Never mind LGBTQ groups a-broad, we’re being shafted royally by our Prime Minister. I have only one question for him…WHY!
Trudeau government to give $1.7 million in funding for LGBTQ groups abroad…WHY?
Canadian anti-Israel protesters has absolutely no original thought. Only after about 3 weeks of continuous anti-Israel protest of the GAZA war across US Univershity camp-whusses do Canadian professional protesters wake up to the fact and establish its own across Canada Univershity camp-whuss protests. Here at McMaster:
And, believe it or not, this one gets community support. If you support HAMAS, you support terror. Simple.
Univershity of Toronto
Remember when Trudough accused all Canadians of that most heinous crime of genocide? That was the day that I no longer considered myself a Canadian under this narcissistic, virtual signaling ball-less leader. His understanding of Christian church burning was another blow to my sense of justice and rule of law in this country.
Three years after reports of indigenous mass graves triggered the torching or vandalism of 85-plus churches, no graves have been found.
His denouncement of antisemitism and support for Islam ensures a favorable outcome from two voting blocks in Canada. He lacks backbone and has no leadership ability.
From Rex Murphy who died this week at the age of 77. Nat Post article:
After eight years as prime minister, Trudeau is presented with a singular, historic and essential moral choice to make. He has a moment
to make clear to the world what that choice is. The choice: to stand with democratic Israel, to rebut the insolent lies about genocide and apartheid, to name Hamas for the total sadistic villain it is. To scream to the world condemning the defilement, rape and murder of Israeli woman and girls. And to dismiss the moronic and morally unstable students on Canadian campuses and their infatuation with a terrorist organization. And beyond all to furiously condemn antisemitism and have no truck at all with those who harbour that diseased practice of the world’s most hateful losers.
Do you think he’ll make that choice, those choices? Not very likely. There are plastic bags to ban, military men’s rooms to be stocked with tampons, gay monuments to plan. All these greatly surpass in Trudeau‘s world some distant friction in the history Middle East and the minor discomfits.
Our Prime Minister. You gets what you votes for.
Canada’s global affairs minister Melanie Joly and Jewish Liberal MP shaking hands with Abbas, the Leader of the Palestinian Authority and HAMAS supporter. Shameful.
Chan Romero, the writer and original performer of this song, recently passed away.
If only we could.