Oh, but he is a conservative so it must be true. Us liberals are just doing stretching exercises here. No story…move on.
Really? Yes really.
Journalists Horrified As Village People Perform Double Hitler Salute
Israeli female hostages Romi, Emily, and Doron were kept in United Nations/UN shelters during their time in Hamas captivity. Read that again.
Yes, really. The United Nothings is just that. A nothing organization that harbours anti-Israeli terrorists and dictators of the world. Time to get out of this nothing organization.
Oh really? This Just-in:
If Trump wants a “golden age,” then “that will require more steel and aluminum, more critical minerals, more reliable and affordable energy, more of everything to run the American economy full steam ahead. Canada has all those resources and we stand at the ready to work with the United States to create a booming and secure North American economy.
This has been Danielle Smith’s approach all along.
Really. Butt, butt, but, there is no business case for that, so says Trudough and Trudough sought to characterize Smith’s approach as anti-Canadian, treasonous. Trudough has always been against Canada’s natural resource sectors: leave the oil, LNG and minerals in the ground. That is Trudough’s reality.
So says Canadian Chief Two Face.
Two faced! Really? You bet.
Garth Hudson, a Canadian from Windsor Ontario and the last remaining member of the Band dies, age 87.
Biden and his staff are completely out of touch with reality:
On Wednesday, the White House announced a “National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia,” the necessity of which, is that Muslims endure a disproportionate number of “hate-fueled attacks and other discriminatory incidents.”
Wait a minute here:
Last year set a record in the US for anti-Jewish hate crimes, breaking the previous record that was set the year before. Since the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, antisemitism has erupted in our cities and on campuses, this time with the imprimatur and cooperation of the identitarian (sic) left.
Of course, not to be outdone by those dastardly Americans, Canada doubles down on fighting so called Islamophobia:
According to the CBC…“The evidence is clear. Islamophobia is an acute threat to Canadian Muslims and urgent action is needed,” Sen. Salma Ataullahjan, chair of the Senate human rights committee, told reporters Thursday.
“We must commit to building a more inclusive country and to better promoting our Muslim relatives and friends, neighbours and colleagues.”
But for Canadians of Jewish origin and heritage? Hmmm…not so much.
Canada, and the Liberal Prada CBC, are also a way out of touch with reality.
CBC’s top official is standing by the state broadcaster’s erroneous reporting on a Gaza hospital attack (by the IDF) that never happened.
“I will not apologize because our journalism is among the finest in the world,” CBC CEO Catherine Tait told Conservative MPs Thursday. “Our journalists operate in an independent fashion independent of management, independent of the board of directors and independent of government and political influence.”
Just a few weeks back reporters were directed by supervisory staff at CBC that they could not refer to HAMAS as terrorists! So there CBC. So much for independent reporting. She and the CBC, and the Liberal government, are way out of touch. They must think we are stupid.
This is what Canadians are paying $1.4 B dollars for.
Hey, maybe we are….stupid.
So, you are going to buy an EV huh? Shocking!
Insurance rates on EVs and houses that store them are soaring. Soon to be uninsurable.
That’s okay, say our dear leaders. We will force them to insure them just like we will force Canadians to buy EVs or have no cars at all.
Those insurance rates, coupled with the cost of EV repairs, have made the expensive automobiles almost exclusively a luxury product.
“But…but, we don’t want EVs…”so say Canadian consumers. “We don’t care what you want plebes, you are going to get them whether you want them or not…” so says our Canadian Prime Minister.
What ever happened to accountability. Oh yeah, Canada’s Supreme Court ruled that there are no legal requirements for politicians to represent their constituents or adhere to their needs or wants.
In all my travels in Europe these past two months: Spain, Portugal, Crete and the Netherlands, I never saw a single EV. But here on Vancouver Island? Hundreds of Teslas and other models. You see them everyday. And it is you, dear plebe taxpayer who are subsidizing them.
Oh yeah, and not a single homeless person. The odd beggar yes, usually outside of a church, but nothing compared to what we have here.
BTW, cities over there are light years ahead of us in just about every standard of living category.
Oh and BTW, BTW, bai – Canada is by far the woke-ist country on the planet.
Another poke at our freedoms.
BC will ban short term rentals. Homeowners will not be allowed to rent out rooms or basement suites on a short term basis.
Can’t cut down a tree even if it impinges on hydro lines or poses a fire hazard during dry spells.
Hey, ban all gas powered garden tools.
No more wood stoves.
No more natural gas in our home appliances.
No more propane.
Why can’t they just leave us alone.
But…but it is for the greater good.
Goodness me!
Freedom! Yesssss.
But not in Canada you say? Shitty (sic).
Our so called leaders are completely out of touch with reality. They have all drank the psychedelic kool-aid.
Back…from a 19 day road trip. Went as far east as Yorkton Saskatchewan. Travelled through the Roger’s Kicking Horse Pass on the way out and returned via the Crows Nest Pass and highway. The Crow’s Nest was the better of the two routes for spectacular scenery…Wow.
Went to a Roughrider’s game at the new Mosaic stadium in Regina. What a great place. Toronto Argos…my team….sucked brutally…and lost.
Great trip and so nice to get away from all the Covid BS. Never watched or listened to a single newscast while away.
I have the double vax but cannot go into a restaurant without proof or without a mask and must social distance. What does that tell me? The vax doesn’t work. When travelling outside the country I must show proof…going and coming back…of a negative Covid test. That tells me that the proof is not in the vax pudding but in the physiology of the virus itself into my very being.
Health ministries in Canada are not reporting Covid cases honestly. Noooo…really. I am starting the think getting the vax was not the right thing to do. After all…I am healthy and have no underlying health issues. Target the vulnerable. A friend of mine is in Spain without a vaccine…just a negative Covid test. What does that tell me? The vax doesn’t work and that many governments have no confidence in them.
Masks do not work. How do I know? Put on your mask and then wear glasses. The glasses fog up which tells me the aerosol or your exhaled breath is leaking out…no matter how tight you adjust that mask. There is no seal. And, you are exhaling CO2. A double whammy for the enviro-mentals. And why can I take my mask off when I sit down but when I stand I have to wear it? Is the virus that smart that it can tell when I am standing and sitting….AND ATTACK!?
My Japanese friend also tells me that we had an erection while I was gone. And that the guy who wore black face three times; who had a huge scandal with the WE charity / organization; who was cited for unethical conduct three times; who racked up our national debt to over a trillion dollars in one year; who fired two competent female MPs over a conflict of agreement on the unethical goings on of SNC Lavalin – a Quebec Company; who panders to Quebec over and over again all the while ignoring English Canada; who left two Canadians languishing in a Chinese prison for over a 1,000 days; who is a laughing stock internationally; who has brought our military down to irrelevancy; who pits one interest group against another; has divided this country like no other PM; has the most incompetent cabinet in Canadian governance history; who promises everything and never delivers; and on an on it goes….WAS RE-ELECTED. This is our Prime Minister:
Yes indeedy. Why? Well who else is there?… being the rallying cry of the Canadian left.
More doubling down on stupidity:
In April 2020, citing “equity” and its goal to restructure and dismantle “systems and institutions that create the dichotomy of beneficiaries and the oppressed and marginalized,” the Oregon Department of Education eliminated grades and proficiency in reading, writing, and math as requirements for graduation…coming to a Canadian left wing city near you.
“Without scores there can be no disparity…no inequality. We will go down to the lowest common denominator.”
Oh, and speaking of denominators, no math as well. Well, maybe the new math as in 1 + 1 = 11.
The enviro – mental movement is all in a tizzy as:
Record Power Prices & Blackouts Hit Germany
The Germans have broken a record again: “We have the most expensive electricity prices in the world” Yaa Vol.
Trudeau is jealous. Canadians? Stand by for heavy rolling. We will be taxed to death.
Canada’s electoral process? An elected dictatorship. With the NDP in his back pocket Trudeau can do anything his little post national state heart desires. And there is nothing you or I can do about that.
And, while sea level rise has been miniscule to date and Vanuatu and the Maldives are still with us:…California “experts” hype sea level rise by 2050 50+ times greater than actual data shows.
Maldives today
Of course many of us will be dead and gone so we can never dispute this.
UN touts that we have passed the tipping point of climate change disaster. Cites that only a global response to the climate disaster can save us. This is UN code for One World Government led by the UN of course…of course.
I should have stayed away.
And now for some heartwarming music to counter the craziness in our world today:
And in the last days there shall be great deception.
Not to worry as God, and not the UN, is in control.