Diversity Is Our Strength

Diversity: According to Webster’s Diversity: Die – ver – city (sic). From the Latin:” Die toward the city.” To continue to push for something that dosen’t require pushing. And in doing so you will die! Cities will self destruct and die unto themselves.

Harvard and its race based admission practices are wrong and do not reflect diversity. Charles Lane of the Washington Post discusses a suit brought by Asian American plaintiffs charging Harvard with racial discrimination in undergraduate admissions.

To me (Lane) the most interesting bit of information in this column is this: Harvard’s expert witness told the court that without its system of taking race into account (favouring some races / ethnic groups while disfavouring others), its class of 2001 would have been 15% African Americans and Latino rather than the 28% that it actually was.

To me this is an admission that Harvard can achieve diversity without granting racial and ethnic preferences. If gaining a diversity label means shutting out most predominant races based on colour and ethnicity then you have a racist institution that will ultimately die within itself.

If you had 10 Caucasians in a group with one African American would the group be diverse? Yes. Yet some progressives would suggest that diversity only occurs after a certain threshold is met. What would that be? 30%, 50%, 80%? Getting rid of whitey altogether. Or maybe blacky. Is that diversity? This is madness and will certainly ensure the death of our higher learning institutions (bring it on) and ultimately society and our cities. Leave it alone. Do not place markers on diversity otherwise diversity itself becomes meaningless, a weakness. Identity politics.

An Exeter Professor proffers, as only a professor can proffer, that mathematics is the root cause for wage disparity throughout the world because it teaches individuals ethics free and detached thought rather than diversity of thinking.

The other day while shopping the cashier tallied up my purchase and it came to $15.35. I gave her $20.35. She looked at me with that detached unethical look and stood there stumped:

“Hmmmm” she uttered. “Hmmmm” she uttered again.

I looked at her bemused face and finally said. “You owe me $5.00.”

“Oh yeah,” she says. “Says who?”

“Its basic math” says I

“Yeah, who’s math” she says. “Your old school math or the new math?” and with that she called for the supervisor.

The supervisor came over, looked at me sternly, discussed the situation with the cashier, looked at me again and said:

“Well she isn’t wrong you know. It’s the new math and diversity of thought. Diversity is our strength here in this store. And who is to say your math is any better than her math? Or you’re right and she is wrong?”

“Just give me the 5 bucks and I’ll leave”

“5 bucks, no way. You’re owed $4.55”

“65 cents says I? Plus the 35 cents I gave her.”

“Right, so here is your 65 cents Sir.”

I took it and left. I just couldn’t bear correcting their new approach to math.

Diversity of thought I thought. Diversity of logic, logically speaking I thought. Stupidity!

Yes it takes all kinds of wingnuts to make a society die – or a store, and that is diversity. This so called diverse opinion of thought, of logic – even if it is wrong and goes against established rules of life – will surely destroy us or them. Eeee Gadszooks!

The New Math? Oh yeah:

1 + 1 = 11


1 + 1 = 3

Some New York schools are doubling down on their admission standards to ensure a whole range or prospective and diverse students are eligible to meet the grade. ” We want a whole range of students here” One school administrator said. Not just the smart hard working kind. After all diversity is our strength. So we’re doubling down on our admission standards. Doing otherwise is considered unethical on our part, particularly in our Math department.

“Dumbing down is more like it” I thought………Geesh

But hey, diversity of stupidity is our strength. But wait a minute. Stupidity knows no colour or race or ethnicity. One is either stupid or they’re not!

“If we are all stupid then who is to say that we are stupid in the first place”, the administrator remarked. “It’s like that simple classical argument that, that, who was it now that said it…Aristotle? Blimy? Or Cicero? Oh you know. It will come to me. Oh yes: “Who’s on first?””

“Oh you mean Costello?” I proffered

“Yeah him,” she said. “Profound man. Profound thinking back then.”

We are in trouble. And if we continue on this path we will no longer be considered diverse but a dead society: Homo Zombius!

R.I.P. Delores O’Riordan.


Have a great Navy day



Dear Davos

In keeping With Justin’s trip to Davos and his presentation to the World Economic Forum:

But first Justin’s new math: New ancient Math tablet discovered. Will change everything we thought we knew about new Math.

The 3,700-year-old Babylonian tablet Plimpton 322 at the Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Columbia University in New York.         1 + 1 = 3…Yikes

On another note: Province’s education minister calling out those parents who complain about the math program as suffering from”Mathaphobia.”  “They will be dealt with” hey/zey and zir announced.

Trudeau’s Speechwriter at Davos?. “I don’t need no teleprompter.” Trudeau was heard to say!

Image result for embarrasing pics of trudeau Trudeau’s Economic Policy. Trudeau remarked: “It’s just too complicated for ordinary Canadians to understand. It all boils down to four words: F%$K the Middle Class.

Or this:


Image result for embarrassinf pics of trudeau

Finally, on Terrorism:

Image result for embarrasing pics of trudeau      “Just like me!”

On Foreign Policy, Justin was equally profound:

“Canada’s foreign policy is all foreign to me Fare!”

Other important stuff:

Nafta and Canada. “Naf said,” McKenna, Canada’s Climate Barbie announces in her down homer accent.  “Ta!, Bye, Bye.”


At a recent press conference, Justin Trudeau called U.S.-based Haitians entering Quebec “irregular” immigrants, as opposed to illegal ones, even though they are illegal.

On another note, and following Trudeau’s comments, a Canadian government official, Ahmed Hussein er Hussen, the “Minister for Illegal Immigration,” who wishes to remain anonymous, says that Keopectate will be issued to all new illegals, er irregulars. Trudeau then left for his latest round of international meetings and important discussions with foreign leaders and Heads of State.

“No Mum, this is the way to do the Macarena.”

Image result for pictures of justin trudeau and merkel

“Hey Mutti, I just passed Ontario’s sex education program.”

“Wonderbra Justin. I’m so excited.”

Continuing on in the Badfinger vein:



