It’s Too Hot Baby

Hey, check out my first novel published on Amazon. “Kurofune: The Black Ships. A Novel of World War II.” Getting great reviews. Click on the link at the top right of this page and check it out….thanks.

Love this from the UK:

‘I’m not having children because I want to save the planet’
What’s the best thing you can do to help save the environment? For Anna, a cycling instructor and writer living in Bath, it’s to have fewer children. She has chosen not to have any at all.

First of all why does somebody need to pay someone to teach them how to ride a bicycle. Isn’t that what dads are for? Oops sorry for the white privilege.

Secondly, I say great, the world doesn’t need more offspring from some idiot that could potentially taint the gene pool. After all that is why we have the Darwin Awards.

She / they say that the world’s population is exploding therefore people should be having less or no children. Well this plays right into Islam’s ideology. “If we can’t overrun you by the sword we will destroy you demographically.” Islam poker match:

“Hey I see your 2.5 kids and will raise you 10. My call”

LA is treating its streets with some sort of “white coloured film-over” to combat climate change. Hey isn’t this a white privilege initiative? Black Lives Matter were all in a tit-shit over this latest move by the LA city council.

Speaking of so called whiteness and idiocy / stupidity. Some journalist from Macleans / Globe and Mail reported on the Humboldt Tragedy  “Go Fund Me” initiative (SDA):

I’m trying to not get cynical about what is a totally devastating tragedy but the maleness, the youthfulness and the whiteness of the victims are, of course, playing a significant role here.

Unbelievable! Would she say the same thing if they were black, or Asian? So racist, so utterly callous, so utterly bullshit. She should be fired for her callousness but she won’t. That only happens to white males here in Canada!

On the “how do these idiots ever get elected” file comes this. Again from London:

“Led by London Mayor and notably weak-kneed coward Sadiq Khan the British nation has now decided to fight back against knife violence… by a new campaign that should be called: Ban the blade. It could be called: Forever chopsticks. In truth, it’s called: knife control.”

Now, Benson continues, you are going to have to show an ID card before you purchase a carving knife. But, it’s not just carving knives. The new rules are also going to restrict the sales of plastic knives. But, the enquiring mind wants to know, what about forks? And, what about pitchforks? And what about Fork-lifts?


British Parliament is also set to take up heavy “knife control” legislation when it resumes this week. The U.K. government is expected to introduce a ban on online knife sales and home knife deliveries, declare it “illegal to possess zombie knives and knuckledusters in private”

Zombie knives? Are you kidding me. Don’t they know that zombies:

Image result for pics of zombiesLike this guy.

ARE ALREADY DEAD!  A knife can’t hurt them! I can’t make this stuff up. Someone added: “how are we going to eat our food now? Especially lobsters.

“Fingers just don’t cut it” someone else remarked.

No, it’s all a plot for this:

See the source imageNot a knife to be seen. Or box cutters.

“No we use our knives and box cutters for more important things.”

Why most of Meghan Markle’s family will not be at the royal wedding:

While Prince Harry’s family will turn out in force for his May 19 wedding to Meghan Markle, the same can’t be said for the bride’s family.  That’s because the Markle family is a tangle of half-siblings, multiple divorced spouses and their children. The dysfunction, feuds and recriminations in this middle-class American family with more than its share of good and bad fortune are such that it’s hard to keep her family tree straight.

Hmmm, must be the direct descendants of Henry the VIIIth!

From Journalistate comes this bit of fluff: Angelina’s daughter used to be gorgeous. Now she looks insane!

Yeah, just like her mother!

Things you would never hear 20 years ago:

“Sometimes becoming a parent feels out of my reach. My wife and I both have uteruses, and sperm costs too damn much.”

You got that right Virginia, Virginia. About $250K according to today’s parent. Poor kids! No father. Damn that SJW, white privilege rhetoric again!

Gotta love this one. From a Christian abortionist (isn’t that a Christian oxymoron?):

Quote of the year!: “Aborting babies is my Christian calling”…say what?

He says he is “quite comfortable talking about the moral and spiritual center.” He calls it “dignity restoration.” It’s okay to sin, so long as you convince yourself to feel good about it.
As long as it feels good it’s okay. Psychopaths are in a tizzy over this one!
I mean that’s why the Catholic Church invented Confession isn’t it? Just go in to the Priest Cave once a week to seek atonement and absolution, and voila, the slates clean so you can now go out and sin again, and again, and again. So very, very righteous. These guys were geniuses. Like you car, your soul needs a tune-up and a wash (with wax) every once in awhile.
And, and, the Pope now says that hell doesn’t exist and by its own corollary, Satan, or the devil him / her, zir, zey, zits, titz… self can’t exist without his own dominion to look out over.
It was getting too hot in the kitchen I guess…….Geeesh
The world is getting crazier and crazier. I love it as it keeps my blog relevant.

Have a Happy Friday and weekend. Read ya Monday.



Song of the day:



Hell No, I Won’t Go

Countdown to Vezelay….118 Days and counting, not walking but counting.

See the source image             Can’t wait!

I am a bit upset that the Pope has recently announced that “Hell” no longer exists.

Hell, I thought to myself. Damn. Telling someone to “Go to Hell” just doesn’t have the same impact anymore. “Hellfire” and “Brimstone” were two of the most terrifying words that a young Catholic child like me could ever hope to hear. Terrifying I tell you. How I prayed at night before I fell asleep that the devil be gone from my ever so innocent dreams. Now:

Image result for Pics of the devil           I Want You…to show me the way, every day.

hahahahahahahahahahahah…you can’t have me! And what about God’s given rules that were constantly shoved down our throats as young Catholic lads and lasses. I am reminded

“of one really weird and unexplainable moment that occurred to me while waiting to go into the confessional to confess my indiscretions and sinful works and sinful deeds and equally sinful thoughts.  Hell! It was a Saturday afternoon, springtime, around 4pm, the scheduled time for confession at our church.  And given that the church was right across the road from our house that day or time of day didn’t really cause me an inconvenience.  Damn! Run across to the church, do my thing, say the requisite number of Our Father’s, Hail Mary’s and Glory Be’s, and voila, the slated soul was clean, snowy white again, all black spots disappearing into the sinful ether. Whew! Then run back home to catch the latest Tarzan edition on TV or tales from the really dark continent awaiting a supper of hot dogs, or better still, Kraft Dinner – with ketchup! Yummy!

I am sitting there in the cavernous church: non plussed, and wondering what I’ll be confessing.  There was that list of sins of course, both venial and mortal to contemplate. Damnation! The church, being really well organized after thousands of years of practice, and not wanting to waste anybody’s time, the priest’s or mine, had a list and that list was all encompassing.  Hell yes! It must have been quite interesting and comical fun coming up with the list of venial and mortal sins.  I would have loved to have been part of that Working Group or Ecumenical Council for certain. No shyte! Yes, a sinful checklist of remembrance was the way to go.  Did I do this?  Check! How about that? Check. Masturbation? What is that? More on that later! Uncheck? Murder? Nope, uncheck unless thinking about murdering my oldest sister was a sin? Uncheck that. On and on it went. Meantime, while I was sitting there waiting to go in to meet my fate head on, I suddenly came down with a horrific case of the hiccups: bad, violent, non-relenting.  Each hiccup shook my entire being. It was God’s punishment for my dastardly indiscretions…or so they led me to believe! Hell on earth!

Ever try to mask or hide a hiccup in a confined environment like a church, or worse yet, the claustrophobic confines of a Confessional? It is not pretty. Your cheeks bulge out; eyeballs and pupils expand outwardly in a Feldman like manner; the stomach contracts then expands in rapid succession; and, like an uncontrollable fart, a growling sound begins its emanational rise from the lower bowels of the human body bypassing the stomach then running up the oesophagus in its belch like fashion, or in the Catholic vernacular, like a resurrection. The gut, it hurts. The whole sensation repeats itself over and over and over again until those hiccups run its course. With each attempt to mask the hiccup the sensation becomes worse and deeply magnified. Like hell itself!

Embarrassed, I sat out in the pews near the back of the church daring not to even think about going in to that dark, dank and tiny expanse that they called the confessional.  The interior of those tiny cells, abreast of and on either side of the priest’s chamber, have a unique odour about them. Here, some 50 years later, as I am writing this, I can still sense that smell.  A toxic mix of incense and sweat interspersed with a whiff of stale tobacco and alcohol for all of the priests smoked and drank.  Once inside and kneeling there was no escape for the priest knew you were there given the little panic-type-like button that activated a beep for the priest’s sake and a tiny red light outside of the cell once your knees pressed into the red foam of the kneeling pad.  All the priest had to do then was to slide the small grated sliding door to the left or to the right as need be and you were trapped, trapped by the Priest’s undivided attention, until absolution. I am sure that every Catholic knows and remembers the sound of that small sliding door opening and closing. It is the sound of hell!

I couldn’t even think of how I would handle that situation. Damnation!

But now, with the threat of “going to hell” all but disappearing, what on earth are they, the Catholic Church, going to do now?

Saying “Hey you, asshole, Go to Heaven” or “I’ll see you in Purgatory” just doesn’t have the same denigrating ring to it, does it? No, getting rid of hell will definitely change life’s interesting lexicon – and not in a good way either. Maybe that is why the Pope made this decision. He liked “Hey yo” better…perhaps.

That’s my sermon for today….the hell with it anyway.

And when they say: “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” I can only laugh out loud.

Song of the day:

SJ………………………………………………To hell in a handcart…..What the hell……