Oh, by the way, Canada’s first and third Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, was born 210 years ago today (Saturday, 11 January).
Today we should honor the man for achieving Confederation, creating the Dominion of Canada, and uniting the nation from coast to coast with the Canadian Pacific Railway.
My personal favorite Canadian national anthem. In the Navy we marched to this many times (along with Heart of Oak). It sent chills up the spine and brought a proud tear to the eye. Reaction was way more emotional than Oh Canada. The vets marched to his tune during WW1
I am proud of my heritage. Every person that lives in this country, in every region, must be treated equally. Until that happens we can be sure of one thing: continued chaos and societal breakdown.
2025: End the Canadian madness.
Remember this?
(Trudeau) “These people do not represent the views of Canadians.”
Like a good narcissist, he resigned but sort of. We still have to put up with him for another few months. Trudeau can now claim that he won three elections and was never defeated. That defeat of a grand scale which is sure to come will be left to the new leader to absorb: a new leader who will have a Kim Campbell legacy to live with for the rest of his or her days. If I was a Liberal MP I wouldn’t touch a Liberal leadership convention with the Peace Tower flag pole. I would either demand an election now with the incumbent in charge or leave him in power until the election has to be called and let him ride out the electoral storm.
Even Orwell’s Thought Police Didn’t go as Far as Trudeau
(Toby Young…Spectator) You’d assume the reaction to new hate crime laws would make other authoritarian governments hesitate before introducing similar legislation. Humza Yousaf has become a laughing stock and his approval ratings have fallen by 15 points. But apparently not. The new Irish Taoiseach, Simon Harris, is determined to railroad through the Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences) Bill, Donald Tusk’s government in Poland wants to introduce a new law that would make it a criminal offence to ‘defame’ a member of the LGBT community and Justin Trudeau is pressing ahead with an Online Harms Bill that makes our own Online Safety Act seem like the First Amendment. It’s as if all these ‘liberal’ leaders are saying: “You think Humza Yousaf is the West’s foremost opponent of free speech? Hold my beer.”
The Canadian proposal is, by some distance, the worst. It’s so dystopian, even George Orwell and Philip K. Dick failed to anticipate it. Discrimination is already banned under the Canadian Human Rights Act, but the new law will expand the definition of ‘discrimination’ to include online speech “likely to foment detestation or vilification of an individual or group”. To those worrywarts who are anxious about the risk that this new law might be weaponised by woke activists, the government has said that ‘detestation’ and ‘vilification’ are not the same as ‘disdain’ or ’dislike’, which will still be permitted (thank you, Mr Trudeau), or speech that ‘discredits, humiliates, hurts or offends’.
Which raises the question: who gets to decide what speech falls foul of this new standard? And what qualifies them to make these Solomon-like judgments, parsing the difference between ‘dislike’ (acceptable) and ‘detest’ (verboten)? That job will fall to a new national agency called the Digital Safety Commission, comprised of five commissioners and an army of bureaucratic busybodies, which will have the same powers as a federal court, save for the fact that it won’t be bound by ‘any technical or legal rules of evidence’. (Points to Kafka for anticipating that.)
Canadians! Wake Up to what is happening in our country.
(King)”I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.”
CAMPUS WATCH: Segregated “black-only” student space opens at UBC: The University of British Columbia, Canada, has given in to pressure from woke student activists and opened a racially segregated “identity-affirming” space that’s “available only for black undergraduate and graduate students.”
“So even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”
A few days ago, Marc Gage, a self-employed communications consultant, saw a job ad that caught his eye. The federal Department of Fisheries was seeking a regional communications director in Vancouver. It sounded right up his alley. The pay also wasn’t bad — up to $99,700 a year.
Mr. Gage wanted to apply, but one fatal flaw disqualified him: He’s white.
The ad, which was posted on the federal government’s Web site, was explicit. Under the heading “Who can apply,” it said: “Persons working or residing in Canada and Canadian citizens living abroad, WHO ARE MEMBERS OF VISIBLE MINORITY GROUPS.” The Employment Equity Act, it explained, defines members of visible minorities as being “persons, other than aboriginal peoples, who are non-Caucasian in race or non-white in colour.”
BLM, ANTIFA and on and on she goes. Lawlessness and violence are defining our country. Lawlessness and violence are signs of the end times and that God is not happy.
“And when this happens, and when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, Black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: Free at last. Free at last. Thank God almighty, we are free at last.”
At least 33 Canadian churches have burned to the ground since May 2021. Only 2 were accidents.
Martin Luther King is sure rolling in his grave right about now. And our Liberal government here in Canada continues to divide our country into race based ideologues with their virtual signaling doctrine. This is not the Canada I was born into or grew up in.
We must all be free. Free at last from our government’s racial overreach.
Canadians …………….WAKE UP
PS: Our illustrious Liberal PM, who has accused all Canadians of committing Genocide; who uses race based cancel culture techniques to deface and bring down statues of Canadian Conservative historical leaders like John A Macdonald, Canada first and third Prime Minister for their racist views; who took a knee for BLM and ANTIFA antics, has just spent his Christmas vacation staying at a Jamaica resort residence that used to be owned by slave traders. That resort cost Canadians almost $10,000 a night, paid for by the Canadian taxpayer.
This guy has to be turfed when the next election comes.
MLK’s dream has turned into a nightmare. So has Canada’s.
Let’s get back to basics and our true Judeo Christian Values. Let’s add some joy to this world of ours.
Top song of 1971. Best opening line ever.
MLK day is the 15th of January. Tomorrow. Let’s live our lives in his spirit and turf those who differ with out values and are bent on destruction and destroying this country of ours.
Biden and his staff are completely out of touch with reality:
On Wednesday, the White House announced a “National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia,” the necessity of which, is that Muslims endure a disproportionate number of “hate-fueled attacks and other discriminatory incidents.”
Wait a minute here:
Last year set a record in the US for anti-Jewish hate crimes, breaking the previous record that was set the year before. Since the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, antisemitism has erupted in our cities and on campuses, this time with the imprimatur and cooperation of the identitarian (sic) left.
Of course, not to be outdone by those dastardly Americans, Canada doubles down on fighting so called Islamophobia:
According to the CBC…“The evidence is clear. Islamophobia is an acute threat to Canadian Muslims and urgent action is needed,” Sen. Salma Ataullahjan, chair of the Senate human rights committee, told reporters Thursday.
“We must commit to building a more inclusive country and to better promoting our Muslim relatives and friends, neighbours and colleagues.”
But for Canadians of Jewish origin and heritage? Hmmm…not so much.
Canada, and the Liberal Prada CBC, are also a way out of touch with reality.
CBC’s top official is standing by the state broadcaster’s erroneous reporting on a Gaza hospital attack (by the IDF) that never happened.
“I will not apologize because our journalism is among the finest in the world,” CBC CEO Catherine Tait told Conservative MPs Thursday. “Our journalists operate in an independent fashion independent of management, independent of the board of directors and independent of government and political influence.”
Just a few weeks back reporters were directed by supervisory staff at CBC that they could not refer to HAMAS as terrorists! So there CBC. So much for independent reporting. She and the CBC, and the Liberal government, are way out of touch. They must think we are stupid.
This is what Canadians are paying $1.4 B dollars for.
Hey, maybe we are….stupid.
So, you are going to buy an EV huh? Shocking!
Insurance rates on EVs and houses that store them are soaring. Soon to be uninsurable.
That’s okay, say our dear leaders. We will force them to insure them just like we will force Canadians to buy EVs or have no cars at all.
Those insurance rates, coupled with the cost of EV repairs, have made the expensive automobiles almost exclusively a luxury product.
“But…but, we don’t want EVs…”so say Canadian consumers. “We don’t care what you want plebes, you are going to get them whether you want them or not…” so says our Canadian Prime Minister.
What ever happened to accountability. Oh yeah, Canada’s Supreme Court ruled that there are no legal requirements for politicians to represent their constituents or adhere to their needs or wants.
In all my travels in Europe these past two months: Spain, Portugal, Crete and the Netherlands, I never saw a single EV. But here on Vancouver Island? Hundreds of Teslas and other models. You see them everyday. And it is you, dear plebe taxpayer who are subsidizing them.
Oh yeah, and not a single homeless person. The odd beggar yes, usually outside of a church, but nothing compared to what we have here.
BTW, cities over there are light years ahead of us in just about every standard of living category.
Oh and BTW, BTW, bai – Canada is by far the woke-ist country on the planet.
Another poke at our freedoms.
BC will ban short term rentals. Homeowners will not be allowed to rent out rooms or basement suites on a short term basis.
Can’t cut down a tree even if it impinges on hydro lines or poses a fire hazard during dry spells.
Hey, ban all gas powered garden tools.
No more wood stoves.
No more natural gas in our home appliances.
No more propane.
Why can’t they just leave us alone.
But…but it is for the greater good.
Goodness me!
Freedom! Yesssss.
But not in Canada you say? Shitty (sic).
Our so called leaders are completely out of touch with reality. They have all drank the psychedelic kool-aid.