Anti-Racist Racism

Is that a “Leafs” hat that guy is wearing? If so, do not let him in.

Whew, it’s a cannabis symbol. Coming to Canada no doubt. Canada is open to anyone as True-dough reminds everyone who won’t listen.

They love that Canadian staple: Pineapple pizza.

While Taiwan is best known internationally for its thriving tech companies, the sub-tropical island has a flourishing fruit industry. Last year, more than 90 per cent of its exported pineapples went to China.

China has just banned the import of Taiwan Pizza. No problem, Canada will take them as Canada is open to anyone as True-pizza-dough loved to remind everyone who will not listen.

Cancel culture cancels Dr Seuss books as having racist undertones. Next? …The Bible. Too many begets to begin with…so cancel Jesus.

Law of unintended progressive consequences. Sales of Dr Seuss books skyrocket on Amazon…Yay.

Show me an anti-racist and I’ll show you a racist:

Canada is systemically a racist country. So says Truedope. “So, from now on only female, people of color, indigenous and Franco’s can apply for government jobs. White male unilingual Anglo Canadians need not apply.”

“Math is a reflection of white supremacy.” so says anti-racist academics

There is no such thing as “white” mathematics. There is no reason to assume, as the activists do, that minority kids are not capable of mathematics or of finding the “right answers.” And there can be no justification for, in the name of “equity” or anything else, depriving students of the rigorous education that they need to succeed. The real antiracists will stand up and oppose this nonsense.

Therefore I says to you. 2  + 2 = 4. But not to a African American:

2 dudes + 2 motherf%$kers = a gang bro…therefore there is no right answer to minorities’ version of math as a gang could be 5, 6 or 10 dudes, bros and or motherf^%kers man.

What the antiracist is saying here is that math is hard and African Americans and other minorities are too dumb to learn or accept righteous mathematics. In their anti-racist minds math is too white. And I says it’s not too white cause I hated math in school. To me math was the shits and therefore to me math is brown, not white.

Same with grammar. It’s too white man. here are some bro truths dude and dudesses.

Texas opens up 100% and drops mask mandate across the state. Dems are in a hissy fit, particularly Alexandra Occasionally Cortez but Generally Whacko. Mississippi and Florida follow suit. Being conservative states their governments trust their citizens to do the right thing whereas progressive states do not trust their citizenship. AOC says that the Texas governor doesn’t understand the science. I says that AOC doesn’t understand science. She cannot even spell it because to her antiracist beliefs science is too white and reflects white supremacy. She is the ultimate oxy-moron.

Sad…eh Nance?

Who is controlling who here?


by progressives.



While the Canadian economy is collapsing and our vaccine plan is in tatters, Trudeau’s libs come up with this high priority item.

Breaking Canadian news as only news should be. After all, everything in Canada is breaking.

“Electric snowmobiles will get us to net-zero.”

So says Seamus O-Regan, Canadian Minister of trees, on twitter.

I can’t make this stuff up.

Shame on you Shamus.

“You will own nothing and you will be happy.”

Make no mistake. Even after we have all been inoculated or have reached herd immunity, the government will still mandate compulsory mask wear, social distancing and ban all social interactions. But as Canadians and Americans we should all fight back against government over-reach:

Be afraid, be very afraid (oh, and do not push back against any plans to spend trillions by the government)… that appears to be the message from Fauci and his friends in the Biden admin.

After months of suggesting that life could start to feel “normal” again this fall – if the vaccine rollout worked as planned – Fauci in an interview with LA Times Today this week gave a new prediction.

Warning: Liberal-speak inbound:

“Hopefully, by the time we start entering 2022, we really will have a degree of normality that will approximate the kind of normality we’ve been used to,” Fauci said. That is the new mask wearing, social distancing normality.

If only Canada had a John Hopkins University Hospital. A noted surgeon – that is an expert Justin – suggests

“Some medical experts privately agreed with my prediction that there may be very little Covid-19 by April but suggested that I not to talk publicly about herd immunity because people might become complacent and fail to take precautions or might decline the vaccine. But scientists shouldn’t try to manipulate the public by hiding the truth. As we encourage everyone to get a vaccine, we also need to reopen schools and society to limit the damage of closures and prolonged isolation. Contingency planning for an open economy by April can deliver hope to those in despair and to those who have made large personal sacrifices.

In other words:

Reject the “New Normal”

Americans and Canadians are big-hearted and generous, with a desire to protect their fellow man. They have sacrificed their livelihoods, their comfort, their happiness. The government and the big political donors are taking advantage of this spirit of generosity.

We can all fight back not just by supporting small businesses, but by rejecting coronavirus restrictions, and helping businesses reject them. Refuse to wear a mask. If a store owner asks you to put a mask on, tell him it doesn’t bother you if he takes his mask off. The sky won’t fall. Refuse to comply and help your neighbors to refuse to comply. Stores and restaurants fear regulators fining them out of business, and that is where big conservative donors and crowd-funding campaigns must step in. Sponsor small businesses to fight. Not to pay their fines—to fight, in court. Argue disparate impact. Argue lack of equal protection. Argue exceeding constitutional authority. Fight these regulations everywhere.

And reject the “new normal.” It is safe, and for the health of society, it is imperative that we return to the old normal, where you could see your friends whenever you wanted, shake hands, travel to families, see peoples’ faces on the street. We are stronger together—and that means actually together, not the Orwellian version where we are “together” in total isolation. 2020 was the year of government overreach. Make 2021 the year of organized civil disobedience and friendly reunions. The pandemic is over.

So who is racist? This from an ad in the National Post:

Two Black-Canadian artists who make internationally-renowned jewelry

Why can’t they just say: Two Canadian Artists, or two artists from Canada? Why do they have to say “black.”


Paranoid yet? Rock on.












Damn, late again. Busy last night, so stayed at a friend’s place. Normally I try to get these posts out by 8 am, Monday to Friday. No posts on the weekend. I am normally up at 6 am. Yes 6 am. For those of us old farts who remember the good ole days of sleepin in till 12 or 1 o’clock, well those days are long gone. the toilet always beckons.

I couldn’t sleep in past 6 am even if I tried. And, when you get to our age you no longer need an alarm clock. The bladder does that very well for us, thank you very much.

Oops, gotta take a pee before I can start this today.

Driving home I listened to KISS FM out of Bellingham Washington, USA. They have a segment called the Knucklehead Awards. The winner today was somewhat interesting. Along the lines of Mr Kraft. Y’know that Boston rich guy who got caught up in a brothel sting but denied any wrong doing saying he was only recruiting for the New England Patriots Cheerleading squad.

See the source imageYeah right Mr Kraft. And I have a Heinz pickle for you too.

See the source image

Speaking of being in a pickle, the mayor of Sandwich Illinois got himself into a real pickle yesterday. Seems Mr Dick Jones (I can’t make this up), the Lord Mayor of Sandwich Illinois, got himself caught up in a prostitution sting with three prostitutes. A foursome. That was some sandwich Dick. Three prostitutes? Must have been a clubhouse. It sure as hell wasn’t a Kraft grilled cheeze sandwich that’s for sure. Oh, Dick, he won today’s Knucklehead Award.

A poll that the CBC will never report on nor will the Liberals ever accept. This, in light of the government’s latest announcement of a climate crisis in Canada:

Are you more or less in favour of the federal carbon tax than you were when it was first introduced?

149 (11 %)
921 (68 %)
Opinion has stayed the same
286 (21 %)

Total number of votes: 1356

The only crisis in Canada right now is one of confidence. Confidence in our leadership, especially at the Federal level and this Liberal Government under Justin Trudeau.

It is an old trick. The UN has been using it for years. Create a crisis – in this case the climate – then propose the solution. In the UN’s case the solution is for “One World Government,” under the UN of course, while for Canada it is for higher taxes and more revenue streams. If you think a 4 cents a litre tax is going to solve the so called climate crisis, then there is a ex planet waiting for you to inhabit: Pluto:

See the source imageNot that Pluto, this one:See the source imageSpeaking of leadership, the entire House of Commons unanimously apologized for the injustice that Admiral Normal had to endure – falsely as it turner out. I say unanimously and it was except for 2 absentees: Our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau and his Defence Minister. Rajit Say-It Again-Sam. October cannot come soon enough.

Identity politics gone amuk. Political correctness madness. The latest? In BC of course. The removal of the statue of colonial judge, Matthew Baillie Begbie for his role in enforcing the Rule of Law with the hangin in 1866 of 6 Indigenous Chiefs – who were found guilty of their crime.

That being the case I would now expect the removal of all instances of remembrance and commemoration of the following:

Sir James Douglas – founder of Victoria and Begbie’s boss. An avowed racist by today’s standards;

Captain James Cook – statue on the causeway. That bastard of British imperialism and colonialism

Finlayson – he once fired a cannon into a Songhees Village in Esquimalt, where the Delta Pacific, Ocean Point Resort Hotel now stands;

John Helmcken – who accompanied Begbie to the Indian trial and is as culpable as he was with those hangings;

Jesper Pemberton – Racist

Blanshard – that British rogue and symbol of those dastardly colonial Brits under Queen Victoria.

John Todd,

Bishop Cridge; and

Reverend Staines

All racists!

Oh, and they might as well change the name of the City of Victoria to one that reflects that city’s true roots – Camosun.

If the Victoria Council and the Provincial Government allow Begbie’s statue to come down, and they do not address the commemoration of these other racist pioneers – in street, place names and statues- then they are hypocrites of the highest order. You cannot pick and choose your racists.

Here is something the Greens would never admit to:

She is nuts but the video is very progressive and interestingly positive about our energy future.

Yes we are:

have a great Navy day.

