Only in Canada you say?…..
Ice fishing? Great Canadian winter pastime.
It’s a beautiful morning!
“Hey Hoser. A great day for ice fishin. I just caught 50 pounds of ice! Gotta get er to market by!”
Canadian ice fishing ingenuity!
Ice Fishin Fashionista or a Canadian hoser?
Canadian hoser.
Canadian ice pot!
Better than ice wine. Only in Canada do people drink ice wine and smoke ice pot!
Only in Canada: bad “ice fishin” day at the lake.
Why are Canadians in such a bad mood these days? Oh, I don’t know:
The 401 in Toronto maybe?
Or could it be a Canadian winter interlude perhaps?
“I moose you sweetie” We takes what we can get.
“Come to Canada” they said. “You’ll love it” they said
Snow flurries in Canada!
Enjoy the winter
Canadian Hosers
and Hosettes
It’s ccccold out here!
A great Canadian winter song by a great Canadian band.
See. Ole Randy Bachman ‘s freezing.
Have a great Navy day.