rocks. It is responsible for untold prosperity, innovation, technology, communication and increased life expectancy – in spite of what the enviro- mentals or the lefties may try to tell you;

The only winners in all of this are the politicians. All of this money, this manna from heaven, will fill their coffers and be redistributed into nefarious social programs that will fail. None of it will go into fighting the climate. Just look at Canada’s cannabis program. An unmitigated disaster. If they can’t grow weed correctly and distribute it effectively how on earth are they ever going to save the planet. They must have been stoned to have passed this climate change emergency measure. Smoke and mirrors but mainly smoke and sleight of hand;

We are the losers here. Our way of life, our quality of life is at stake, especially for the lower classes. Everything will become exorbitantly expensive. So much so that one day you will wake up realizing that you can no longer afford a car; or a holiday in or out of your own country; or the ability to heat your home; put food on the table, have children. Your health care will revert back to prehistoric standards; and you will not be able to use straws anymore. Shame. Social engineering brought to you by……;

You know, we were born into this way of life. Our parents fought and died for our liberties, our standard of living. A standard of living that will soon be taken away from us by the very people we elected to represent us, to protect our liberties and our socio-economic traditions. We are being punished for a way of life that has been imposed upon us from the very beginning by our esteemed leadership. Our crime is one of compliance…to them. We are, in essence, being punished for our leader’s mistakes. Our Prime Minister has now accused every single one of us Canadians of that most heinous human crime of all – GENOCIDE. And now our Enviro-mental Minister McKenna is saying that we have to be punished for our polluting ways.

Is there anybody out there who will stick up for Canada and all Canadians?;

These guys are so full of methane that they are shooting from both ends. Their cheeks, above and below their waistlines, are fraught with flatulence. You can see it in their faces and across their asses.

What can we do? I would say an election is a vehicle for dismembership in the House of Ill Repute but there are so many lefties out there that have bought into this bull shit that an election to rid ourselves of these self righteous left wing political nutbars is self defeating.

On a final note. Just think about it for a moment. We can change the climate. A carbon tax will do it. Are we that stupid? I guess we are.

I am thinking of moving. But where? Perhaps Fargo.

See the source imageClassic Dylan

Have a great day.



I Have Covid. Gimme A Hug

Such a hypocrite:

Climate activist Greta Thunberg posted a photo to her official Instagram wearing a mask made from her worst enemy: Oil!

And she is a doctor too:

In March, Thunberg self-isolated in a private “borrowed apartment” after she diagnosed herself with coronavirus.

As well as a meteorologist and climatologist. How dare you!

And just 17 at that. Holy smoley Greta.

Greta Thunberg sports disposable, oil-based mask on Instagram

Hugs Over Ottawa

On Saturday, August 29, thousands gathered on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Ontario to advocate for freedom and to stand in solidarity with those around the globe protesting COVID-19 lockdowns.

Similar protests were held in Australia, Germany, and the United Kingdom.

The event was organized by The Line Canada, with the help of supporting activist groups including: Hugs Over Masks, The Canadian Revolution, Vaccine Choice Canada and Children’s Health Defense.

Trudeau shook his head in approval as he now has something else to chaw on.

WE agreed!

They must be on to something here as:

A new study published in the August 2020 issue of Psychiatry Research has found that Canada could be looking at a suicide rate increase of up to 27 per cent as a direct result of the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns and economic stagnation.

No matter. Like fentanyl overdoses nobody cares.

More experts, more experts. The world needs more pervs…er perts.

I want my nanny.

Heard in passing 1:

“I am so, so tired of hearing of Covid. Covid this, Covid that, Covid, Covid’s where’s it’s at…day and night, 24 / 7. Heavens, what on earth did we talk about before Covid?”

Erm…Climate Change Virginia, Climate Change. The world is going to end. Climate Change and there is a Santa Claus.

Heard in passing 2. From a millennial bugger…er begger no doubt.

“Hey mister. Can you spare some climate change?”

A double whammy! Climate Change is going to kill the planet, while Covid 19 is going to kill all those who live on it…so says the UN. “Without our leadership we,” meaning you and me, “are doomed.” Workers of the world unite!

All of this is code for: One World Government. As long as there is one person on this earth with Covid, the crisis will never end. Yes, the Covid crisis will never end and the folks over at the UN and World Economic Forum are ecstatic as they now have two crisises(?) to strike fear into all of us and take advantage of all of our anxieties.

Shocking Stat that no one will believe because it doesn’t fit the “We’re all going to die” narrative being pushed on all of us by our leaderless leaders:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website disclosed the shockingly small number of people who died from only the Wuhan coronavirus, with no other cause of death mentioned. Hold on to your hat because here it is: out of the 161,392 deaths in the CDC data, just six percent, about 9,700 deaths, were attributed to the coronavirus alone. According to the CDC, the other 94 percent had an average of 2.6 additional conditions or causes of deaths, such as heart disease, diabetes, and sepsis.

Instead of protecting the vulnerable — the elderly in nursing homes and those with comorbidities — health “experts” recommended locking everyone up and prescribing for Americans a wide range of ailments such as depression, suicide, missed early cancer screenings, unemployment, substance abuse, and poverty.

Ask yourself. Did they lock themselves up? Did any of our so called experts and leaders lose their jobs?

Thanks Justin et al

BTW, over at Sturgis, SD, out of the 300,000 bikers only 70 cases of Covid 19 were detected and can be attributed to the rally. No deaths. Cases only.

This one is for Greta!


It’s Alive, It’s Alive

I don’t know about you but I am getting sick and tired with all of this climate scare tactics and fear mongering. It seems that every second article in the newspaper today is about climate change of some sorts.

Climate change may be happening but we are not the cause of it. It is a natural phenomenon. Last week, while I was in Toronto, which is situated on the north shore of Lake Ontario, everyone was talking about the water levels of the Great Lakes. The levels are very high such that the Toronto Islands are flooding. Climate change in action. Yet a couple of years ago the levels were very low.

Heck, I can remember during my youth when water levels were up and down on Georgian Bay, which is part of Lake Huron. It happens and is highly dependent on the winter’s snow pack, spring melting and spring rains. It is not caused by climate change. However, our government, in their quest to scare the shit out of us, especially our gullible youth, and to convince us that climate change is real and therefore a threat to our very existence such that they can tax us to death. A new and very lucrative money stream. And our politicians of every stripe and colour are in on the scam.

Consider this: in 1989 the UN told the world that the Maldives would be underwater by 01 January 2019. Thirty years later?

See the source imageThe Maldives today.

The UN also stated in 1989 that the world had 30 years to address climate change or there would not be a world today. Hasn’t happened.

But now they tell us that if we do not act NOW, that the world will end in 2030. I think Al Gore and other non scientific mindless minds have stated such for 2011, 2013, 2019 and now 2030. And people believe this shyte. I mean how can anybody believe in whatever Alexandra Occasionally Cortez but Generally Whacko says. This from a US congress  woman who believes that the world is flat – and she has a huge cohort that agrees with her. Last time I checked:

See the source image              Do you notice the curvature on the horizon?

Oh, I know, photo shopped, fake…..Geesh.

Coming from a lab near you.

See the source imageIt’s alive, it’s alive

Beyond meat > is beyond belief. Meat grown in a lab. Are you kidding me?

Super processed food yet the young people are devouring this stuff. Those same young people who shun processed foods. Sorry to tell you all but this is super-processed “food”. Same with plant based burgers.

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Mmm. Yummy Igor. Try this new cheeseburger. It is to die for.

Oxymoron of the week? Plant based sausages. Outlets should be sued for false advertising.

Geesh. I’ll take KD any day. I mean if you are going to eat plastic this is the way to go.

See the source imageI hear that in Canada, plastic straws are going to be replaced by this stuff.

Eat drink and be scary.

Canadian electioneering has begun for our elections in October – at the Federal level. Polls predicting Trudeau will probably win but with a coalition of the left – Greens and NDP (Dippers):

See the source imageSee the source image


Scary thought. We are screwed. See, even she agrees with me:

See the source imageThe NDP’s new Chief of Staff

Thar she blows: Climate change in action

See the source imageMauna Loa erection…er eruption. World’s largest Volcano – about to erupt!

Just wait for the UN to somehow make this a climate change action statement: “Give us your money and we will ensure volcanos never happen again.” Unfortunately many people will believe this shyte. Even Greta: “I see CO2” Thumbs Up will get in on the act. Perhaps the Pope as well.

This just in:

Geoff Molson, Marc Bergevin standing next to a person in a suit and tie: Canadiens owner/president Geoff Molson (left) and general manager Marc Bergevin take a break during second day of NHL Draft in Vancouver on June 22, 2019.

The Carolina Hurricanes believe that the Canadiens and GM Marc Bergevin got sold a bill of goods by Gerry Johannson, the agent for centre Sebastian Aho.

Guys, I really think that the name “Aho,” pronounced Ay-Ho, short in the hockey lexicon for Ass-Hole may have been a red flag here, don’t ya think

Get outside and don’t believe the shyte or the hype. Then you will see that every day is the best day ever.

Never fear. If it gets really bad this guy will come and rescue us from the United Nations. My hero

See the source image

According to the United Nations, we no longer live in the Cenozonic Era and the Holocene Epoch but live in the Armageddon Era and Eeee Gads Epoch.

Thanks for you thoughts on my brother Kevin.


Climate Refugees

I was wondering when this would happen. The UN now states that:

WaPo Claim: ‘How Trump’s border crisis is driven by climate change’

……it would now seem that all of those illegal migrants from Central America and Mexico are really coming to the US because of Climate Change.

Oh, I don’t know, but:

See the source imageJust another wonderful winter day in Canada and the northern United States.

As compared to:

See the source imageJust another shitty winter day in Costa Rica

See the source image

…or just another shitty winter day in Mexico.

Time to get out of the United Nations.

Love this. Tax time in Canada. I don’t know about you but I am clearly getting the shaft this year from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Widows and Widowers like me are sure getting the shaft – and not in a good way.

These guys, CRA that is, have a long reach. So be careful and don’t bend over in their company.

I am told that every CRA  accountant has one of these. Pencil necks!

Tax Return humour. That is so funny.

Thanks to Sadie for that one.

OTTAWA — The federal government is delaying a decision on the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project to June 18. Nooooo, really?

Natural Resources Minister Amarjeet Sohi says the extended deadline will give the government more time to complete its consultations with Indigenous groups. Noooooo, really?

What 4 years is not enough time? That just reminds me of the definition of a consultant as someone who makes the simple…complex! We have that here in spades. My prediction? More delays. Of course.

a close up of a blackboardThe New Math

Mathematicians discover new way to do multiplication. Um sorry but isn’t that the old way?

Oh, I get it now. 1 x 1 = 11; 4 x 4 = 44; 10 x 10 = 1100.

This coincides with the new addition tables: 2 + 2 = 22, 4 + 4 = 44

This is called Millennial Math! (see video above).

I wonder how they are going to do division?

Talk about having one’s priorities straight!

In Andrew Morton’s Diana: Her True Story, the royal revealed that she felt an enormous amount of pressure from the media surrounding the birth of her first child, Prince William. In fact, it was so “unbearable” that she was induced – but they had to pick a day that didn’t interfere with Prince Charles‘ polo schedule.

Morton goes on to say that Charles was very disappointed that Harry wasn’t a girl, which he wanted badly…just like daddy.

And, he lost his polo match that day!

Celebrity’s RVs. This is a good one:

Leonardo Decraprio’s RV.

Slide 16 of 49: On the set of “Inception,” DiCaprio spent his down time in this trailer from King Kong Production Vehicles. Even from the outside, you can tell the 53-footer is spacious inside, with a solid gold exterior standing out from the cab pulling it. No wonder they called it a mobile mansion. Slide-out sides almost double the width from 8.5 feet to 16 feet for a total of 720 square feet.“Climate change is real man. Our planet will be destroyed by 2030 if we don’t all go out and buy one of these babies.” he was heard to remark.

The new Tesla “Crunch” by Elon Muskrat

Probably one of the Kink’s best songs evah. These guys were truly one of the most under-rated bands in rock history. This album – “To The Bone” is probably their best.

Have a great Tax Return day…..screw you CRA!
