Where’s the Beef?

Why do they do this? I was starting to read this article on the internet about the 100 most unhealthy foods. By the end of the article I was starving. Of course all of my major food groups made the list. Like this one:

Unhealthy yes but boy oh boy does it taste gooood.

Slide 8 of 102: Unhealthy Ingredients: Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT), Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA), refined carbs, added sugarThere’s no sugar-coating it: sugar wreaks havoc on the body. Consuming too much of the white stuff can lead to obesity, which often causes other health problems like diabetes and heart disease. And many cereals pack more sugar into one bowl than you’ll find in a Boston Cream Donut! To make matters worse, many popular varieties like Frosted Flakes and Fruity Pebbles are also laced with Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) or BHA (Butylated Hydroxyanisole), ingredients that are banned in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and much of Europe because they are thought to be carcinogenic. You’ll also want to check out the 20 Worst “Healthy” Cereals.Eat This! Instead: Cascadian Farms Chocolate O’s and Nature’s Path Peanut Butter Panda Puffs are both flavor-packed, low-sugar picks that don’t contain any scary chemicals.Froot Loops. After following this strict diet I started to look like this guy:

See the source imageor maybe this gal:

U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) arrives to listen to Michael Cohen, the former personal attorney of U.S. President Donald Trump, testify at a House Committee on Oversight and Reform hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., February 27, 2019.

How much can you press? Alexandra Occasionally Cortez But Generally Wacko thinks she is as strong as a man. She also read the same internet article about food:

“Her latest move has caused some commentators to say that Alexandra Occasionally Cortez But Generally Wacko wants to ban hamburgers. Former Trump advisor Sebastian Gorka told the Conservative Political Action Conference last week: “They want to take your pickup truck! They want to rebuild your home! They want to take away your hamburgers! This is what Stalin dreamt about but never achieved!”

Perhaps not but this guy might be a tad upset:

See the source image“I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.”

On another note she used to work at a Taco Stand. Last time I checked Tacos were loaded with hamburger.

Speaking of hamburgers: Where’s the beef?

Man accused of stealing $100,000 in beef tenderloin. One would have to ask the question…why? For his repentance and penance he is now a spokesman for Alexandra Occasionally Cortez But Generally Wacko.

Why not just rob a bank?

Speaking of jobs. University of Toronto is offering a free, relaxed, non judgemental hand-job workshop.

I think I’ll sign myself up as a mature student.

And not to be outdone don’t miss the rise and fall of the “Sex Week Symposium” at prestigious Yale University – the pole standard of Ivey League sex education.

Meanwhile in Canada our feminist Prime Minister is having a very bad week, and it’s only Tuesday. Seems that many of his female cabinet ministers have had enough and have abandoned this ship of fools. Last I heard one was off to the University of Toronto and the other to Yale.

They’re hiring?

House of Glass or throw the first stone. Gotta love this one:

Two political action committees founded by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s top aide funneled over $1 million in political donations into two of his own private companies, according to a complaint filed with the Federal Election Commission on Monday. Noooooooo waaaaaay, ho-zay, say it ain’t so Alexandra Occasionally Cortez But Generally Wacko.

Love this too:

Don’t ya just love hypocrites?

I can’t take anymore.

I wonder what’s going on in Europe these days?

Oh well. It’s just the world I know:


Have a great Navy day.


Hold the Anchovies

See the source image                   Love it. Now this is something I would have done in my youth. I wonder if he has anchovies on that. No I didn’t lie Mr Trump. I asked for it.

See the source imageJust got a few minutes of international fame dude.  You’ll be forever known as the Pizza Guy!

And when you are finished with that pizza box….

After the “zipper” comes this new Canadian invention. How to remove snow from your roof. Only in Canada you say?….pity and shitty!

Who woulda thunk?:

Ottawa’s $2.1-billion light rail system, supposed to be finished by the end of this month, will not only miss its third completion deadline but is experiencing issues far more serious than city officials have led the public to believe, according to internal reports obtained by CBC.

The reports from the city’s rail operations show a litany of issues with the Confederation Line — the east-west system being built by the SNC Lavalin-led Rideau Transit Group — especially when it comes to the system’s ability to handle Ottawa winters.

“Vehicles are currently unreliable to the point that it has not been demonstrated that operations can be sustained during a winter weather event,” according to one report from last week.

And this in the second coldest, wintriest capital city in the world. Oh wait isn’t that SNC Lavalin the contractor?

“Je ne le comprend pas”  the SNC Lavalin head huncho was heard to remark. “It worked fine in Libya!”

No wonder Canada can no longer build or complete any major projects anymore. Next up for Lavalin is Montreal’s Jacques Cartier Bridge:

See the source image

“Where’d the span go? Has anyone seen the spanner?” Frere Jacques asked Joseph Cartier

“This job should be good for another 20 years. Mon Dieu, sacre bleu., has anyone seen my pizza?”

The world is going nuts:   

The Supreme Court of British Columbia, Canada ordered that a 14-year-old girl receive testosterone injections without parental consent. The court also declared that if either of her parents referred to her using female pronouns or addressed her by her birth name, they would be considered guilty of family violence.

The RCMP is preparing for the return of at least a dozen Canadian ISIS members detained in Syria amidst the collapse of the so-called Islamic State, a senior law enforcement official has told

The Liberal government is preparing the welcoming committee: “yes we will give them all really big hugs, plan the really, really big parade, serve real pizza with pork toppings and anchovies then give them each $10.5M – really! After all, they are all just misunderstood Canadians. It’s the Canadian way don’t ya know.

Canadian Veterans? Stand fast!

Al Stewart’s tribute to Admiral Jackie Fisher.

Off to get a meat lovers pizza. But hold the anchovies!

Have a great Navy day.



And this is what I hate about Canada…identity politics

Jody Wilson Raybould’s father, an indigenous Chief from the Vancouver area, had this to say about the scandal involving his daughter: “I am so proud of my daughter. She is standing up for” – as he points his finger directly at the camera to emphasize his point – “YOUR LAWs.”

Not his, or the indigenous peoples, yours and mine. That, to me, says it all. Now I have great respect for Ms Raybould’s stance against the powerful pillars of Trudeau’ hacks BUT I have no respect that the indigenous population, as represented by this Chief, does not recognize Canada’s Rule of Law. And that pisses me off. “Your laws, not mine,” as he noted.

Why do we keep giving billions and billions of dollars to a group that doesn’t recognize or respect the rule of law in Canada? It kind of makes me wonder if this whole scandal was orchestrated for political gain by certain self interest groups. That could be my cynicism coming through.

You know, a great deal of our current ills would go away if everyone was treated equally under the laws of our land. And that everyone, everyone is a Canadian first and foremost. Not pretend Canadians or hyphenated Canadians.

A spry, dynamic looking bunch here don’t you think?

The um,committee, ah, um, he talks about is um, ah all liberals and the um, ah, um, ethics commissioner is hand picked by the um, liberal government, so, um, Canadians, can ,um, be rest assured that, um, our, ah government continues to, ah, um, be transparent to, um, the will, um, and ah, needs of, um, all Canadians.

Transparency? You bet as we Canadians can see right though you Mr Prime Minister.

Trudeau kinda talks like this guy sings….

You ai…ai..ai..aint seen nothin yet. Oh be…be…be…baby, you ai…ai…aint seen n..n…n…nothin yet.

Love this political cartoon…out of Quebec:

Deemed racist. Quebec Cartoonist apologizes. I think it is pretty funny.

Hockey is now deemed racist. Good gawd in Canada everything is now racist.

Canadians are way too sensitive and have no sense of humour anymore.

Canada’s next:

Wonder what stance the Green Party would take?  Burn, baby, burn….

Queen for a day! Every second day…maybe?

This isn’t a joke. Meghan Markle is planning to raise her royal baby “gender neutral”. A girl one day, maybe a boy the next. Poor kid!

From a recent poll of millennials in Toronto – probably Canada’s most liberal, left leaning city. On the issues of the day. Responses like “he’s cute,” “nice hair” or “I think he’s a good guy” were pretty common. Trudeau’s biggest accomplishment, as far as some were concerned, was that he had legalized marijuana.

Trudeau will be re-elected for sure.

We are doomed. But hey, I’m retired. Millennials will have to sort things out. After all the children are our future and that is why I just invested in Smith and Weston (sic)!….we are doomed!

Stop the presses: Famous VJ Day celebratory photo that the millennials want to suppress because it oppresses:

See the source imageMillennials thought VJ Day was a sexually transmitted disease. What on earth are our children learning in school these days??

Democrats control the House. Their first act is to have a Climate Crisis committee. Who are their visiting experts? Why 2 politicians, a climate activist, a 16 year old and a clergyman. Real experts…not. Oh and the Dem’s new media darling – Alexandra Occasionally Cortez But Generally Whacko – will probably be their keyhole (sic) speaker. I’m getting sic (sic).

I’ll never watch the Olympics again

The IOC are going to allow transgender women (male to female) to compete with real women in the Olympics…without re-assignment surgery!

Gotta go. There is just too much craziness out there for one blogger to handle:

A beautiful woman with a beautiful voice…lip sync is a bit off:

Have a great Navy day.




California Screamin

Jupiter Drops and here I thought it was a pepperoni pizza with double cheese…from Panagopolis! Mmmmmmmm.

Trudeau denies Wilson-Raybould’s claim of interference in SNC-Lavalin case. “We did nothing wrong.  Me and my staff* have always stood up for the Canadian economy, Canadian Judiciary, Canadian Ethics, the Rule of Law, Canadian jobs and the Canadian way of life. The ethics commissioner will be looking into these allegations…so there!” And with that Trudeau took his mace and went homer.

See the source image Doh!

*Sorry, that should be “my staff and I Justin.

That may be true Justin but: stand fast Alberta, stand fast the Oil and Gas Sector, stand fast Ontario, stand fast veterans.

See the source imageUniforms coming…honest!

Oh and of course the Government Ethics commissioner is a hand picked liberal. How nice. Likewise the judiciary, academia, the press and culture in Canada. If you think the Family Compact of 1837 went away with the Durham Report, think again. It still exists! It is alive and well in Central Canada. Always has and always will.

Underlying issue is that Quebec based companies such as SNC Lavalin and Bombardier are, in the eyes of the Liberals:  “Two French to Fail.”

See the source imageJe me souviens!

And lost jobs at: GM Oshawa? No problem. Kinder Morgan? No problem. Northern Gateway? No problem. 100,000 jobs in the oil and gas sector lost? No problem….and on and on it goes.

A Liberal government equates to corruption and Quebec. Remember AdScam? Quebec construction industry? Macleans in one of their past articles claimed Quebec as the most corrupt province in Canada. Macleans got ridiculed for their article in the house of commons. Of course they did.

Canadians? Wake Up

So why oh why do Canadians continue to elect over and over again liberal governments and Prime Ministers from Quebec. Is it…self flagellation? Poutine perhaps?…who knows.

See the source image I’m voting Liberal peut-ine etre!

By the way, who did Trudeau appoint as Raybould’s successor in Justice and as Canada’s Attorney General?  Why, a Quebec MP of course – David Lametti.

It certainly did. Yeah but they were Canadian prostitutes. “So great Canadian b&^% jobs, Mr Speaker.” Talk about Liberal obfuscation.

Sign of our times: Mother shocked as her 4 year old walked home alone after being locked out of her pre-kindergarten class. She, the child, had dressed herself, went out to play but when she found the school door locked she decided her best course of action was to walk home. She did. Mother is clearly upset with the school, etc. Me? I would have been sooo proud!

From CTV News a while back on the upcoming winter of 2018/19:

“Before you book a one-way ticket to the southern hemisphere or prepare for a months-long hibernation in reaction to the Farmers’ Almanac’s bleak winter forecast this week, you might want to wait for Environment Canada to weigh in.

See the source imageRight over Canada!

Days after the Farmers’ Almanac released its winter forecast calling for “teeth-chattering cold,” Environment Canada’s senior climatologist has teased a more moderate outlook that is sure to be welcome news to many Canadians.

See the source imageLike at Niagara falls.

Senior Climatologist Dave Phillips said Environment Canada is expecting a “milder than normal” winter this year, thanks to El Nino. The routine climate pattern related to warm water in the Pacific Ocean is projected to be weak to moderate this year, Phillips said.”

See the source image“So, Welcome to Canada” he said.

After millions and millions of dollars spent we get a forecast about as accurate as a Canadian Nafta economist’s prediction that trumped everything. Environment Canada’s predictions are about as accurate as this guy’s:

See the source imageSee, even he/she is laughing.

And we only pay him carrots and some greens.


Have a great weekend. Read ya Monday. Stay warm.
