Everybody Hurts

Does this woman look friendly, warm and cuddly, or mean, nasty, don’t mess with me… erm us?

Canada’s new Governor General. She can’t speak French but with Trudough’s virtue signaling rhetoric that is okay. Not for the rest of us but for her and others like her. Elitism to the core.

Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC), the Canadian version of the BBC, releases “List of Words You Should Stop Saying.” Fortunately Go F%^k Yourself never made the list.

Joe Rogan calls out media for blaming the SUV in Waukesha Christmas parade attack

“Did the car go haywire? Did the auto-driving feature go nuts and just plowed into the crowd?”

Hey it’s an SUV and SUVs are bad for the planet hence this “accident” was caused by “CLIMATE CHANGE” say enviro-mentals.

Enviro-mentalism is a new mental illness.

That is a Tesla exploding underwater.

Tesla Model 3 water (source: Wu Wa)

The Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) has bought a number of Teslas for its Anti Submarine Warfare (ASW) Fleet.

Quote of the weak: The typical bank economist is so boring that a near-death experience would see someone else’s life flash before their eyes.

Interesting ad…but:

…yes but, whatever happened to “informed consent” in Canada??

The only way for us to get back to normal is to demand as such from our elected officials. “Turf Them Out” has a nice ring to it and with that haning over their heads they are sure to comply. Just like us.


Whaaaat Theeee F*&^%…Over

Enviro-mental whacko Greenie: “this has never happened before. If you ever want proof of climate change in action this is it. Shut down all fossil fuels and energy….now.

Okay… but…

It did happen before: 1948 / 49…

No story here. Move on…

And before that in 1894.

 City of Vancouver Archives, Out P288. Photo George W. Edwards

Prove it….

This man was able to row alongside the rail line following the worst flood to ever strike BC. It was in the May of 1894 when the snow melted that the Fraser River flooded, water levels eventually reaching almost 8 meters high.

Turns out that BC had ample warning of the potential impact of the “Pineapple Express” from 09 Nov and did nothing, nor did the Province put out a Province wide alert. Farmers in the know should have anticipated the need to bring their cattle and livestock to higher ground…but didn’t.

Again, like the Covid response, government incompetence rise to the top but they will never blame themselves but blame Climate Change…or Trump…and the BC left wing sheeple will all nod their heads in agreement.

And who in their right mind would ever build on a floodplain or in a low lying area that used to be a lake?  Huh? Huh? Greenie enviro-mental wackos, that’s who and when the proverbial liquid shyte hits the fan will blame everyone else except themselves.

What is the old saying? Screw me once, shame on you, screw me twice shame on me, screw me three times…..I am an idiot and a contender for a Darwin Award and the BC legislature.

Bring it on…let it rain.
