It’s All BS!

This just in from Vogue, another so-called news outlet suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. “Why can’t this administration get things right?” This from a reporter who was complaining about the First Lady’s attire as she was heading to Air Force 1 with her husband for the trip down to Houston to provide hope and support for the residents there.

Oh, I don’t know. Would you rather have her:


Or her, in the White house representing all Americans?


Vogue’s writer.

GE announces closure of Peterborough plant due to continued delays in the Energy East Pipeline approval process, 350 jobs lost. “Canada is not, I repeat, not open for business. How can I not be clearer than that” Climate Barbie, our Federal Minister responded:

Image result for Catherine McKenna Climate BarbieOr the constant Kinder Morgan Pipeline expansion delays, our photogenic Minister added.

Image result for Catherine McKenna Climate Barbie

Yeah, but she does have a nice butt, her coworker was heard to mumble in the background.


I see  Omar Kadr’s sister doesn’t think that Kadr’s crime is any big deal.

“What’s the fuss all about? It’s no big deal that he killed a man and blinded another. Hmmm?” Federal spokesperson responded. “Oh she’s sure to get $10.5 M for that remark. Guaranteed! After all this is 2017 and this is Canada. We’re smug you know.”


The Left’s Sunday picnic at Berkeley. It was a BYOB, “Bring Your Own Bombs” affair. Hell of a party. The bar was kept pretty busy. “Everyone wants a Molotov Cocktail these days.” A volunteer worker was heard to say.  “I ran out of olives pretty quickly and at an event like this Black Olives really do matter.”

On another note, Frosh week begins at a Boston College!

Image result for pictures of Antifa at Boston


What would war look like with North Korea? Well, we’d all have to have haircuts like this guy. (Pic courtesy of Maclean’s Magazine)

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un reacts during the long-range strategic ballistic rocket Hwasong-12 (Mars-12) test launch in this undated photo released by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on May 15, 2017. (KCNA/Reuters): North Korean leader Kim Jong Un reacts during the long-range strategic ballistic rocket Hwasong-12 (Mars-12) test launch in this undated photo released by North Korea’s Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on May 15, 2017. (KCNA/Reuters)See, they can’t even keep a straight face.

Another candidate for a Darwin Award: Animal rights activist gets gored trying to stop bullfight in France. “I just wanted to protect the bull’s rights.” He was heard to say. ” “He has feelings too you know.”

“It was all bullshit.” a spectator who was there remarked. “But then again, one has to look on the positive side of things. One less member of the gene pool of stupidity, one less member of PETA………Priceless.”

Only 10,000 more members to go!


Wednesday is “Hump day,”which has taken on a whole new meaning in Qatar ever since they imported 15,000 camels from Saudi Arabia.

